A&IBP - Schein - Ch-18 - PR, INfluencer Marketing, Corporate Advertising

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Chapter 18

Public Relations, Influencer

Marketing, and Corporate

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Public Relations

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Public Relations (1 of 4)

• New techniques in public relations (PR) have fostered a bolder, more

aggressive, proactive role for PR in many IBP campaigns.
• PR is also an important tool for implementing prosocial public service
announcements (PSAs).
− Produced, distributed, and promoted by the Ad Council
− Corporate sponsorship has enabled the Ad Council to broaden its reach in communicating
the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

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Exhibit 18.2—The Love Has No Labels ad was
the first PSA ever to win an Emmy Award.

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Public Relations (2 of 4)

Public Relations, Social Media, and Brand Conversations

• PR joins with social media to help spark brand conversations.
• Antibrand entertainment may seem counterintuitive; but when done creatively,
it can work.
• Consumers are increasingly in control in this brand-obsessed world, using tools
like vlogs, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and

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Public Relations (3 of 4)

• Digital media enables firms to become part of the consumer dialogue and:
− Monitor the brand buzz.
− Get the brand into the day-to-day conversations of key consumers.
− Do damage control.
• Word of mouth (WOM) or electronic word of mouth (eWOM) can be a
powerful influence on a consumer’s intentions to buy a brand.
• Chief marketing officers (CMOs) recognize the power and importance of PR.

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Public Relations (4 of 4)
Public Relations and Damage Control
• An important part of public relations is crisis communications.
• A smart PR strategy is to consider a new brand identity to help build trust after a
major crisis, or series of brand transgressions.
• It is important for all CEOs to be responsive and to not minimize consumer harm
associated with crises related to their brands if the Consumer Product Safety
Commission’s (CPSC) issues a recall.
• Other ways to help offer helpful information to consumers includes pre-roll
advertising or text disclosures.

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Objectives for Public Relations

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Objectives for Public Relations (1 of 2)

• Promoting goodwill:
− An image-building function of public relations

• Promoting a product or service:

− Press releases, events, or brand “news” that increase public awareness of a firm’s brands

• Preparing internal communications:

− Disseminating information and correcting misinformation within a firm

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Objectives for Public Relations (2 of 2)

• Counteracting negative publicity:

− The damage-control function of public relations

• Lobbying:
− The public relations function can assist a firm in dealing with government officials and
pending legislation

• Giving advice and counsel:

− Assisting management in determining what (if any) position to take on public issues,
preparing employees for public appearances, and helping management anticipate public

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Exhibit 18.7—
economic and
as a core
brand value.

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The Tools of Public Relations

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The Tools of Public Relations (1 of 2)
• Press Releases: Cover the basic who, what, when, where, and why of an event
− Show economic impact on sponsors to help leverage investment and attract future sponsors
− Drawbacks:
 A firm often doesn’t know if or when the item will appear in the news.
 Journalists are free to edit or interpret a news release.

• Feature Stories: Offer a journalist the opportunity to do a lengthy article with

exclusive rights to the information
• Company Newsletters/E-Newsletters: In-house publications that disseminate
positive information about a firm through its employees
• Interviews and Press Conferences: Used in a crisis management situation or to
make important announcements
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The Tools of Public Relations (2 of 2)

• Sponsored Events and Event Marketing: Prominent display of the corporate

name and logo offers residents the chance to see that an organization is
dedicated to supporting their community
• Publicity: Public relations function seeks to monitor and manage publicity but
obviously can never actually control what the media chooses to say or report
− Publicity that appears in conventional news media and official news websites of established
media outlets assumes an air of believability because of the credibility of the media context.
− Nonbusiness organizations often use publicity in the form of news and public-interest stories
as ways to gain widespread visibility.

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Proactive and Reactive
Public Relations Strategies

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Proactive and Reactive
Public Relations Strategies (1 of 3)
Proactive Strategy
• To implement a proactive public
relations strategy, a firm needs to
develop a comprehensive public
relations program.

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Proactive and Reactive
Public Relations Strategies (2 of 3)
1. A public relations audit gathers information about the company in much the
same way as information related to advertising strategy is gathered.
2. A good public relations plan includes the following:
− Situation analysis: Summarizes the information obtained from the public relations audit
− Program objectives: Set for both short-term and long-term opportunities
− Program rationale: Identify the role the program will play relative to other efforts
− Communications vehicles: Specifies what means will be used to implement the plan
− Message and content: Researched and developed just as advertising messages are
− Evaluation: Specifics on how results will be measured

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Exhibit 18.11—Mattel’s proactive strategy.

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Proactive and Reactive
Public Relations Strategies (3 of 3)
Reactive Strategy
• A firm must quickly implement a reactive public relations strategy when
events outside of its control create negative publicity.
• Focuses on problems to be solved rather than on opportunities.
− The public relations audit: PR audit that was prepared for the proactive strategy helps a firm
also prepare its reactive strategy
− The identification of vulnerabilities: Recognize areas in which the firm has weaknesses in its
operations or products that can negatively affect its relationships with important constituents

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Influencer Marketing and
Social Media for PR Strategy

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Influencer Marketing and
Social Media for PR Strategy (1 of 5)

• The coordination of public relations into an integrated program is a matter of

recognizing and identifying the process as critical to the overall IBP effort and,
as always, getting the right set of players on your IBP team.
• Influencer marketing can give consumers “something to talk about.”

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Influencer Marketing and
Social Media for PR Strategy (2 of 5)
• Professional Influence Programs: Word-of-mouth communications that result in
brand referrals by influencers have a strong impact on new customers.
− Information from a micro-influencer feels more personal than information from a macro-
− A systematic seeding of conversations involving a consumer, the influencer, and the brand.
− Directed at professionals
− Require long-term commitment to develop trust

• Peer-to-Peer Influencer Programs: The idea is to give influencers something fun

or provocative to talk about.

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Influencer Marketing and
Social Media for PR Strategy (3 of 5)
• Buzz and Viral Marketing:
− Buzz marketing occurs when a firm’s marketing activities gain widespread media coverage
and become a source of conversation in households, between friends, at work, or at school.

− Viral marketing occurs when word of mouth in digital media reaches high levels of activity.

− Both depend on high levels of contact among consumers.

− Target a handful of carefully chosen trendsetters or connectors as your influencers and let
them spread the word.

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Exhibit 18.15—This Dove campaign
went viral on YouTube.

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Influencer Marketing and
Social Media for PR Strategy (4 of 5)
• Publicity stunts:
− Publicity stunts can be thought of as buzz
− In 1863, P. T. Barnum orchestrated a
wedding between two of his circus stars
(both just 3 feet tall) to boost attendance at
the circus.
− Today there is the level of experience and
sophistication of technology, organizations,
ad agencies and marketing professionals
when it comes to assisting clients with
influencer programming.
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Influencer Marketing and
Social Media for PR Strategy (5 of 5)
• Cultivating Connectors: Identifying and developing agents who positively tout a
firm’s brand, thus creating a buzz.
− Develop connector databases; find the conversation starters; track the buzz online and off.

• Transparency in Buzz: The FTC requires that free samples or payments made
to influencers must be disclosed.

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Corporate Advertising

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Corporate Advertising (1 of 3)

• Intends to establish a favorable attitude toward a company as a whole.

• Scope and objectives of Corporate Advertising:
− Build the image of the firm

− Boost employee morale or attract new employees

− Communicate an organization’s views on social, political, or environmental issues

− Position the firm’s products against competition

− Play a role in overall advertising and IBP strategy of an organization, providing a platform
for more brand-specific campaigns

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Corporate Advertising (2 of 3)
Types of Corporate Advertising
• Corporate Image Advertising: Enhances the overall image of a firm among
important constituents
− May affect buyer predisposition in brand choice.
• Advocacy Advertising: Meant to influence public opinion on issues of concern
to a firm
• Cause-Related Advertising: The goal can be to enhance the image of the firm
by associating it with social issues of importance to its constituents
− Becoming increasingly common
 Consumers have a more favorable impression of companies that support good causes.
 Consumers believe that the causes a company supports can be a valid reason for switching
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Exhibit 18.23—BNSF airs this
corporate ad on public television.

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Corporate Advertising (3 of 3)

• Green Marketing: Refers to corporate communication efforts that embrace a

cause or a program in support of the environment
− Currently of particular importance, as the public is becoming increasingly aware and
concerned about the urgency of environmental issues

− Consumers who suspect greenwashing can look for certification from groups like Green
Seal and check on sites like EnviroLink to see who is really doing what to protect the

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