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Establishment of the Investigation Agency

Preparations for Indonesian Independence /

On March 1, 1945 the 16th Panglima of the Army
Lieutenant General Kumakichi announced the
establishment of a body of Investigators in
Preparation of Indonesian Independence or called
Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai, or in Indonesian in short
became BPUPKI. The purpose of BPUPKI was
studied and investigated the important matters
relating to the political, economic and governance
aspects needed at the time of the independence of
Indonesia Raya.
67 BPUPKI members were appointed by Japan and
announced on April 29, 1945. The Chairperson of BPUPKI
was Dr. Rajiman Wedyodiningrat, as a deputy chairman
was appointed by two people, namely R. Suroso and a
Japanese person named Ichibangase. The BPUPKI
inauguration ceremony was held on May 28, 1945 and
was attended by all members and two Japanese
dignitaries namely General Itagaki (Commander of the 7th
Regional Army based in Singapore and in charge of
soldiers serving in Indonesia) and Commander of the 16th
Army who Lieutenant General Nagano.
After BPUPKI Formed there were several
sessions that were carried out, were as follows:
• a. Session I (May 29 -1 June 1945)
• In this session discussed the formulation of
the basic philosophy of the independent
nation state of Indonesia. On May 29, 1945
Muh. Yamin proposed five principles and basis
of the Indonesian state. On June 1, 1945 Ir.
Sokarno made a speech about the five
principles known as the Pancasila.
• The birth of the Jakarta Charter:
• On June 22, 1945 nine members namely, Ir. Sukarno,
Drs. Moh. Hatta, Moh. Yamin, Ahmad Subarjo, A.A.
Maramis, Abdulkahar Muzakir, Wachid Hasyim, Agus
Salim and Abikusno Cokrosuyoso formed a small
committee which formulated the principles and
objectives of the independent Indonesian state. The
formulation was known as the Jakarta Charter,
which after a few changes when it was made the
Opening of the 1945 Constitution.
• b. Session II (10-17 July 1945)
• The second BPUPKI session is a small
committee meeting. The result was to discuss
the basic legal draft which later after
independence Indonesia was ratified into the
1945 Constitution.
2. Establishment of the Preparatory Committee
for Indonesian Independence / PPKI
On August 7, 1945 the BPUPKI was dissolved and
replaced with the PPKI or the Preparatory
Committee for Indonesian Independence or the
Japanese called Dokuritsu Inkai which the PPKI
was led by Ir.Sukarno and Moh. Hatta. The
formation of the PPKI was due to a shadow of
the defeat of Japan, because on August
6,Hiroshima Atomic Bomb was scammed, and
Hiroshima was totally paralyzed.
Three days later, on August 9, 1945. Japan was again
hit by the most violent atomic BOM which was
dropped in Nagasaki. In this situation, the Three
Indonesian Leaders are Ir. Sukarno, Moh. Hatta and
Dr. Rajiman Wedyodiningrat were called to Dalath,
South Vietnam by Marshal Terauchi. He conveyed to
decide of the Japanese government to give
independence to Indonesia. The Implementation of
preparation is Indonesian territory which covers the
entire Dutch East Indies.
Japan surrendered unconditionally to the Allies
on August 15, 1945, thus the Pacific War. At the
same time, the three leaders who went to
Dalath had returned to their homeland.

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