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VSU as the Center of Excellence in Education and Research in Agriculture and Allied Fields in the Visayas.

Attainment of the highest quality of human capital and scientific knowledge for the sustained growth and development of agriculture, fisheries, forestry and agro-industries .

Produce highly competent manpower in agriculture and allied fields to serve development needs of the region.


Generate agricultural production and processing technologies dissemination strategies applicable for small farms. Advocate effective policy formation and management of rural development programs.




Improve the productivity, profitability, equity and well being of the Visayan farmers and their household members through ecologically sound natural resources management. Promote effectiveness, efficiency and productivity in the operation of the university system.

As the only State College in Western Leyte, Eastern Visayas Region, we are recognized for providing stellar education for our students and cutting edge research to improve nursing practice.

To shape the future of Nursing practice through quality education, research and service.

To develop nurses who are dedicated to excellence and leadership through innovative nursing programs and leverage strategic partnerships to generate, translate, disseminate and apply knowledge that will improve health within the region and beyond.

The College of Nursing aims to produce a professional nurse who:

Has acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes in assessing individual, family and community towards the promotion and maintenance of health, the prevention of illness, the restoration of health and the alleviation of sufferings;




Has imbibed a sensitive awareness to the ethico-legal and moral-spiritual dimensions and responsibilities of the nursing profession; Participates in community activities through its extension services with the utilization of collaborative network of resources geared towards the improvement of the quality of life; Engages in research activities and utilizes findings for the improvement of the quality of life;



Assumes leadership roles through the application of managerial functions and activities; and Is self-driven who assumes responsibility for personal and professional developments geared towards becoming locally and globally competitive, inspired by the VSU-CN values.

We at VSU-CN, strive to develop and integrate these values: VERITY
(in thoughts, words and actions)

(to God, man and country)

(morally and ethically)


(to God through man)

(of health and environment)

Students are more disciplined and courteous due to

fine faculty members and training; and Study habits are now being observed, not religiously done before, because of hard examinations given. Examinations administered focuses on critical thinking and patterned on board examination type questions.

Administration : Lack of Dean (addressed last Oct.

29, 2009 restructuring of the current organization; BOR with resolution no. 73 s. 2009 making the Department as a College); Faculty with designated Academic Rank (only 3 CIs are qualified with MN, MAN degree needs to hire 3 CIs more with MN, MAN degree); Curriculum (has to implement BSN CMO no. 30 s. 2001 for 3rd year students and BSN CMO no. 14 s. 2009 for 2nd year and 1st year students);

Instructional Standards Has to develop course syllabi for CMO 30 and CMO 14 indicating references and other resource units available in the library; Design and develop faculty manual for the school of nursing incorporating the faculty evaluation system; Develop a 5 year Faculty Development Program indicating the plans, programs and activities for faculty members including budget requirements, timeframe, identified person to undertake the programs; Provide a written feed-backing system on the results of student and faculty evaluation.

Library Holdings Purchase 489 titles of professional nursing books and submit list of newly purchased books with corresponding photocopy of the purchase receipt; Subscribe to all the required foreign journals and local journals indicated in the CMO and submit photocopy of the corresponding subscription receipts. Laboratory Facilities Physics and Chemistry laboratory rooms needs repainting and face-lift to be conducive for learning.

Nursing Arts Laboratory Nursing Arts laboratory should be set-up in conformance with the minimum simulated hospital setting; Amphitheatre classroom should be part of the NAL; Scrub sink must be installed in the OR/DR complex; ER should be provided with e-cart complete with medicines, supplies and equipment; OR must be installed with OR lights, OR table with minor and major packs.

Related Learning Experience Valid MOA with Western Leyte Provincial Hospital until March 2010 (but cant be used as the Base Hospital because WLPH is a secondary hospital and not a tertiary hospital which is necessary for a base hospital); Has valid COA with the following affiliating institutions:
1. 2. 3.

ODH (medical/surgical/OB ward) until May 2010 Dumaguete Provincial Heath Office until September 2011 Maasin City Provincial Health Office

There is a need to submit a revised students handbook

specific for school of nursing integrating the separate document for admission, retention and promotion policies.

Implement the 5 year Faculty Development Plan;
Hire competent CIs with just and competitive

salaries, stable jobs as regular full time employees; Invest in the Laboratories (NAL & Liberal Arts Science Lab) to properly train the students and equip them with the necessary KSA in their RLE in the hospital and community setting; and Library Holdings should be updated and maintain with new books in medicine and nursing to serve as reference, study and research materials.

Rapid Faculty turn-over (low salary and unstable job

items); and Lack of support from administration due scarcity of funds (financial support in terms in financing further studies which is necessary in the academe and purchase of equipments for a modern and functional laboratory).

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