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Introduction to

Interactionism is a sociological and linguistic theory that emphasizes
the role of social interaction in language acquisition and use. It posits
that language is developed and used in the context of social
interactions, and meanings are created and conveyed through these
interactions. The theory is rooted in the belief that language cannot be
understood in isolation from the social and cultural context in which it
occurs. Interactionism is often associated with sociolinguistics and
pragmatics, focusing on the communicative aspects of language use
within specific social environments.


Key Principles of Interactionism
Dynamic Language Use Social Context Recurring Interaction
The theory highlights the role of
Interactionism emphasizes the social context in shaping Interactionism recognizes
dynamic and ever-changing language. It asserts that the recurring patterns in social
nature of language use. It meanings of words, phrases, and interactions, noting how certain
recognizes that language is not utterances are heavily influenced language structures and
static, but rather adapts to the by the social environment in communicative strategies are
situational context and the which they are used. used repeatedly in particular
participants involved. contexts.
Language as a Social Phenomenon

1 Symbolic Meaning
Language, within an interactionist framework, is considered a medium for complex, symbolic
communication. It is valued not only for its literal meanings but also for the social and cultural
significance it conveys.

2 Identity and Belonging

Interactionism delves into the ways in which language solidifies group identity and fosters a sense
of belonging. It explores how language binds individuals within specific social groups and
influences their self-perception.

3 Contextual Adaptation
The theory highlights the dynamic adaptation of language to varied social contexts, recognizing
the nuanced shifts in communication patterns and linguistic behaviors based on the surrounding
Interactionism and Pragmatics

1 Speech Act Theory 2 Conversational Implicature

Interactionism intersects with
pragmatics by exploring the The theory delves into conversational
performative nature of language and the implicatures, emphasizing the role of
communicative impact of speech acts implied meanings and indirect
within social contexts. communication in linguistic

3 Language Variation
Interactionism and pragmatics jointly explore language variation, investigating how linguistic
choices adapt to different social situations and cultural norms.

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