Unit 6 - PPT 2 - Waves (Asynch)

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WAVES, and
What is a wave?

• a wave is a disturbance that travels

through a medium (without medium)
from one location to another.
• Vibrations that transfer energy from
place to place 3
Types of Waves based on MEDIUM

• Electromagnetic Waves - No
medium is needed for these
Ex : Light, radio waves, X-rays

• Mechanical Waves - are

waves that require a medium
or material to pass through.
Ex: ocean waves, sound waves,
seismic waves, waves along a
Types of waves-based propagation and oscillation
• Transverse Waves - Cause the particles in a medium to vibrate
perpendicular to the direction of Motion.
 Propagation (direction waves travels) is to right
 Oscillation is up and down
• May be mechanical or electromagnetic waves
• Ex : Ocean waves, X- rays, Light
Types of waves-based propagation and oscillation
• Longitudinal Waves - Cause the particles of a medium to move parallel
to the direction of the wave.
 Propagation (direction waves travels) is to right
 Oscillation is left and right
• Ex : Sound waves, Seismic Waves
Anatomy of a Wave

Test Yourself (4)

a-b-c = 1λ =
c-d-e =
b, f = ¼λ =
d, h = ½λ =
a, c, e, g =
b-b’ dan d-d’ = ¾λ =
Wavelength, Frequency, and Wave Speed

• v = Wave speed (m/s)
• ‫ = ג‬wavelength (m)
• f = frequency (Hertz/Hz)
• T = Period (s)
Wavelength, Frequency, and Wave Speed

V = fx
Example 1
The Figure shows waves moving on a slinky with frequency 3 Hz and a wavelength
of 0.3 m. What is the wave speed?

Given : f = 3 Hz
λ = 0,3 m

Ask : v ….???


v = 0,3 m . 3 Hz
= 0,9 m/s
Example 2
• A weather station detects waves which 12 m apart and 2.5 m high and travel distance of
100 m in 25 seconds. Determine the speed, amplitude and frequency of the waves.
To know:
l= 12 m
h = 2.5 m
s = 100 m
t = 25 s

To Answer:
1. Speed = distance /time 2. Amplitude = ½ x h 3. frequency (f) = v/
= 100/25 = ½ x 2.5 m = 4/12
= 4 m/s = 1.25 m = 0.33 Hz
Test Yourself (5)
1. How to Calculate Wave Velocity for a Given
Periodic Wave with a Wavelength of 3m
Has a Frequency 6Hz?

2. The Velocity of Wave 70m/s. If the

Wavelength of the Wave is 5m then
Calculate the Frequency of the Given Wave!

3. A Wave with a Frequency 50Hz is Traveling

at a Speed of 200m/s. Then Calculate the
Wavelength of the Wave!

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