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 The PERMA model of well-being is a framework proposed by positive psychologist

Martin Seligman to describe the five essential elements that contribute to a flourishing
and fulfilling life.
 Each letter in "PERMA" represents one of these elements:
Positive Emotions (P):

 This involves experiencing positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, serenity, interest,
hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, and love. Cultivating positive emotions is seen as
a fundamental aspect of well-being.
Ways to build Positive Emotions

 Spend time with people you care about (Kok et al., 2013).
 Do hobbies and creative activities that you enjoy (Conner et al.,
 Listen to uplifting or inspirational music (Juslin & Sakka, 2019).
 Reflect on things you are grateful for and what is going well in
your life (Emmons & McCullough, 2003).
 Engagement

Flow includes the loss of self-consciousness and complete

absorption in an activity. In other words, it is living in the present
moment and focusing entirely on the task at hand.
Flow, or this concept of engagement, occurs when the perfect
combination of challenge and skill/strength is found
(Csikszentmihalyi & LeFevre, 1989).
 Relationships
in the PERMA model refers to feeling supported, loved, and valued by others.
Relationships are included in the model based on the idea that humans are inherently social
creatures (Seligman, 2012). There is evidence of this everywhere, but social connections
become particularly important as we age.

 The social environment has been found to play a critical role in preventing cognitive
decline, and strong social networks contribute to better physical health among older
adults (Siedlecki et al., 2014
 Another intrinsic human quality is the search for meaning and the need to have a sense
of value and worth.
 Seligman (2012) discussed meaning as belonging and/or serving something greater
than ourselves. Having a purpose in life helps individuals focus on what is important in
the face of significant challenges or adversity.
 Accomplishment in PERMA is also known as achievement, mastery, or competence.

 A sense of accomplishment is a result of working toward and reaching goals,

mastering an endeavor, and having self-motivation to finish what you set out to do.
 This contributes to well-being because individuals can look at their lives with a sense of
pride (Seligman, 2012).
Application of Perma Model

Reema, a 30-year-old professional, applies the PERMA model to enhance her

overall well-being:
 Positive Emotions: Sarah practices gratitude daily by keeping a gratitude
journal, where she writes down three things she's thankful for each day. This
simple practice helps her focus on the positive aspects of her life and cultivates
feelings of contentment and appreciation.
 Engagement (Flow): Sarah enjoys painting as a hobby and often loses track of
time when she's immersed in her artwork. She sets aside regular time for
painting sessions, allowing herself to fully engage in the creative process and
experience a sense of flow and enjoyment.
 Relationships (Positive Social Connections): Sarah prioritizes spending quality time
with her friends and family. She makes an effort to nurture these relationships by
scheduling regular get-togethers, having meaningful conversations, and offering support
when needed. These positive social connections provide her with a sense of belonging
and emotional support.
 Meaning (Meaningful Life): Sarah volunteers at a local animal shelter on
weekends, where she helps care for rescued animals and assists with adoption
events. She finds deep meaning and fulfillment in this work, knowing that she's
making a positive difference in the lives of animals in need.
 Accomplishment (Achievement): Sarah sets both short-term and long-term
goals for herself, both personally and professionally. She tracks her progress,
celebrates her achievements, and uses setbacks as opportunities for growth and
learning. By setting and achieving meaningful goals, Sarah feels a sense of
purpose and accomplishment in her life.

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