Software Testing Part-1

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Software Testing

Meeting customer expectations or needs

A confidence given by organization or vendor

Test or verify actual product
Quality Assurance

• Ensures the approaches, techniques, methods & processes

designed for the projects are actually implemented

• Focus is on identifying flaws in process

• QA is proactive or preventive in nature

Quality Control

• QC activities monitor and verify delivered product (e.g. executable


• Focus is on identifying defects in system

• QA is reactive in nature
QA vs QC


QC Planning

Detection Verification

Quality Control

Requirements & Design

Testing Code & Deployments

Unit Test Plans & Cases

What is Testing?

• Process of evaluating a system or its component(s) with the intent

to find whether it satisfies the specified requirements or not

• ANSI/IEEE 1059:
“A process of analyzing a software item to detect the
differences between existing & required conditions and to evaluate
the features of the software item”
Who Does Testing?
Developers Testers

Project Manager End Users

• 64bit to 16bit
• Cost as nearly $8 billion

Ariane 5 Flight 501– Launched 1996

London Ambulance Server (LAS) – Launched 1992

• Launched with 81 known issues

• No load or stress testing was performed
• 46 deaths reported
Project Management Triangle
Misunderstandings or Myths
Myth Fact

Testing is expensive ($ + ) Maintenance effort and cost is much higher

Only starts after developments finishes Commence with start of the project

Testing ensures 100% defect free software Not all paths are possible to test

Clicking or typing randomly Well defined steps/cases


It’s easy and anyone can do testing It’s complete discipline and need to be learned

If you are not good in DEV, join TESTING Automation testing is performed by testers

It’s low pay and no fame job A complete career path

1 - Requirement Analysis

2 - Test Planning

3 -Test Case

4 - Environment Setup

5 - Test Execution

6 - Test Cycle Closure

Agenda Items
• Testing Levels
• Functional Testing
• Non-Functional Testing
Testing Levels
Before we dive into testing levels, need to know testing methods
There are 2 or sometimes 3 testing methods

Black Box White Box Grey Box

Internal structure, code, Internal structure, code, It’s mix of Black Box &
component integration component integration White Box
logic is NOT known to logic is KNOWN to tester
tester and input is verified by
actual code paths
Functional Testing
Verify each function/component in conformance to requirement specification

• Generally it’s black-box testing technique

• Test data is used to evaluate results (expected v/s actual)

System Under
Input Testing Output

• Involve testing of user interfaces, APIs, databases and application functionality

• Can be either manual or automated

Functional Testing - Steps
Identify expected functions or features of software/application

Create or formulate test data (input)

Compute expected result based on test data

Execute test cases (with test data)

Compare actual with expected results

Functional Testing – Guideline

• Simulate actual system usage • High potential of missing logical errors

• Doesn’t consider any structural • Possibility of redundant testing

Formulate test conditions directly from BRS;

using SRS, defects in document will not reflect the end user
Functional Testing – Types

Unit Testing Smoke Testing Sanity Testing

Integration Interface Regression

Testing Testing Testing

Acceptance System
Testing Testing
Non-Functional Testing
Verify how system operates or behaves, not what it does

• Generally it’s black-box testing technique

• Used to check readiness of system

• Validate quality attributes (like usability, performance, security)

• Generally performed with the help of tools

Non-Functional Testing – Types
Performance Usability
Load Testing
Testing Testing

Portability Security Availability

Testing Testing Testing
F - Unit Testing
Smallest testable part of application

• Can be a function, procedure or an interface

• First level of testing • White box technique • Developer or programmer

• Done prior to integration testing • Execute function with “mock objects”
F-Unit Testing – Mock Object
Simulation that mimic behavior of real object in controlled way

Used when:
• the object supplies non-deterministic results (e.g. the current time or the current

• it has states that are difficult to create or reproduce (e.g. a network error);

• it is slow (e.g. a complete database, which would have to be initialized before the test);

• it does not yet exist or may change behavior

F-Unit Testing – Advantages

• Early detection of defects; saves time during integration testing

• Encourage loose-coupling; help maintainability & changes for future

• Easy debugging
Individual units or components are combined and
tested as group

Can be components of a systems OR any different

part like OS, file system

• After unit & before system testing • Can be black, white or grey box • Either developer or ideally
• Depends on nature of product or unit independent tester
Integration Testing
Integration Approach

Big Bang Top Down

Bottom Up Hybrid or Sandwich

Big Bang Integration
All or most of the components/units are combined together and tested

• All modules are integrated simultaneously

• Generally followed by individuals following “Run & See” approach

• Everything is finished and in ready • Time consuming

state before integration testing • Hard to trace cause of failure
Integration Testing

• Ensure unit testing has been performed

• Ensure you have proper detailed design documents

• Ensure presence of robust and dependable Software Configuration

Management system

• Try to have automation in-place

Smoke Testing
Ensures, major functionalities of the application
are working fine

“Build Verification Testing”
• Originated from “hardware testing”

• Shouldn’t be any major issues when build is handed over to QA

• It’s important to have choose right set of test cases

• Generally performed with positive scenarios

Smoke Testing
• Help find bugs in early stage

• Diagnose issues caused during integration

• Require limited number of test cases

• Short time to execute/perform testing

Sanity Testing
Performed after minor big fixes or change in

• Focus only on changed functionalities or fixes

• It’s prerequisite to regression testing

• Usually not scripted; performed manually.

Sanity Testing
• Saves time prior to detailed regression testing

• Not much effort because it’s usually unscripted

• Help identify dependent missing objects

Smoke v/s Sanity Testing
Regression Testing
Re-execution of scenarios or test cases impacted by new change or fixes

• Used to make sure existing functionality is intact

• Also guarantees earlier bug fixes are not creatable

• Test cases are prioritized based in impact areas

• Unavoidable for continuous changing systems (DevOps)

• Automation is recommended to save time

Regression Testing

Add Delete Modify

Once you verify “Modify”, also need to recheck Add & Delete
System Testing
Complete testing of integrated hardware & software to comply with FRS

• It’s mainly black-box testing technique

• Evaluate working system from all aspects from specification view point

• Include all peripherals to check interaction with software

• Performed by independent testing team

• Includes both functional & non-functional technique

• Can this car be driven on hilly roads?
• Under control on slippery roads?
• Millage with different traffic conditions?
Why need System Testing?
• Ensure execution of complete test cycle

• Performed in environment similar to actual (client’s); gives better understanding.

• Help minimize post-deployment troubleshooting

• Ensures testing of both architecture and requirement

Acceptance Testing
Check compliance with delivery criteria & business requirement (BRS)

• It’s mainly black-box testing technique

• Performed after system testing is complete

• Involves customers and end users to have test ride

• Make sure application readiness prior to public release

• Includes both functional & non-functional technique

When to start Acceptance Testing?


End of coding
Availability of BRS

Completeness of RTM Formal QA sign off

Types of Acceptance Testing
Acceptance Testing
Performed by organization who developed software
• Performed in-house (developer’s site)

• May involve both white-box & black-box

• Not by those who are directly involved in creating software

• Performed by product management, sales or customer support group

• Ensures quality before handing over to customer for testing

• May take long time to perform execution cycles

Acceptance Testing
Performed by customer or client organization
• Takes place at customer’s site

• It’s black-box testing technique

• There are two types:

• Closed  performed by limited group of individuals either customer or end


• Open  send to large group or public for optional use

Availability Testing
Measure of probability that a system will run as & when required

• It’s about how often a software is accessible for use

• How to measure?

• A software under test is run continuously for planned period

• Data is collected for failure & repair events

Availability Testing
Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF):
It is the measure of average length of time that the software runs before
it fails.

Mean Time To Recovery (MTTR):

It is a measure of the average length of time that is actually required to
repair and restore the service.

Availability = (MTBF / (MTBF + MTTR)) x 100

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