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Vision for Human

Subject Code:- KOE 076
Unit No:- 2

Partha Basu
Asst. Prof & PRO
NITRA Technical Campus
ROE 088/ Unit-I 1
Human-Human Relationship & its fulfilment
Recognition of feelings in relationship
Established Value and Expressed Value
Types of relationship
Meaning of justice in relationship
Justice leading to culture
Civilization and Human Conduct

ROE 088/ Unit-2 2

Understanding Human-Human Relationship & its Fulfilment
• Family:
• All living objects – especially human and
animals are surrounded by relations . The
bonding between close groups is some time
known as Family.
• A family is a set of people living together and
attached to each other with blood relations.
This begins with marriage and followed by
reproduction of generation

ROE 088/ Unit-2 3

Functions of A Family:
The family is a set of people and every one in the
family has a role to play. There are various
responsibilities or functions of a family:

1. Extension of Family (Marriage &

2. Children Care
3. Economy
4. Old Age Caring
5. Physical Protection
6. Cultural & ReligiousROE 088/ Unit-2 4
Harmony in Family Relations:
• Family fights can cause depression, anxiety,
sleeplessness, loss of appetite, sadness,
confusion and rage.
• We should know our responsibilities very
clearly without overlapping with other’s. This
nature will bring a sense of belongingness in the
• Parents are very important element of family.
Parents are the real role models for the kids.
They look at them with great hope. Their well
being depends largely on parents conduct.
ROE 088/ Unit-2 5
• Children need strong emotional and monetary
support. Healthy family environment is essential
requirement for a well knit family.
• Old generation are the real assets of the family.
Remember that they carry a very rich experience
with them. Learn to respect each member of the
• Take out some time to spend with every family
member. This will make bond strong.
• Every individual carry its own personality. Adjust
as per individual. Give every person space.
ROE 088/ Unit-2 6
•Every idea should be acceptable to majority of
family members. Try to convince not impose.
• Remember, you have to live with family. So
avoid disconnect and find out solutions. Even
if you will not be able to convince at least you
can save your family.
• Family harmony is the basic foundation on
which the entire edifice of social harmony
is built.

ROE 088/ Unit-2 7

Human-Human Relationship:

• A relation between people i.e. the relationship

between mothers and their children, husbands
and wives, neighebours and friends etc.
• A personal relation between persons.
• A partnership/cooperative relationship between
people or groups who agree to share
responsibility for achieving some specific goal.
Eg: learning is a partnership between the school,
its teacher and the students.
ROE 088/ Unit-I 8
Recognition of feelings in Relationship:
• Emotions play a crucial role in our life.
• When you share something personal and your
partner is supportive , it builds trust.
• Respect is one of the most important values in
a healthy relationship but you simply cannot
expect anyone to respect you or your point of
view, if you would not do the same to them.
• Feelings change for many reasons and is a
natural progression of any relationship.

ROE 088/ Unit-2 9

There are eight essentials that make up the
basics of healthy relationships:
1. Love
2. Serving Heart
3. Honest Communication
4. Friendliness
5. Patience
6. Loyalty
7. A Common Purpose
8. Fun
ROE 088/ Unit-2 10
Established Values:
• Established Values are relative values that protect life
and are respectful of the dual life value of self and
others .
• The great established values , such as truth ,
freedom , charity etc. when functioning correctly ,
they are life protecting or life enhancing for all.
Expressed Values:
• Values , in essence , are your standards for behaviour.
• Expressed Values are what we say we value ; they are
the statements and outward expressions of our
ROE 088/ Unit-2 11
Interrelatedness of feelings and their fulfillment:
• Fulfilment is a happy , contented feeling.
• Many feel fulfillment from being a parent, having a great
job, or graduating from school.
• People often feel fulfillment when something is
completed , whether it is a goal or a dream or repair work
that you have been waiting on.
• Sense of fulfilment is an outcome of a nurtured soul.
• An experience of a nurtured soul , a sense of well-being
arises from within.
• Other people, material things and events do not hold an
inherent ingredient that may cause our happiness , though
they might catalyze it. ROE 088/ Unit-2 12
Expression of Feelings:
• There are nine feelings(values) in human relationships.
1. Trust ( Vishwas ) Foundation Value
2. Respect ( Samman )
3. Affection ( Sneha )
4. Care ( Mamta )
5. Guidance ( Vatsalya )
6. Reverence ( Shraddha )
7. Glory ( Gaurav )
8. Gratitude ( Kritagyata )
9. Love ( Prem ) Complete Value
ROE 088/ Unit-2 13
• Living with these feelings(values) is our innate

• Problems arise in relationships as we are unable to

ensure the continuity of these feelings.

• All the feelings are already within you-

understanding only makes you aware and once you
are aware of it there is continuity of these feelings
and you are able to fulfill them.
ROE 088/ Unit-2 14
Types of relationship and their purpose:
There are three types of relationship:
Traditional Relationships
• This is the most familiar dynamic found in
traditional marriages and relationships. The
focus is on shared interests and values rather
than personal growth.
• Here, neither person has done the necessary
psychological/spiritual work to bond together.
• So, here the couple connects at the personality
rather than the emotional and spiritual levels.
ROE 088/ Unit-2 15
• When two people relate from the personality or
“I” level , the individual’s focus remains on him
or herself rather than on the other.
• Each person is primarily focused on getting his
or her own needs met which prevents the “we”
of the relationship from forming.
• As a result , these relationships often become
stagnant and power struggles occur
frequently .
• To remain together , partners in traditional
relationships avoid looking at key issues ,
pretending they don’t exist.
ROE 088/ Unit-2 16
Conscious Relationships:
• When soulmates come together , they join in a
conscious relationship.
• Soulmates are those who relate from the soul
• Though many seek a soulmate , the
requirement for this kind of relationship is that
both people must have done some
psychological and spiritual work prior to
meeting in order to relate soul to soul.

ROE 088/ Unit-2 17

Transcendent Relationships:
• Not everyone wants to do the work to reach
this third.
• Transcendent partners love one another
• They are “guardians of each other’s souls”.
• Because transcendent partners have mastered
the art of taking personal responsibility, they
generate their identity, happiness and
emotional stability from within and there is no
fear of losing themselves in the relationship.
ROE 088/ Unit-2 18
Justice leading to Culture:
• “Justice” is the guiding questions of entitlements.
• Justice is conventionally conceived as distributive,
retributive, and restorative (or corrective).
• “Culture” has specialist uses in anthropology,
archaeology, cultural studies, literary studies).
• Its most common meaning is the totality of associated
material artefacts, symbols, stories, traditions, and other
bodies of knowledge, belief systems, and values
distinctive to a people, developed and transmitted from
one generation to the next.
ROE 088/ Unit-2 19
Cultural Justice:
• May refer to culturally specific concept of what is just.
• Justice as Cultural:
• In basic sense, all conceptions of justice are cultural. It is the source
of values, beliefs, traditions, and other bodies of knowledge from
which we decide as to what’s just.
• Members of a culture may deviate from their traditions and
formulate alternative visions of justice, but they still draw on their
culture’s intellectual resources to do so.
• There is no straightforward way of resolving questions of deciding
‘just’ relations between different cultures.
• Justice should be based on at least four possible criteria, namely,
equality, merit, need, or desert.
ROE 088/ Unit-2 20
Meaning of Justice in Relationship:
• Justice = Recognition, Fulfillment &
Evaluation of Human-Human Relationship,
leading to Mutual Happiness
• Justice in relationship is understanding
relationship, acceptance of relationship,
having the right feelings, expressing these
feelings, right evaluation of these feelings
leading to mutual happiness
• Justice > >From Family to World Family>>
Undivided Society
ROE 088/ Unit-2 21
• The definition of civilization refers to a society or
group of people or the process of achieving a
higher state of social development.
• An example of civilization is an industrial society
that has arts, sciences, and machines such as cars.
• An advanced state of human society, in which a
high level of culture, science, industry, and
government has been reached.
• A civilization is a society in an advanced state of
social development (e.g., with complex legal and
political and religious organizations).
ROE 088/ Unit-2 22
Civilized & Ethical Human Conduct:

• Values: Desirable or useful qualities in a person.

• Morals : Knowing what is right and what is wrong after

reading/observing/experiencing something.

• Moral Values: The relative values that give us protection

and respect if used correctly.
Eg: Courage, Commitment etc.

• Ethics = Moral values in action.

(knowing the difference between right/wrong usage of
morals and doing the right thing even if it is risky or painful)
ROE 088/ Unit-2 23
Civilized & Ethical Human Conduct:
•Ethical Human Conduct: Behaviour which is
ethically correct. It is self-satisfying, people-
friendly, eco-friendly and universal.
•Ethical Values: Keeping promise, honesty,
loyalty, fairness, concern for others, commitment,
abiding by law.
•Good Professional: A person having Ethical
Human Conduct + requisite Professional Skills.
•Professional Ethics: The personal, official or
business rules that govern our behaviour within the
context of a particular situation. Eg. Ethics in
lawyers, doctors etc. ROE 088/ Unit-2 24

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