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Johnson Great society

Successes and drawbacks

By Akanksha Kiran
Main aims
The main aims of Jonson’s great society was to
continue the work of Kennedy and carry it
even further.
He also claimed an ‘unconditional war on
Hel also called for ‘an end to racial injustice’
Civil rights
The Civil rights act of 1964- ended racial
discrimination in public places and
government companies and in employment.
The voting rights act of 1965- Appointed
agents to make sure that voting procedures
were taken place properly as before the Blacks
were penalised from voting due to extremely
difficult literacy and athematic tests.
The Economy
Cut taxes so that more people had more money to
spend hence helping business grow and create jobs.
Improved transport links- Highways and Railways
which benefited the middle class greatly as it
helped them commute in and out of work.
Passed many consumer laws- Manufactures must
label their goods clearly and costumers have the
right to return or exchange faulty items
Social reform
The medical care act of 1965 which provided
Medicare (for the old) and Medicaid (for the
poor). The whole aim behind this act was to
allow all Americans equal access to health care.
Increased minimum wage
The Model cities act 1966- continued
Kennedy's work of the redevelopment act. The
act provided federal funds for slum clearances
and provisions for better services.
• Civil rights
There was still growing racial tensions which
lead to many riots and many deaths in many
cities across USA
The Economy

Due to tax cuts more people were spending

more money which meant that companies
increased their profits HOWEVER they invested
many of their profits aboard and by 1970
American companies were gaining 40% of their
profits from aboard which did not help reduce
unemployment in the USA (as Jonson planned)

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