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Goals of an Interview

1 Show enthusiasm

2 Describe your track record

3 Make a human connection

Types of Interview
Interview Types Brief Interview Types Brief
Unstructured Interview When the questions an interviewer asks you Competency Questions Questions about your skills and experiences
change based on your responses related to the role
Panel Interview Multiple interviewers – multiple reporting Job Fair Interview On the spot interview
Case Interview To see how you problem-solve in situations that Focus Group Specific questions are presented to a group
you may experience at work instead of one individual
Email/web page Interview Cost effective way, one way communication Phone Interview Cost effective way, interactive communication
Informational Interview A person seeks insights on a career path, an Interview Approach in the Field Commonly used data collection method for
industry, a company and/or general career advice hiring employees to interrogate witnesses
from someone with experience and knowledge in
the areas of interest

Video Interview Remote employers tend to use teleconferencing or Structured Interview Pre-planned, accurate, and consistent
video interviews
Testing Interview To demonstrate your creative and analytical Lunch Interview Is often better suited for informal questions and
abilities conversations
Group Interview A group of candidates are interviewed together Depth Interview Semi-structured interview, where the candidates
have to give a detailed information about their
education background
Behavioral Interview Critical Behavioral Interviewing (CBI), the Multiple Interview Can be broken up into one panel interview or
theory is that past performance in a similar multiple interviews with a range of team
situation is the best predictor of future members or employees

Final Interview Wrap up any lingering questions the hiring team Exit Interview In order to discuss the employee's reasons for
may have about you leaving
Competency Based Interview
Competency Based Interview
Take Preparations

Organization Address & Time Waiting Time

1 Vision, Mission & Values 1 Proper address 1 Don’t take anything lightly

2 Product & services 2 On time is late 2 Don’t be anxious

3 Recent positive news 3 Think about the good thing

4 Competitors 4 Be well mannered

Entering the room & Greetings

Ask Greet Seek

1 2 3
Body language & Eye contact

Estimated Surveys suggest

Words 10%

Voice 35%

Body 55%
Introduce yourself

Skill Achievement

Education Type of Person

Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I already have the SKILLS and qualities to meet the expectations of the
role. I am a completer-finisher; someone who can be relied upon to get a job done, on time, and to a great standard.
I am reliable, flexible and adaptable, and will carry out tasks out of the job description. My EDUCATIONAL
qualifications are a good match for this role. I have a track record of ACHIEVEMENT. Not only did I achieve
excellent grades at University, I was often praise for my speed of work, and how I would get more work done than
anyone. If you hire me, I will be the TYPE of EMPLOYEE who will embrace change positively, be a great role
model for the company, and take ownership of my ongoing development
Job Title: Executive/Senior Executive- Business Analyst, Business Strategy

Key Responsibilities:
- Assist in product & solution pricing and strategy formulation in collaboration with sales and
marketing team
- Preparation of financial model, scenario analysis and financial viability analysis of current/new
project or business
- Identify financial status by comparing and analyzing actual results with plans and forecasts
- Improve financial status by analyzing results; monitoring variances; identifying trends;
recommending actions to management
- Create/update the business profile and financial presentation
- Assist management with several decision-making tools and scenario analysis
- Preparation of report in supporting management decision; and
- Review/draft legal agreements related to financial issues.

Academic Qualification:
- Minimum B.B.A/ B.Sc. followed by MBA in Finance/Accounting from any reputed university.
- Professional qualification will be an added advantage.

Required Experience:
- Minimum Experience: 1 – 2 year/s of experience.
- Freshers are also encouraged to apply.
- Field of Experience: Corporate finance, Financial analysis, Telecommunication.

Required Knowledge and Skills:

- Excellent written and verbal communication skills (Both in Bengali and English).
- Knowledge of Excel is mandatory.
- Good presentation skills.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
- Good grasp of all the programs under the MS Office suite.
Why should they hire you?
Do(s) Don’t(s)

1 Solving problems & cater needs 1 Too modest

2 Know the organization 2 Being generic

3 Success story

I should be hired for this role because of my relevant skills,

experience, and passion for the industry. I've researched the
company and can add value to its growth. My positive
attitude, work ethics, and long-term goals align with the job
requirements, making me a committed and valuable asset to
the company
Your strength

Do(s) Don’t(s)

1 Align with the company goal 1 Mention without any example

2 Strength that has a story 2 Irrelevant to the job role

Your area of improvement

 Focusing too much on detail

1 Want to see that you are self-aware
 Find it difficult to ask other people

 Struggle to let go work

2 Want to assess how honest you are

 Not good at provide constructive feedback

3 If you have a plan to improve

 I lack experience in _______

 Some times I am too sensitive

 Become stressed if I can’t finish my job within timeline

Introvert Time management challenge Not a multi tasker

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Do(s) Don’t(s)

1 Express your interest in long term career 1 Want to be the CEO of the company

2 Value of your role 2 Want to be in your position

In 5 years, I genuinely see myself still working for your organization. Now, of course I would say that but my
career progression planning is with your organization. I always wanted to work for the organization that has
ambitious plan like your organization. So based on my competency. I want to work here either in the same role or
perhaps having gained advancement if you deem me suitable to do so to a higher level. However, in 5 years time
primarily I want to be really good in my work. I want to be a high performing achiever, I want you to be happy with
my work and see me as a respected member of the organization. Someone you can trust and someone who is loyal.
Ask question


I am interested to hear what plans do you have for the business in

1 Focus on company upcoming years?

If I am successful, what are the personal development opportunities I

Ask that came to your mind during
2 company research
will receive?

What’s frustrated you about people who have held this position in the
If I am successful, what would you need me to concentrate on within
the first 90 days of starting in the position?
1 Not asking a question

2 Don’t ask about time off, salary etc.

Common mistakes

Sounding unprofessional
Bad mouthing
[personal talk, religious talk, political talk]

Using outdated stories or statistics Being casual

Using cliches Using devices

Acting entitled Not knowing about the company

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