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Alice in

Wonderland (2010)
[English Literature Assignment]
Zahra 2230205104
Key Facts…

Author : Charles Lutwidge Dodgson

Type of book : Novel
Genre : Literary Nonsense, Children’s
Fiction, Adventure, Fantasy
Language : English
Setting (time) : Victorian Era
Presence of story…
The film begins with a young Alice waking in the
middle of the night to tell her father that she is
having a nightmare. He interrupts a business
meeting about foreign trade routes to tuck her
back into bed, where he tells her that she is mad,
but that "all the best people are."

The film then jumps 13 years into the future. Alice is almost 20 and is arriving
at a garden party with her mother; her father has died.
An adventurous, spunky, and levelheaded seven-year-old who
jumps into a dream world, Alice finds herself constantly
confronted by characters who say things that make no sense and
do things she knows are impossible.

The Mad Hatter

With the March Hare and the Dormouse, the Hatter presides over a long tea
table set with dozens of empty chairs. He's rather uncivil to Alice, informing her
that she needs a haircut and asking her to solve a riddle that doesn't have an
The Queen of Hearts
The Queen of Hearts is Alice's main antagonist. In fact, the Queen is nasty to
everyone she meets. She's like a walking volcano, always erupting with fury, and
her favorite command is "Off with his head!" (or "her head," in Alice's case).

The White Queen

The White Queen is a good and just ruler, benevolent and sweet in contrast to
the Red Queen's violent and changeable temperament. The White Queen
is kind to the animals and rules fairly, vowing never to cause harm to any
living thing..

Cheshire cat
The Cheshire Cat is one of the few characters who's moderately
pleasant with Alice. He appears and disappears without warning, but
when he's around, he listens to her sympathetically
Absolem, The Caterpillar
A Wonderland creature. The Caterpillar sits on a mushroom, smokes a
hookah, and treats Alice with contempt. He directs Alice to the magic
mushroom that allows her to shrink and grow.

The White Rabbit

The frantic, harried Wonderland creature that originally leads Alice to
Wonderland. The White Rabbit is figure of some importance, but he is
manic, timid, and occasionally aggressive.

The Dormouse
The Mad Hatter and March Hare’s companion. The Dormouse sits at the
tea table and drifts in and out of sleep.

The King of Hearts

The coruler of Wonderland. The King is ineffectual and generally
unlikeable, but lacks the Queen’s ruthlessness and undoes her orders of
Imaginative setting
The setting is Wonderland, a strange and
seemingly crazy world that is entered by
dropping into a rabbit hole. Animal act as
normal people. Physical size as well as time
are relative.
Moral story
finding your own identity and embracing your

Alice feels out of place in her own world, yearning

for adventure and a sense of belonging. Throughout
Wonderland, she encounters strange characters who
challenge societal norms and expectations. This
journey helps Alice discover her own strengths and
inner voice. By the end, she realizes she doesn't
need to conform and can be her own unique self,
even if it means being different from everyone else.
‘I can’t tell you just now what the moral of that is, but I shall
remember it in a bit.’
‘Perhaps it hasn’t one,’ Alice ventured to remark.
‘Tut, tut, child!’ said the Duchess. ‘Everything’s got a moral, if
only you can find it.’
Thank you
Big numbers catch for the audience’s attention

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