Lesson 2 - The Database Development Process

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The Database

Information Management
CCC 151
Information Resource Management
🞇The concept that information is a vital corporate
resource and should be treated as an asset.
🞇The same basic principles used to manage other assets
should be used to manage information systems.
🞇The scope of information systems today is the whole
Information Systems Architecture
🞇A conceptual plan containing the desired information
systems structure of an organization
🞇John Zachman (1987) developed a framework for
developing an ISA.
▪ Zachman is an American business and IT consultant.
🞇ISA is essential in order to avoid chaos due to the
increased scope and complexity of information systems.
Zachman ISA Framework
🞇Three (3) major components
Zachman ISA Framework
🞇 The “what” in an information system
🞇 Data entities & their relationships
🞇 The “how” in an information system
🞇 Procedures that convert inputs to outputs
🞇 The “where” in an information system
🞇 Locations where data are stored and processing is
View of Data
🞇Three levels of abstraction at user external
user user
which a database could be
level ...
view1 view2 viewn
⮚ External or conceptual level
⮚ Logical level
logical level
⮚ Internal or physical level

Data abstraction is the reduction of a

particular body of data to a simplified physical
representation of the whole. level
View of Data
🞇External/Conceptual level
🞇 Highest level of abstraction
🞇 Consists of user views of the database
🞇Logical level
🞇 Describes what data are stored in the database and the
relationships between the data
🞇Internal/physical level
🞇 Provides the physical view of the database (complex data
Database Development
Database Development Life Cycle (DDLC)
🞇 A methodology for designing, implementing and maintaining
database systems
Six stages:
- Preliminary planning - Design
- Feasibility study - Implementation
- Requirements analysis - Maintenance
Preliminary Planning
🞇Planning for a specific database system
🞇Takes place during the strategic database planning
🞇Gather information that can be used to establish
relationships between current applications
Feasibility Study
🞇Determines technological, operational, schedule, and
economic feasibility of the project
🞇Determine costs and benefits (both tangible and intangible)
Requirements Analysis
🞇Identifies information requirements, defines the scope of
the database, establishes hardware and software
🞇Develop detailed specifications for the information
systems required to support the organization.
🞇Transforms the information models to that which
conforms to the target technology for IS
🞇Logical database design
🞇Physical database design
🞇Logical design is about what data the database will
store and how it is related, while the physical
design is about how this data will be stored and
accessed in the actual computing environment.
🞇Development and installation of the database
🞇Correct system errors
🞇Enhance the system to fit changing requirements
🞇Back-up and recovery

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