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• Author’s name (order of contribution)

• Paragraphs (short and with subheadings)
• Font size and style (readable)
• Images and illustration (appendices)
• Presentation (consider the slides)
• Research design (based on objectives and questions)
• References-(Hanging indent makes it readable follow
conventions/APA rules )
What chapter?
Arrange according to the level of analysis
• Selecting a Topic
• Selecting sources
• Introduction
• Objectives
• Literature review and synthesis
• Methodology
Literature gathered
what’s wrong?
• Quoting verbatim without citation
• Paraphrasing without proper credit
• inaccurate and incomplete citation
• Personal opinion without distinguishing from cited
Open ended vs close ended
• Open ended QL
• Close ended QN

• Give examples…
Chapter 3?
What is it?
• instruments
• how data will be analyzed, processed and
• Site of study
• People involved
• Interview, survey, observation

• Individual difference
• Feelings
• Experiences
• new insights
• Phenomena

• More…
• ETHNOGRAPHIC- culture, immersion in community
• PHENOMENOLOGICAL-lived experiences, coping, daily life
• DISCOURSE ANALYSIS- language (written texts, spoken
interactions, or visual communication)
• CASE STUDY-individual, group or institution
• GROUNDED THEORY- create a theory from the data and NOT
validate an existing theory

• Examples…
Social interactions
Which is the most appropriate design to use?

1. Quantitative
2. Strength: Equal chance of being selected
3. Examples: Stratified Random, Random Sampling, Systematic,

Describe each…
1. For Qualitative research
2. Weakness: Human Judgement error
3. Examples: Purposive, Quota, Snowball and Convenience

Give examples each…

Identify the sampling method and classify if
Probability or non-probability
• Randomly select 50 participants from a list of all eligible individuals in
the target population.
• Select every 10th patient from a hospital's admission records to
participate in a healthcare satisfaction survey.
• Divide the population of a city into income brackets (low, medium,
high) and then randomly select 25 participants from each bracket for
a study on healthcare utilization.
• Randomly select five puroks in a barangay and then survey all
households within those barangay to assess healthcare access and
Identify the sampling method and classify if
Probability or non-probability
• Approach individuals waiting in a clinic's waiting room and invite them
to participate in a survey on healthcare preferences.
• Ask participants who have completed a healthcare survey to refer
others they know who might be interested in participating in the
study, creating a chain of referrals
• Select 20 male participants and 20 female participants to ensure
equal representation of genders in the sample.
• Choose doctors and women aged between 30 to 40 years old as
participants for the study to gather insights from individuals with
specific characteristics relevant to the research question.
• Key findings from multiple studies to identify
the themes
• Recognizing recurring ideas or concepts
In a qualitative research study examining the experiences
of new immigrants adjusting to life in a foreign country,
which recurring theme emerges from the following

"Joining local cultural clubs and community organizations."

"Seeking language classes and language exchange
"Engaging in cultural immersion experiences such as
festivals and celebrations."
"Forming social support networks with other immigrants
from similar backgrounds.“
Which theme describes all the responses?
1. Challenges of language barriers and communication
2. Strategies for cultural adaptation and integration into
the new community
3. Effects of social support networks on immigrants'
mental health and well-being
4. Importance of access to resources and services for
new immigrants in the host country
• In a qualitative research study examining the experiences of
individuals pursuing a career change later in life, which
recurring theme emerges from the following responses?
• "Seeking career counseling and professional development
• "Exploring new passions and interests outside of previous career
• "Networking with industry professionals and attending job fairs."
• "Overcoming fears and doubts about starting a new career at an
older age."
• Strategies for navigating career transitions
and pursuing new professional
• In a qualitative research study examining the
experiences of employees transitioning to remote
work arrangements, which recurring theme emerges
from the following responses?
• "Setting up dedicated home offices or workspaces."
• "Establishing clear boundaries between work and
personal life."
• "Utilizing collaboration tools for virtual meetings and
• "Managing distractions and interruptions while working
from home."
Strategies for maintaining productivity and
work-life balance in remote work
• In a qualitative research study examining the experiences of
individuals practicing mindfulness meditation, which
recurring theme emerges from the following responses?
• "Focusing on the present moment and cultivating awareness of
thoughts and sensations."
• "Engaging in deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques."
• "Creating a regular meditation practice and incorporating
mindfulness into daily routines."
• "Attending mindfulness retreats and workshops to deepen
meditation practice."
• Effects of mindfulness meditation on stress
reduction and overall well-being
• In a qualitative research study examining children's
experiences with bedtime routines, which recurring
theme emerges from the following responses?
• "Reading bedtime stories with parents before going to
• "Brushing teeth and washing face as part of the bedtime
• "Listening to calming music or white noise to help fall
• "Having a consistent bedtime schedule and bedtime
• Importance of establishing consistent
bedtime routines for children's sleep
• In a qualitative research study examining teenagers'
experiences with managing schoolwork and extracurricular
activities, which recurring theme emerges from the
following responses?
• "Using planners and calendars to organize assignments and
• "Participating in study groups or tutoring sessions for academic
• "Balancing time between homework, sports practices, and other
• "Seeking guidance from teachers and parents on time
management strategies."
• Challenges of balancing academic and
extracurricular responsibilities for
In a qualitative research study examining people's
experiences with adopting a healthier lifestyle, which
recurring theme emerges from the following responses?
1."Substituting sugary drinks with water or herbal tea."
2."Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into daily
3."Taking regular walks or engaging in other forms of
physical activity."
4."Tracking food intake and exercise habits using mobile
apps or journals."
• Strategies for making dietary changes and
increasing physical activity levels for a
healthier lifestyle.
In a qualitative research study examining students'
experiences with online learning, which recurring theme
emerges from the following responses?
1."Utilizing online discussion forums for peer interaction and
2."Managing time effectively to complete assignments and
meet deadlines."
3."Adapting to different learning platforms and technology
tools for virtual classes."
4."Seeking support from teachers and classmates for
clarifications and assistance."
Challenges and adaptations associated
with transitioning to online learning
Green or red?
• Fabricate result
• animal harm
• Controversial
• Public trust
• Plagiarize
• Credible sources
• Obtaining consent
• Manipulating data
Use the following in a sentence:
• Fabricate result
• animal harm
• Controversial
• Public trust
• Plagiarize
• Credible sources
• Obtaining consent
• Manipulating data

• detailed insights through open ended dialogue
• ESTABLISH RAPPORT, share their experiences,
thoughts, and feelings in their own words
• Semi-structured interview- structure and flexibility

Customer Satisfaction Surveys: feedback from customers about their

products or services.

Market Research Surveys:consumers' preferences, behaviors, and

attitudes related to products or services in the market.

Political Opinion Surveys:opinions and preferences of voters on

political issues, candidates,
OBSERVATION-observe and record their actions
maintaining their natural behavior
• Mealtime Behavior of Elementary School Children in the Cafeteria
• Classroom Behavior of High School Students During Group Work Activities
• Social Interactions Among Elderly Residents in a Nursing Home
• Play Behavior of Toddlers in a Daycare Center's Indoor Play Area
• Shopping Behavior of Consumers in a Retail Store
• Exercise Habits of Gym-Goers at a Fitness Center
• Work Environment Observations in an Office Setting
• Parenting Styles and Interactions at a Playground
• Communication Patterns Among Team Members During a Business Meeting
APA 7th Edition

• Journal

• Give examples…

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