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Dr. Uyen Nguyen


 Data is raw facts or basic descriptions of things,

events, activities, and transactions
 A database is an organised collection of related
Database Systems: Then
Database Systems: Today

From on-line tou

Other databases you may use
“Search” vs. Query
 What if you would
like to know about
Quick Review (cont.)

 Modern databases are called relational databases

 They contain tables which have relationships
between them
 Each table in a relational database stores data
about one particular entity or subject
 Tables are organised in:
 Rows which represent the records in a database
 Columns which represent the fields in a database
 First Row usually contains the field names
Quick Review (cont.)
Quick Review (cont.)

 A Primary Key is a field (or column) in a table

which identifies each row in a table uniquely
 Relationships between tables are created by
taking the Primary Key from one table and
putting a copy of it in another table
 The copy of the Primary Key in the other table is
called a Foreign Key

 The most common computer language used to

create and use databases is SQL
 SQL stands for Structured Query Language
 SQL contains commands which form
 A data definition language
 A data manipulation language
 A data control language

 Nowadays, most databases are made and used

with a Database Management System (DBMS)
 A DBMS makes it easier to work with a database
by providing a user interface and other tools
DBMS (cont.)

 A DBMS contains SQL

 It also has features which
 allow several people to use the database at the same
 help to protect the data if the computer or database
 help the database to perform quickly and efficiently
 make the database secure
DBMS (cont.)

 Some common DBMS are

 Microsoft Access
 Microsoft SQL Server
 Oracle
 Sybase
 Informix
Current Commercial Outlook
 A major part of the software industry:
 Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, Sybase
 also Informix (now IBM), Teradata
 smaller players: java-based dbms, devices, OO, …
 Lots of related industries
 data warehouse, document management, storage, backup, reporting,
business intelligence, app integration
 Open Source coming on strong
 MySQL, PostgreSQL, BerkeleyDB
What You Will Learn

 Defining Tables, Queries, Reports and Forms

 Developing Tables
 From Table Templates
 Manually
 From External Data
 In the Design View

 Database: Tables, forms, queries, reports in one file.

 Record: A set of Data about a person or thing.
 Field: A category of information that pertains to all
records (in a column format).
 Value: A single piece of data.

Source- New Horizons source booklet ; Access Level 1, Course Edition11


 Table: A group of records and fields stored as rows and

 Query: A question the searches a database for
 Form: A document used to input table data, arranged in
an order specified by the user.
 Report: Graphic interface used to display the output of
a table or query.
 Primary Key: The Primary Key is a combination of
fields that contain values that uniquely define records.

Source- New Horizons source booklet ; Access Level 1, Course Edition11

Today Exercise 1


AssetID (PK) Autonumber Primary Key
Supplier Number Number (Long Integer) from 100 to 1000
Item (look up) Short text Computer, laptop, tablet (use Combo Box
and Value List)
Description Short Text 10 characters, the first character must be
Condition (look up) Short Text New, used
AcquiredDate Date/Time (short date 12/1/1980) Date must be after 2020 (error if date
before 1980, “date must be after
PurchasePrice Currency Currency format
Location (lookup) Short Text First floor, Second floor, Loading dock
RetiredDate Date/Time (medium date 1-Dec-80) Date must be after 1980
Quick Start (Address)

ADDRESS DATA TYPE Required condition

ID (PK) Autonumber Primary Key
Name (add) Short Text Only 10 character, First charter must be
capital letter
Address Short text 255 characters
City (look up) Short Text Ha Noi, Hue, Da nang, Nha Trang, Saigon,
Can Tho
StateProvince (look up) Short Text Ha Noi, Can Tho, Da nang, HCM, Hue
Zipcode Number 5000-10000
Country Region (look up) Short Text Vietnam, Lao, Cambodia
Telephone Short Text Must be US phone number format
Exercise 2

MemC Se
ode Title FName LName Add1 Add2 Add3 PostCode MemNumber DoB x
Joggins Rugby
10001 Mr Chad 45 Cottage Hill Princethorpe CV238PX 01926098754 23/02/1980 M
Noggins Rugby
10002 Mr Brad The Inn Princethorpe CV239PX 01926678324 12/01/1987 M
Boggins Long Lawford Rugby
10003 Ms Jad 37Green Lane CV237TH 01788345672 01/05/1972 F
Stoggins 102 Red Street Coventry
10004 Mr Kad Binley CV46JM 02476432673 04/04/1969 M
Mis Yoggins 99 Yellow Road Rugby
10005 s Taz Princethorpe CV232RC 01926234678 18/01/1982 F
10006 Mr Rad Pink Pub Heathcote Hanoi CV314SX 01926437564 13/11/1985 M
Doggins Coventry
10007 Mrs Nat Old Post Office Whitley CV32UP 02476879032 24/07/1968 F
Toggins Rugby
10008 Mr Cad The Old School Brownsover CV236GZ 01788234567 21/08/1979 M
Poggins Coventry
10009 Mr Ad 54 Blue Lane Coventry CV26YK 02476546738 02/08/1988 M
White Cottage Rugby
10010 Mrs Caz Coggins Easthorpe CV237PD 01926567839 30/03/1989 F

 Primary Key MemID: auto-generated, unique

 Member Code: 1000-9999, must enter (cannot be blank)
 Title: only Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms (4 characters maximum)
 Fname (first letter must capitalized, maximum 15 characters)
 Lname (first letter must capitalized, maximum 15 characters)
 Add1: 25 characters
 Add2: 25 characters
 Add3: only (Rugby, Coventy, Lemington, Saigon,Hanoi)
 PostCode: 8 characters (all capitalized and cannot be blank )
 MemNumber: 11 number only
 DoB: only 16 years old and over can be entered in Date of Birth
(validation should indicate “Member must be at least 16 years old”
 Sex: Only M or F

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