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Chapter 4

Data communication
 Data communication is the exchange of data between two devices via some form of
transmission medium.
 Data communication is the process of transferring messages from one point to
 In this case the sender and the receiver are machines and the medium can be a
network cable.
 The effectiveness of a data communication system depends on three fundamental
 Delivery. The system must deliver data to the correct destination. Data must be
received by intended device or user and only by that device or user.
 Accuracy. The system must deliver data accurately. Data that have been altered in
transmission and left uncorrected are unusable.
 Timeliness. The system must deliver data in a timely manner. Data delivered late are
useless. In the case of video, audio and voce data, timely delivery means delivering
data as they are produced, in the same order that they are produced, and without
significant delay. This kind of delivery is called real-time transmission.
 A data communication system is made up of five components.
1.Message. The message is the information (data) to be communicated. It can consist
of text, numbers, pictures, sound, or video- or any combination of these.
2.Sender. The Sender is the device that sends the data message. It can be a computer,
workstation, telephone handset, video camera and so on.
3.Receiver. The Receiver is the device that receives the data message. It can be a
computer, workstation, telephone handset, video camera and so on.
4.Medium. The transmission Medium is the physical path by which a message
travels form sender to receiver. It can consist of twisted pair wire, coaxial cable,
fiber-optical cable, laser, or radio waves (terrestrial or satellite microware).
5.Protocol. A Protocol is a set of rules that govern data communication. It represents
an agreement between the communication devices.
N.B Without a protocol, two devices may be connected but not communicating,
just as a person speaking Amharic (or French) cannot be understood by a person who
speaks only Japanese (or Urdu).
 The key elements of a protocol are syntax, semantics, and timing.

 Syntax: syntax refers to the structure or format of the data, meaning the order in

which they are presented.

 For example, a simple protocol might expect the first eight bits of data to be the

address of the sender, the second eight bits to be of the receiver, and the rest of the
stream to be the message itself.
 Semantics: semantics refers to the meaning of each section of bits.

 Timing: Timing refers to two characteristics: when data should be sent and how fast

they can be sent.

 Marketing and sales
 Financial services
 Manufacturing
 Electronic Messaging
 Directory services
 information services
 Electronic data interchange (EDI)
 Teleconferencing
 Cellular telephone
 Cable television
What is a Computer Network?
 Computer networking is defined as the interconnection of computers and other communication
equipment’s connected by a communication channel.
 The communication channel (medium) will be either wired communication channel or wireless
communication channel.
 Wired communication channel includes the different cable types like twisted pair cable, co-axial
cable or fiber optic cable.
 Wireless communication channel includes microwave or satellite communication system.
Computers on a network can act as a client or a server.
• A client is a computer that requests for resources.
• A server is a computer that controls and provides access to resources.
 Computer Networks are used to:
◦ Enhance communication, e.g. e-mail
◦ Share resources, e.g. data, applications
◦ Facilitate centralized management, e.g. for maintenance and installation
 Computer networks can be classified based on
The area they cover
Their topology
The Architecture (Configuration) of the network
Based on size or geographical area they cover.
◦ Local Area Network (LAN)
◦ Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
◦ Wide Area Network (WAN)
 A LAN is a data communication system within a building, plant, or campus, or
between nearby building.
 If the size of the network is confined to a single room or building then it is called
local area network.
 Example of Local Area Networks (LANs)
 Small Office
 Office Building
 Industrial Park / University Campus
◦ A MAN is a data communication system covering an area the size of town or city.
If the network spans an entire city or town then it is called MAN.
◦ A MAN is a data communication system covering an area the size of town or city.
If the network spans an entire city or town then it is called MAN.
◦ A WAN is a data communication system spanning states, countries, or the
whole world.
◦ These use long distance telecommunication networks for connection, there by
increasing the cost.
◦ The Internet is a good example of a WAN.
 Classification based on the architecture or the roles the components play
◦ Peer-to-peer
◦ Server-based
◦ Client-based
• Peer-to-peer networks are inexpensive and easy to install.
• They are popular as home networks and for use in small companies.
• Most operating systems come with built-in peer-to-peer networking capability.
• The maximum number of peers that can operate on a peer-to-peer network is ten.
• Each peer shares resources and allows others open access to them.
◦ A server-based network offers centralized control and is designed for secure
◦ In a server-based network, a dedicated server controls the network.
◦ A dedicated server is one that services the network by storing data, applications,
resources, and also provides access to resources required by the client.
◦ These servers can also control the network’s security from one centralized location
or share it with other specially configured servers.
◦ Client-based network servers process requests from clients and return just the
◦ These networks take advantage of the powerful processing capabilities of both the
client and the server.
◦ Application servers and communications servers are examples of client-based
 The word Internet is taken from two words, INTERnational NETwork, i.e. Internet
is an international network of computers.
 Internet is: Network of networks i.e. composed of many interconnected
computers and computer networks (each computer network may link tens, hundreds
and thousands of computers with in themselves).
 internet – two or more networks connected
 Internet – global interconnection of computers and networks
Text communication:
Voice communication:
Electronic Business
• With networks, we can:
• check bank balance and pay bills electronically
• find the least-congested route to a destination
• use instant messaging and chat for both personal and business use
• post and share your photographs, home videos and experiences
• shop and sell at online auctions
• use Internet phone services
• obtain health information and nutritional advice
• Networks have changed the way we learn:
• E-learning with online courses that contain voice, data and video.
• Available anywhere, anytime.
◦ Learning by sharing and exploring
 bulletin/discussion boards, chat rooms and instant messaging
◦ Improved management and administration of courses
 enrollment, assessment delivery and grade books
 Networks have changed the way we work:
◦ Business applications can be accessed remotely as if employees were
on site
◦ Workers in any location can reach each other and access multiple
resources on the network

Remote Access Accessing Multiple Resources

 The Basic elements of a network are:
◦ End devices or hosts – the sources and destinations of the communication.
 E.g. Computers, IP phones, mobile phones, PDAs, etc.
◦ Intermediary devices – devices that give network access to the attached end
devices and transport.
 E.g. hubs, switches, routers, modems, firewalls, etc.
◦ Transmission media – the physical media that connects the devices, enabling the
exchange of messages between them.
 E.g. copper cable, optical fiber cable, wireless (like radio, infrared or microwave
◦ Services – network-aware software applications that request network resources.
 E.g. web browser
◦ Messages – the data/information that is required to be transmitted.
 E.g. telephone calls, e-mail, web pages, etc.
Communication Protocols- define how devices in a network communicate.
It refers to the direction of signal (data) flow between two linked devices. It can be
Simplex: unidirectional, only one of the devices can transmit
E.g. TV transmission
Keyboard – Monitor Communication
Half-duplex: both can transmit and receive, but not at the same time. When one
device is sending the other can only receive & vice versa. It is like a one – lane road
with two – directional traffic
E.g. wireless handset (walkie-Talkie)
Full-duplex: both can transmit and receive at the same time
E.g. Telephone transmission
The End!!!

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