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 -( E-learning, abbreviation of Electronic Learning) - e-
learning system, learning by means of information,
electronic technologies.

 "e-Learning - learning through the Internet and


 Independent work with electronic materials, using a personal

computer, mobile phone, dvd-player, television;
 Receiving consultations, advice, assessments from a remote
(territorially) expert (teacher), the possibility of remote
 Creation of a distributed community of users (social networks)
engaged in common virtual learning activities;
 Formation and enhancement of information culture among all
managers of the Group's enterprises and divisions and their
mastery of modern information technologies, improving the
efficiency of their regular activities;
 Mastering innovative pedagogical technologies and transferring
them to teachers
E-learning is the transfer of knowledge and management of the
learning process by means of new information and
telecommunication technologies. The e-learning process uses
interactive electronic means of information delivery, mainly the
Internet and corporate networks of companies, but other ways,
such as compact discs, are not excluded. The e-learning system
includes software and hardware solutions. It implies a special
database containing training content and a system of training
Schematically, the stages of development of
computer-assisted learning can be represented
as follows: CD-ROM-based courses; distance
learning; e-Learning. Each subsequent stage
seems to include the previous one.
CD-ROM-based courses were
historically the first to appear. The
main advantages were: innovative
idea; concentration of thematic
information on a machine-readable
medium; methodologically thought-
out qualitative training; provision of
a number of interactive features;
ease of use; accessibility. The
disadvantages were: limited course;
time-consuming to create;
impossibility of modification.
Distance learning, which appeared a little later,
offered a different educational approach. The
educational process of distance learning was based
on purposeful and controlled intensive independent
work of the learner, who could study in a convenient
place, according to an individual schedule, with a
set of special learning tools and an agreed possibility
of contact with the teacher
during the learning process.
The advantages of distance learning
include: flexibility of learning schedule for
students; possibility to study according to
individual plan according to their own
needs and possibilities; objective and
independent from the teacher method of
knowledge assessment; possibility to
consult with the teacher in the course of
training. For teachers, this form of
education means an additional opportunity
to present the material to students, i.e. in
fact there is an opportunity to teach more
people with the same workload. It is not
surprising that, for all its advantages,
distance learning has quickly gained
popularity in the educational world.
Recently, the extent of Internet involvement in education,
the number of online courses, their topics, different ways
of implementation and general orientation have led to the
emergence of a more capacious term "e-Learning". The
European Commission defines e-Learning as "the use of
new multimedia and Internet technologies to enhance the
quality of learning through improved access to resources
and services, as well as remote knowledge sharing and
The main advantages of e-Learning are: greater freedom of
access (a learner can access electronic courses with the Internet
from any place where there is access to the global information
network). Competent, quality education (courses are created with
the participation of a whole team of specialists, which makes e-
Learning mature and quality learning). Lower prices for the
delivery of education (the process of education delivery involves
only the exchange of information via the Internet without the cost
on the part of the learner to purchase educational and
literature). Possibility to divide
e-Learning course content into
modules (small blocks of
information make learning a
subject more flexible and make
it easier to find the necessary
As well as the flexibility of training (the duration and
sequence of studying the materials is chosen by the trainee
himse/herself, adapting the learning process to his/her
capabilities and needs). Workplace learning (learners
receive on-the-job training, at home and on the
move using mobile internet).
Opportunity to keep up with
the times (both teachers and
trainees develop their skills and
knowledge in accordance with the
latest modern technologies
and standards).
E-Learning also allows for timely and
prompt updating of learning materials. The
ability to define criteria for assessing
knowledge (e-Learning provides the
possibility to set clear criteria by which the
knowledge acquired
by the learner in
the learning
process is assessed).
However, for all the above-mentioned
advantages of e-learning "for all", a
number of problems remain. These include:
the quality of e-learning courses (who can
evaluate them and how); legal issues related
to the protection of intellectual property;
financial issues related to the cost of
producing e-learning courses and updating
them; and human resource issues related to
the training of teachers who
are able and willing to
develop and continuously
update such courses.
E-Learning today is a learning
process that utilizes interactive
electronic means of information
delivery: compact discs; corporate
networks; and the Internet. In
addition to fulfilling its primary
purpose - distance learning via the
Internet - e-Learning is also an
excellent complement to face-to-face
learning and can serve as a good
support for improving the quality
and effectiveness of traditional

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