Blue and Green Narrative Writing Story Starters Education Presentation

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Penyusunan Soal &

Perangkat ASAS
Kombel KKG Gugus Kusuma Bangsa
Oleh : Yogi Prasetyo, S.Pd.I
& Eka Setya Septiningrum, S.Pd .
Think to yourself

Apakah bagian tersulit

menyusun soal dan
perangkat ASAS?
Today's lesson will help you:
Naskah Soal
1.Menyusun 3.Membuat kunci
Kisi-kisi Soal jawaban & rubrik
) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

) ) ) ) ) ) )
Kelas 1 dan 2 Kelas 4 dan 5

25 Pilihan Ganda 35 Pilihan Ganda

10 Isian 10 Isian
5 Uraian 5 Uraian
Matematika = 10 pilgan Matematika = 25 pilgan
Apa itu kisi-kisi?
Kisi-kisi adalah suatu format
berbentuk matriks berisi informasi
yang dapat dijadikan pedoman untuk
menulis atau merakit soal. Kisi-kisi
disusun berdasarkan tujuan
penggunaan tes. Penyusunan kisi-
kisi merupakan langkah penting
yang harus dilakukan sebelum
penulisan soal.
Komponen kisi-kisi

Karena Kumer,maka KD (Kompetensi Dasar) diganti

CP (Capaian Pembelajaran)/ TP (Tujuan Pembelajaran)
Cara Menulis Indikator


Rumusan indikatornya:
Disajikan …, peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi….
Rumusan indikator:
A = audience (murid)
B = behaviour (perilaku “mejelaskan”)
C = condition
D = degree
Disajikan gambar, murid dapat menentukan benda yang termasuk
segi banyak dengan tepat.


Rumusan indikatornya:
Murid dapat membedakan ….
Tidak usah, disajikan soal
Contoh Soal
Pola Perumusan CP dan Penentuan Banyak Soal

Ketentuan Soal
25 Pilihan Ganda
Misal untuk Matematika kelas 10 Isian
tinggi ada 3 bab maka: 5 Uraian
Total 40 soal
Bab 4 = 9 PG, 3 Isian, 2 Uraian
Bab 5 = 8 PG, 4 Isian, 1 Uraian
Bab 6 = 8 PG, 3 Isian, 2 Uraian
Level Kognitif
Ayo Mencoba!
Mari kita coba membuat
Set-Up Starter
You are
The writer quickly
establishes the
circumstances and
stakes of the story in a
few opening lines
Set-Up Starter Example
The writer quickly
establishes the None of this would have happened if it wasn't
circumstances or for David. He's the one who talked me into
stakes of the story in a
signing up for the track team. I would have
few opening lines
never guessed that decision would lead to my
biggest humiliation.
Attempt a Set-Up Starter
Take 3 minutes and
try to start your story
None of this would have happened if it wasn't
with lines that
establishes the for David. He's the one who talked me into
circumstances or signing up for the track team. I would have
stakes. never guessed that decision would lead to my
biggest humiliation.
Talking Starter Example
The writer uses a line of
dialogue with a purpose.
The dialogue should "I can't believe we didn't get a snow day," my
reveal information that sister murmured as she adjusted the hood of
enriches the story.
her corduroy coat to shield her curled hair
from the wind.
Attempt a Talking Starter
Take 3 minutes and try
to start your story with
dialogue that reveals "I can't believe we didn't get a snow day," my
information that sister murmured as she adjusted the hood of
enriches the story.
her corduroy coat to shield her curled hair
from the wind.
Landscape Starter

The writer opens the

story with a description
of the setting that will
be important to the
Landscape Starter Example
The writer opens the
I yawned as a woke up from my mid-afternoon
story with a description
of the setting that will be nap, warm from the Florida sun. The sound of
important to the story. the ocean's waves and a distant speaker quietly
playing pop music had lulled me to sleep. As I
stretched and considered putting on sunscreen, I
heard someone yell from the water.
Attempt a Landscape Starter
Take 3 minutes and try
I yawned as a woke up from my mid-afternoon
to start your story with a
description of the setting nap, warm from the Florida sun. The sound of
that will be important to the ocean's waves and a distant speaker quietly
the story. playing pop music had lulled me to sleep. As I
stretched and considered putting on sunscreen, I
heard someone yell from the water.
Character Starter

The writer opens the

story with a description
of a character that will
be important to the
Character Starter Example
The writer opens the
story with a description Edith walked into the classroom with her rolling
of a character that will bag. She took her seat in the back of the room
be important to the story. and quickly fished out her tablet to draw. This
wasn't art class, but Edith didn't care. Every
second was an opportunity for her to create
something unique and beautiful.
Attempt a Character Starter
Take 3 minutes and try
to start your story with a Edith walked into the classroom with her rolling
description of a bag. She took her seat in the back of the room
character that will be and quickly fished out her tablet to draw. This
important to the story. wasn't art class, but Edith didn't care. Every
second was an opportunity for her to create
something unique and beautiful.
Read through your starter attempts

Which starter do
you like the
Which starter is the most? Which starter is
most effective in
the most
Use these story starters to
create effective and engaging
opening lines to your narrative

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