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Sheet Metal Example: Mulde

Using Standard Features

 Create an associative model of the “Mulde”.
– Use the given dimensions as a reference.
– Set the parameters according to your situation.
– You do not have to set the dimensions exactly
as given in this example.

 Create base as a Block.

 Alternatively, create base
using Sketch geometry and
Extruded Body.
 The size of the block
represents the inner size
without frame.
 Create center planes.
Rectangular Pad

 Create Pad with taper angle.

 Use center datum planes for
Offset Plane

 Create offset planes for later

positioning of holes.
 Create an offset plane with
offset 0 to the lower base
plate face (hidden in this
– It will be used for
positioning of additional
Simple Hole

 Create hole zones as Simple

Holes, using datums planes
for positioning.
– It is recommended mot to
use Couterbore Holes, in
order to be more flexible.
Simple Hole

 Add second Simple Hole to

hole zones.

 Add taper to holes using the

Taper feature.
 Add blends.

 Open face and define wall

thickness using Hollow

 Define the frame geometry

as sketch.
 Use datums for positioning.
Extruded Body

 Create Extruded Body using

sketch and edge faces.
 Create this body separately,
because it has to be
hollowed before uniting.

 Add blends to the second

Hollow und Unite

 Hollow second body with the

same wall thickness.
 Unite both bodies.

 Add blends.

 See cross section details below.

Flat Pattern

 Create Flat Pattern.

 Select start face.
 Specify Layout Options to
define flat pattern areas.
Flat Pattern “Projection Faces“

 Select blends of hole zones

as Projection Faces.
– These will be displayed
with a different line font in
the flat pattern.
Flat Pattern “Area Preserving Faces“

 Select Area Preserving

– These areas will be
 The corner blend zones may
not be selected, because
they cannot be flattened.
Flat Pattern – Result

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