Amarillo, Carolina - BERF 2024 Presentation 1

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Title: Effect of Drop Pool Instructional
Material for Numeracy and Literacy Skills
of Grade 1 Learners
Context and Rationale
• One of the literacy skills that are important to develop is numeracy literacy. Numerical literacy is a derivative or
branch of mathematical literacy.
• Numerical literacy needs to be developed from an early age. Furthermore, literacy and numeracy skills are among
the most basic of elementary educational aim. This opinion implies that literacy and numeracy activities are the
most basic abilities of basic education goals. This basic ability is the basis for a student to have other skills.
Numerical literacy includes two skills, the ability to use various kinds of numbers and symbols related to problem-
solving and activities to analyze information displayed in multiple graphs, tables, and charts to make decisions
(Kemendikbud, 2017).
 Students in elementary schools have the same scope of development tailored to the material and curriculum. The
numeracy literacy indicators are described in the numeracy literacy modules and guidelines Aside from the
numeracy literacy this study also emphasize alphabet, where is the foundation or building block to reading,
writing, and spelling. It is important for each child to recognize and name all the letters and combination of letters
in and out of order and the sounds associated with them in order to be successful with literacy important for each
child to recognize and name all the letters and combination of letters in and out of order and the sounds associated
with them in order to be successful with literacy.The study found that the influence in children’s journey to become
literate and the learning challenges it presents for many underscore the importance of developing effective alphabet
instructions. Relationships among Alphabet Knowledge, Phonemic Awareness, Reading and Spelling Alphabet
knowledge is necessary for word reading. One reason for this that letter sound knowledge, along with phonemic
awareness. (Byrne & Fielding)
• Learners who feel confident with letters and word patterns are able to read and comprehend more complex texts.
Research Questions:
•What is the academic performance of a Grade I learners before integrating

manipulative material to improve numeracy and literacy skills?

•2. What is the academic performance of a Grade I learners after integrating

manipulative material to improve numeracy and literacy skills?

•3. Is there a significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores of a learner

after integrating manipulative material to improve numeracy and literacy skills?

Research Design
•2.1 Type of Research
•In this study, manipulatives from the Drop Pool Instructional Material were distributed to a single group of
children, resulting in a quasi-experimental one group Pre-Test–Post-Test design. Pre- and post-test results were
compared to determine the impact of the intervention on the participants.
•2.2 Respondent The participants for this study were 25 students enrolled in a first-grade class at Laur Central
School in Laur District.
•2.3 Sampling Method To determine how well Drop Pool Instructional Material, the researchers used a purposive
sample strategy to choose the students.

•2.4 Proposed Innovation/Intervention/Strategy Instrument

 DROP POOL INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS is an exciting game because the player drop the ball inside the
hole then he/she read the letter/words/numbers to be dropped off by the ball. The game where players earn points
by telling the letter/words/numbers correctly.

 This innovation is multi-functional teaching technique as enumerated below.

For intervention/remediation

For Motivation –.
Appendix A. Drop Pool Instructional Material

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