03 - Horizontal Curves

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Horizontal Curves

Design of Roads and Railways

A Centre-Line consists of three

geometrical elements
1. Intersection Angle created from
two straight lines
2. Transition curves: radius
changes continually
3. Circular curves
Circular Horizontal Curve

I = Intersection Angle (Deviation Angle)

T = Tangent Length

CD = Crown Distance

C = Crown Point

A = Arc Length

BCC = Beginning Circular Curve

ECC = End Circular Curve

LC = Long Chord

 Tangent length (T) = R x Tan (I/2)

 Arc Length (A) = IR x π/180

 Long Chord (LC) = 2 x R x Sin (I/2)

 Crown Distance (CD) = R x (Sec (I/2) -1)

 Deflection Angle # = Arc /2R x (180/π)

(x by 180/π to convert radians to degree)

 Chord Length = 2R x Sin #

(# is the deflection angle for an arc length)
Question 1
 Calculate and tabulate the complete setting out data to peg a right hand
curve by the method of chord distance and deflection angles. Pegs are to be
placed at continuous SKD of 20 m apart
PI Co-ordinate - Y=+ 1602.116 X =+ 306921.631
Radius of the curve = 300 m
SKD of PI 1 = 800 m

 The direction from BC (beginning of curve) to PI 1 (point of intersection) =

163.16333 and the deviation angle is 19.16944. All answers to be displayed
to three decimal places and show all checks. Marks have been allocated for
writing the formulae.
Calculate a simple circular curve.
 Tangent Length (T) = R Tan (I / 2)
= 300 x Tan (19.16944/ 2)
= 50.659 m

 Arc Length of Curve = IR x (π/180°)

= 19.16944 x 300 x (π/180°)
= 100.371 m

 SKD of BCC = PI SKD - Tangent length

= 800 - 50.659
= 749.341 m

 SKD of ECC = SKD BC + Arc Length

= 749.341 + 100.371
= 849.712 m

Check SKD ECC – SKD BCC = Arc Length

849.712 - 749.341 = 100.371
Calculations 2R*SIN#

1st Arc Length = 10.659 m x 1 = δ 1.01785 x 1 = 1.01785 10.658m

Interim Arc Length = 20.000 m x 4 = δ 1.90986 x 4 = 7.63944 19.996m
Last Arc Length = 9.712 m x 1 = δ 0.92743 x 1 = 0.92743 9.712m
Arc Length = 100.371m 9.58472 I/2

Deflection Deflection Traverse

Point SKD\Ch (m) Direction
Angle Chord(m) Chord (m)
BCC 749.341 00.00.00 163.09.48
163.16333 0.000 0.000
760 +1.01785
+01.01.04 164.18119
164.10.52 10.658 10.658
780 +01.54.36
+1.90986 166.05.28
166.09104 30.647 19.997
800 +01.54.36
+1.90986 168.00.04
168.00091 50.600 19.996
820 +01.54.36
+1.90986 169.91077
169.54.40 70.497 19.997
840 +01.54.36
+1.90986 171.49.16
171.82063 90.317 19.997
ECC 849.712 +0.92743
+00.55.39 172.74805
172.44.55 99.905 9.712
Calculating direction to establish co-ordinates
 Calculations of directions for coordinates of skds around the
circumference of the curve at 20 meter intervals:-
First Chord
Deflection Angle
 Method
Dir BCC to SKD 760 = Dir (BCC to PI) + i # 20m Chord
Dir SKD 760 to SKD 780 = Dir (BCC to PI) + 2 i # + 1 # Deflection
Dir SKD 780 to SKD 800 = Dir (BCC to PI) + 2 i # + 3 # Angle
Dir SKD 800 to SKD 820 = Dir (BCC to PI) + 2 i # + 5 #
Dir SKD 820 to SKD 840 = Dir (BCC to PI) + 2 i # + 7 #
Dir SKD 820 to ECC = Dir (BCC to PI) + 2 i # + 8 # + f #

Final Chord
Do you see the pattern i.e. the number multiplied to the 20 metre chord deflection angle? i.e. the Deflection
full 20 metre SKD? 1, 3, 5 etc. Nothing to the first and 1 to the last.
 Method
 Direction BCC to SKD 760 = Direction (163.16333) + (1 x 1.01785)
 Direction SKD 760 to SKD 780 = Direction (163.16333) + (2 x 1.01785) + (1 x 1.90986)
 Direction SKD 780 to SKD 800 = Direction (163.16333) + (2 x 1.01785) + (3 x 1.90986)
 Direction SKD 800 to SKD 820 = Direction (163.16333) + (2 x 1.01785) + (5 x 1.90986)
 Direction SKD 820 to SKD 840 = Direction (163.16333) + (2 x 1.01785) + (5 x 1.90986)
 Direction SKD 840 to ECC = Direction (163.16333) + (2 x 1.01785) + (6 x 1.90986) + (1 x 0.92743)
How to set out a circular curve using
deflection angles?
 The BCC (beginning is firstly set out using the oriented direction and
distance from a known control point.)

 An EDM/ theodolite is set up at the BCC and the instrument is oriented to

known points (2 points).

 The instrument is thereafter turned to the oriented direction of the first skd
point of curve and the survey assistant is directed onto line and the first sub
chord length is measured.

 The peg is driven into the ground. The peg is checked by the observer and
adjusted to the corrected position if required (every peg placed must be
checked in this manner).

 The instrument is turned to the direction of the next skd and the survey
assistant is directed onto line and the second chord length is measured from
the first skd.
How to set out a circular curve using
deflection angles?
 This process is repeated until the end of the curve is placed.

 The end of curve could also be placed from a control point and the direction
from the BC and the chord distance from the last skd could be checked.


 The disadvantage of this method of setting out a horizontal curve is that if

there are any obstruction in the line of sight, then this will delay the setting
up procedure and new set ups will be required.

 The BC is not always in a suitable position to setup, for example in a

roadway and not many skd points along the may be visible from the BC.
How to set out a circular curve using
deflection angles?
Tutorial Question
Calculate and tabulate the complete setting out data to peg a right hand curve by
the method of chord distance and deflection angles.

 Pegs are to be placed at continuous skd of 20 m apart.

• Radius of the curve = 155 m

• SKD of PI = 652.150 m

The direction from BC to PI = 275.54722 and the deviation angle is 32.20167

All distances to be displayed to three decimal places and show all checks. Marks
have been allocated for writing the formulae.
Setting out curves using coordinates
Based on Tutorial Calculations

 The circular curve may also be set out by calculating the

coordinate or the required point on the curve, staked kilometre
distance (skd).

 The pegs may thereafter be placed by setting up the theodolite

or EDM at any control point close to the curve. Pegs can be
placed by direction and distance.

 Each peg can thereafter be checked from another control point

to ensure that there is no error. Using the above example we
will calculate the coordinates for SKD 620 to SKD 680
1. Deflection Chords
2. Traverse
Setting out curves using coordinates
Left hand curve
 Calculate and tabulate the complete setting out data to peg a left hand curve
using the method of chord distance and deflection angles.

 Pegs are to be placed at continuous SKD s 20 m apart :

Radius of the curve = 150 m

SKD of PI = 782.176

 Two tangents intersect at a point PI1 and the direction from BC to PI =

120.32611 and PI to EC = 89.25306. All calculations must be done to three
decimal places and show all checks. Marks have been allocated for showing
formula/e used.

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