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Do I know my current Industry 4.0 maturity?

Do I know which I4.0 dimensions are ​

relevant and where I should focus on?

Wouldn‘t it be great to compare my I4.0 maturity with my peers in the market

based on a standardised set of I4.0 dimensions?​

Are the transformation targets aligned amongst my management team?

Could it make sense to challenge my Industry 4.0 transformation roadmap?​

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SIRI: Smart Industry Readiness Index
Objective: To help companies start, scale and sustain their
transformation initiatives.

What is Industry 4.0 and what are the

tangible benefits that it can yield for my
What is the Industry 4.0 maturity
level of my organisation and
Key considerations in the
manufacturing facility? development of the Index:
Comprehensive to cover the key
How can my company improve in A
elements of Industry 4.0
a targeted and step-wise fashion? C
B Balance between technical rigour and
practical usability

Relevant to all companies, regardless

C of industry, size, profile, and Industry
4.0 maturity
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Developing the Index

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Development Process of the Index

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Validated with global and local thought leaders from industry and
Consulting Companies
Singapore Standards and
Research Institutes
Technology Providers

German Industrie 4.0 Associations Manufacturers

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The Index Framework

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The Index: 3 Building Blocks - Pillars
A cornerstone of every major industrial
Using technology to digitise a poorly- revolution and remains a critical pillar for
designed process will only result in a Industry 4.0.
Process Technology
poorly-designed digital process.
Conversely, applying technology to a
3 Building Advanced automation and digital technologies
well-developed process will compound Blocks are necessary to drive the convergence of cyber-
the amount of improvement. physical systems.

Under Industry 4.0, the concept of

process improvements has expanded
beyond efficiency enhancement of
individual processes, to include
integration of multiple processes.
Organisation Need to adapt organisational structures and processes to
allow the workforce to keep pace.

2 critical elements:
Organisation (i) The people who make up the organisation, and
(ii) The institutional systems that govern how the
company functions

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Comprehensive approach to address complex Industry 4.0

Operations Connectivity
The planning and execution of processes The state of interconnectedness
which lead to the production of goods between equipment, machines, and
and services computer-based systems to enable
communication and data exchange
across assets

Supply Chain
The planning and management of raw
materials and inventory of a company’s
goods and services, from the point of The processing and analysis of data
origin to the point of consumption collected, to diagnose problems and
identify opportunities for improvement

Product Lifecycle Talent Readiness

The sequence of stages that a product The ability of the workforce to drive
goes through, from its initial and deliver Industry 4.0 initiatives
conceptualisation to its eventual
removal from the market

Structure & Management

Automation Strong leadership, supported by a clear
strategy and governance framework, will
The application of technology to
enable firms to be more flexible,
monitor, control, and execute the
collaborative, and empowered to design and
production and delivery of products
implement Industry 4.0 strategies effectively
and services

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SIRI: 16 dimensions

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3 dimensions under Process – building blocks

Operations Supply Chain Product Lifecycle

1 Vertical Integration 2 Horizontal Integration 3 Integrated Product Lifecycle

Integration of processes and Integration of enterprise processes Integration of people, processes and
systems across all hierarchical across the organisation and with systems along the entire product lifecycle.
levels of the automation pyramid other stakeholders along the value This dimension also examines how data is
within a facility chain collected, managed, and analysed across the
different stages

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9 dimensions under Technology – building blocks

Automation Connectivity Intelligence

4 7 10
Shop floor
Where the production and management of goods is carried out

5 8 11
Where the administrative work is carried out

6 9 Facility 12
Physical building and/or premises wherethe production area is located
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4 dimensions under Organisation – building blocks

Structure & Management Talent Readiness

13 Workforce Learning & Development 15 Inter- and Intra-Company Collaboration

Strategy to develop the workforce’s capabilities, skills and competencies Process of working together, both internally and with external partners,
to achieve organisational excellence to achieve a shared vision and purpose

Leadership Competency 16
Strategy & Governance

Readiness of the management to leverage the latest concepts and Design and execution of a plan of action – which includes identifying
technologies for the company’s continued relevance and priorities, formulating a roadmap, and developing a system of rules,
competitiveness practices and processes – to achieve a set of long-term goals 13
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Learn key concepts and build a common language for alignment

01 The Index will provide a base foundation to build knowledge:

An understanding of the An overview of the tangible

key principles, concepts, benefits and business value
and technologies under that Industry 4.0 can yield
Industry 4.0

A guide to illustrate how companies

can achieve their ideal end-states in a
practical, step-wise fashion

02 The Index will establish a common language amongst different stakeholders

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Prioritisation Matrix

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The Prioritisation Matrix (PM)

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Relating assessment to finance and strategic KPIs
…background calculation will be impacted by the KPIs

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The SIRI Maturity Workshop

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Assessment timeline (for one factory)

Day 0 Day 1 (0.5 Day) Day 2 (0.5 Day) ~Day 5

Briefing call Report


Workshop 1 Workshop 2
(Readiness (Gap Analysis)

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Persons Involved

• EVP / Segment CEO Optimal number of participants: 5-15 persons

• General Manager
• Director / Manufacturing
• Head of Production
• Head of Sourcing/ Purchasing
• Head of Quality
• Supply Chain Manager
• Logistic/ Warehouse Manager
• Operations Manager
• Process Manager
• Engineering Manager
• Automation Engineer
• Enterprise/ Shopfloor IT Manager
• Facility Manager
• HR Manager
• Manager, Global Marketing/ Product Marketing
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Global adoption – a de facto standard

United Germany consulted
China Japan
(Industry 4.0
Vietnam Assessors and
India Consultants)
INCIT Headquarters Thailand Singapore
Engagement Indonesia Malaysia Industries
Logistics, Utilities,
Service Providers)

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Customer’s Voice

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Case Study

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SIRI assessment results across 16 dimensions

Vertical Integration
Strategy & Governance Horizontal Integration
Inter- and Intra- Company Collaboration Integrated Product Lifecycle

Leadership Competency Shop Floor Automation

Workforce Learning and Development 0 Shop Floor Connectivity

Facility Intelligence Shop Floor Intelligence

Facility Connectivity Enterprise Automation

Facility Automation Enterprise Connectivity

Enterprise Intelligence

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Gap analysis and focus areas

Key Focus Areas:

Horizontal Integration
Shop Floor Intelligence
Enterprise Intelligence
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Gap analysis and focus areas
Key Focus Areas Area of Improvement

Horizontal Integration Focus on integrating end-to-end data thread for real-time visibility on supplier and logistics

Shop Floor Intelligence Equip systems with predictive capability to diagnose problems from past data and notify
operators about predicted potential deviations
Enterprise Intelligence Integrated platform with data analytics to leverage the data insights to accelerate
operational and business excellence

Enterprise system to autonomously execute decisions to optimise performance and adapt to


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Key report findings of whitepaper

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Key report findings

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Industry Performance Cards

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SUMMARY: SIRI’s core value proposition is to help manufacturers start, scale and sustain
their digital transformation journey

Core features
Holistic view Quick and Easy Neutral toolkit
Provides digital maturity Quick, easy to assess, without the Third-party neutral certified
assessment across need to assessment of manufacturing plant
process, technology provide sensitive data based on anonymous data
and organisation

How SIRI helps companies

Increase awareness Creates alignment and energises Compare I4.0 maturity within
and set aspiration organisation. company sites and/or industry
Allows transparency of current average
Technology awareness position
and benefit, while creating
alignment and energising
Prioritise efforts Track progress
Access to knowledge network Create transformation roadmap and Able to run in recurring way to
select pilot projects based on track transformation progress
Opportunity to link up to wide prioritised SIRI dimensions as per
network of technology providers, company’s objectives
and learn about I4.0 knowledge
and trends

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Compare maturity
The End

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