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Chapter - 1

Concept of Physical
Meaning of Physical Education:
Physical education is a combination of two words, physical &
education.The first word is physical which means related to
body or related to any one or all of the bodily characteristics, that
include physical strength, physical endurance, physical fitness,
physical appearance and physical health. And the second word is
education which means preparation for life or systematic
instruction and training.
When we look at the combined meaning of these two words, we can
understand that physical education is a systematic training of an
individual by using his/her own body to achieve the objectives of
developing and maintaining the body, developing motor skills,
physical abilities , making a habit of living a healthy lifestyle,
developing the ability to control emotions for a filler livinf.

Physical Education is :
All about development of an
Cover all the aspect of physical,
mental and social well being.
Definition of Physical Education
Physical Education, or, P.E. is an educational discipline that encompasses the
teaching and learning of physical activities and skills. It promotes physical fitness,
health, and well-being through structured exercises, sports, and other physical
activities its goal is to develop physical competence, improve motor skills, foster
social interaction, and cultivate a lifelong commitment to healthy living.
According to H.C.Buck, “ Physical education is the part of general education
programme, which is considered with growth, development and education of
children through the medium of big muscle activities. It is the education of whole
child by means of physical activites are the tools. They are so selected and
conducted as to influence every child`s life physically, mentally, emotionally and
According to C.L.Brownell, “ Physical education is the accumulation of
wholesome experience through participation in large muscle activities that promote
optimum growth and development.’’
According to J.B.Nash, “Physical education is that phase of the whole field of
education that deals with big muscle activities and their related responses.
Aim and objectives of Physical

1. Physical development
2. Mental development
3. Social development
4. Neuro - muscular development
5. Emotional development
6. Development of health
1. Physical Development
* Properly functional organs
* Hormonal balance
* Physical fitnes
2. Mental Development
Mental development includes such
abilties as attention, perceiving,
observing, remembring, imagining,
thinking, solving problems and
growth of intelligence.
3. Social Development
It is about improving the well being of every
individual in society so they can reach their full
It improves---
* Self Image
* Self Esteem and con
* Team work and cooperation fidence
* Reduces stress
4. Neuro – Muscular Development
* Better signal transmission
* More control on skeletal
* Improved motor skills
* Improved coordination
5. Emotinal Development
* Self-awareness
* Emotional regulation
* Social interaction
* Resilience
* Self- confidence
* Stress reduction
* Positive emotional experiences
6. Development of Health
The development of health in physical
education involves enhancing physical,
mental, and social well-being through
regular physical activity, education, and
healthy lifestyle choices. It
encompasses improving fitness levels,
promoting proper nutrition, cultivating
positive mental health, preventing

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