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• I would like to Briefly introduce myself as most people
here do not know me

• My name is Kelvin Musyimi. I am a Pastor, a crypto

enthusiast/investor, entrepreneur and public speaker.

• I am a Husband and together with my Wife, God has

blessed and entrusted us with One boy, 10 months
I believe all of you here before now have heard a
lot about cryptocurrency.

How people, both young and old, are cashing out

overnight by trading and investing in

So if you are here, you probably may have found

yourself in one or more of these categories.
Confused Learner

You are new to cryptocurrency and find it

difficult to understand the concepts and
terminology surrounding it.

You may have gone online and on youtube to

learn how to profit from cryptocurrency but
everything sounds like Spanish to your ears.
You didn’t understand a thing. You’ve
concluded “this crypto thing is hard to
Greedy Investors

You are just interested in making quick profits

from cryptocurrency investments and may
take high risks without fully understanding the

You may have gone a bit further to pay

someone to trade on your behalf or even paid
and joined a trading signal provider, but you
have not really made profits or even you made
profits and still ended up losing everything.
Scam Victims

You may have been misled by scams or fraudulent

activities related to cryptocurrency and may have suffered
significant losses as a result.

And you may have vowed never to dabble into the

cryptocurrency space again…

You may even have concluded that cryptocurrency is a


No, crypto is not a scam. I

t has made a lot of people millionaires. It has made me

quite some money too, and that is why I can boldly tell
you it is not a scam.

And you too can make money from it when you

understand the basics.
• Well, 3 years ago when I started out, I fell
into all the categories because I was
confused, desperate, and greedy, and as a
result, I became a victim of scammers on
multiple occasions.

• You should understand this…The fact that

you have decided to join this training, means
you are ready to change the narrative and
you’re better than 90% of others because
you are making an effort to understand a
force that could be the future of money in a
few years to come.
Yes when we say cryptocurrency is the future of money, it
is already manifesting as some nations like El Salvador
(September 2021), have made cryptocurrency their legal
tender, and more recently, in April 2022, the Central
African Republic (CAR) made bitcoin its Legal tender. That
is, cryptocurrency is now their medium of exchange, and it
is only a matter of time before other nations follow suit.
The reason why many are still confused no
matter the effort put into learning is
because Some of these—YouTube, free
trading signal providers, and even some
paid courses… are not designed to make you
understand anything about trading
cryptocurrency profitably.
Hence they do not try to break
down the technical terms so no
matter how many videos you go
through, you still end up
Most of these people only want to get
your attention, so they can ask you to
invest or pay for signals. The worst part of
this, is that these people are newbies who
learned one or two from YouTube and are
now posing as experts. That is like entering
a car with no brakes; it’s definitely going to
• Let me give you this warning before I proceed.
Are you listening?

• Never put your money in any crypto

trading/investment platform or pay anybody
to trade for you. Because sooner or later it
would crumble together with your money.

• By crypto investment platforms, I mean those

platforms/people that tell you to bring money
for them to be giving you certain %returns
daily, weekly or monthly. Some even go ahead
to tell you they will double your money in
• Here is an outline of what you are going to get from this class.

• ✔ 4 Basic things you must know first before you trade crypto.

• ✔ Why you should Learn About Cryptocurrency

• ✔How to understand the cryptocurrency market even as a

complete novice.

• ✔ How to make profit from crypto.

• ✔ How to identify Legit crypto coins/token with Great potentials

• ✔ How to avoid being scammed in crypto.

• KEY 1 📌📌📌
• 👉Learn the Basics of cryptocurrencies👈

• This is NOT Negotiable. I know you want to rush off and start
cashing out like your friends, who are making noise every day on
their status about their crypto gains. People who skip the basic
cashout quite alright, but in a short time, they soon lose
everything because they jumped the steps.

• I had this guy xxxxx, He came to me complaining bitterly. He said

“It was like someone used jazz on me, the whole money I made
just disappeared like smoke”

• There was no jazz; he skipped the basics and was paying for
signals and placing trades by himself. Well, it came back to bite
• There is something these people won’t tell rookies, because
they only want your money… They would tell you that with
just signals, you’re good to go. How??

• As we progress in this crypto training, it is very necessary that

we understand the terms and slangs uses in the crypto space.

• Just like there are terms used in the medical field, agricultural
field, engineering field etc, there are also terms and slangs
used in the crypto space.
• 1. Cryptocurrency

• A virtual digital decentralized currency built on the blockchain network.

The most well-known cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, but there are now
thousands of different cryptocurrencies in existence, each with its own
unique features and capabilities.

• Cryptocurrencies can be used for a variety of purposes, including as a

medium of exchange for goods and services, as a store of value, or as an
investment asset.

• Cryptocurrencies offer several benefits over traditional fiat currencies,

including lower transaction fees, faster processing times, and increased
privacy and security. However, they are also subject to volatility and
regulatory uncertainty, which can make them risky investments.
• 2. Blockchain: Blockchain is a digital ledger technology
that allows data to be recorded in a secure and
transparent manner. It is essentially a database that is
distributed across a network of computers, where each
computer maintains a copy of the ledger.

• The ledger contains a record of all transactions that have

taken place on the network, and each transaction is
verified and recorded by multiple computers in the
network. This creates a high level of security, as it would
be very difficult for someone to modify or tamper with
the ledger without being detected.
• Blockchain technology is most commonly associated with
cryptocurrencies, but it has a wide range of potential applications
beyond finance, including supply chain management, identity
verification, and voting systems. Overall, blockchain is a powerful
tool for creating trust and transparency in a digital world.

• One of the key features of a blockchain is its transparency. Because

the ledger is shared across a network of computers, everyone on the
network can see and verify all of the transactions that have taken
place. This means that it is very difficult for someone to manipulate
or falsify the data on the blockchain without being detected.

• This transparency is particularly important in areas where trust is

crucial, such as finance, supply chain management, and voting
systems. By using a blockchain, these systems can be made more
secure and transparent, as all participants can see and verify the
data on the ledger.
• 3. Decentralization

• The principle of distributing power away from a central

point. Blockchains are traditionally decentralized because
they require majority approval from all users to operate
and make changes, rather than a central authority.

• Decentralization is a key characteristic of most

cryptocurrencies. Unlike traditional currencies, which are
typically controlled by governments or financial
institutions, cryptocurrencies are not controlled by any
central authority. Instead, they rely on a network of users
and computers to validate transactions and maintain the
integrity of the currency.
• Bitcoin (BTC)

• The first cryptocurrency. Founded by Satoshi

Nakamoto (Psedonym for its founder/s) – Launched
January 3rd 2009. Bitcoin is referred to as the
Granddaddy of all cryptocurrencies and it’s rated as
the number 1 cryptocurrency according to market cap.

• Unlike traditional currencies, which are physical and

can be held in your hand, Bitcoin exists only in digital
form. It can be used to buy goods and services, and it
can also be traded on various cryptocurrency
exchanges like a stock or commodity.
• Ethereum (ETH)

• Ethereum is a blockchain-based platform that was launched

in 2015. It was created by a developer named Vitalik Buterin
as a way to build decentralized applications (dapps) on top
of a blockchain.

• Like Bitcoin, Ethereum uses a decentralized network of users

and computers to validate transactions and maintain the
integrity of the blockchain. However, Ethereum is designed
to be much more than just a cryptocurrency. It allows
developers to create and deploy smart contracts, which are
self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement
between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of
• Smart Contracts

• Programs stored on a blockchain that run when predetermined conditions are met.
A smart contract is like a computer program that can automatically execute an
agreement between two parties. It is a way to make sure that both parties follow
through on their promises without needing a middleman like a lawyer or a bank.

• For example, let's say you want to buy a car from a friend. You both agree on a
price, but you want to make sure your friend actually sends you the toy before you
send them the money. With a smart contract, you could set up the terms of the
agreement in code, such as "When the car is delivered, send the money." Once the
car is delivered, the smart contract automatically sends the money to your friend.

• Smart contracts are often used in blockchain-based applications to create trust and
transparency in a decentralized way. Smart contracts have many potential
applications in areas such as supply chain management, finance, real estate, and
more. They offer a way to automate complex processes, reduce the need for
intermediaries, and increase transparency and accountability in agreements
between parties.
• 7. Address

• An address is a string of characters that

functions as a place where individuals can
receive, store, or send cryptocurrency. Like a
telephone number or zip code, every crypto
address is unique
• 8. GAS FEE
• Gas fees are the transaction fees that users pay to miners on a
blockchain protocol to have their transaction included in the
block. The system works on a standard supply and demand

• Gas fees on bep20 (binance block chain) is quite low*

• *Gas fees on Erc20(ethereum block chain is high)
• .take note✅✅

• In Ethereum block chain (ERC20), you could buy ethereum

worth #200,000 and pay GAS fee of #40,000 which is very high.

• But on binance blockchain(BEP20), You could buy a coin worth

#200,000 and pay GAS fee of about #5,000.
• HODL means “hold,” but some people claim
it's also an acronym. HODL as an acronym
stands for “hold on for dear life.” Bitcoin
historically dips over 80% in bear markets
before returning past its all-time highs, and
this is why many crypto investors simply
• Market cap—or market capitalization—refers to the total
value of all a company's shares of stock. It is calculated by
multiplying the price of a stock by its total number of
outstanding shares. For example, a company with 20
million shares selling at $50 a share would have a market
cap of $1 billion.

• In the case of Cryptocurrency, the market cap of any

cryptocurrency asset is the total value of that asset and is
calculated by multiplying the circulating supply (number
of coins in circulation) and the price of the coin.

• You can do the mathematics yourself for different coins

• Market cap= price of coin x total number of coin in circulation

• Example
• Let’s say the Price of BTC is $60,000 and the total supply of BTC
is 21,000,000, what is the market cap of BTC?

• Solution
• Market cap = Price of BTC x Supply of BTC

• = 60,000 x 21,000,000
• = $1,260,000,000,000
• =$1.26 trillion
• That is the total market cap of BTC is $1.26trillion
• Quite simply, 'going to the moon' in cryptocurrency terms
means that the price of a particular coin is rising off the
charts.... This can be used by would-be investors to try
and determine the best time to sell their currency, in
order to get the best possible price for it.

• To the Moon is an exclamation used when cryptocurrency

prices are rising off the charts. By the same token, when a
coin's price is "mooning," that means that the price has
hit a peak.

• To the moon is mostly accompanied with rocket emoji🚀🚀🚀

• In cryptocurrency, decentralized means that there is no central point of
the network. Instead, it is spread over a series of users (nodes).

• The opposite of decentralized, centralized means that there is a central

• This is often disliked in cryptocurrency as it may mean that the central

point holds a lot of power and can also mean it is more vulnerable to

• 14)DApp
• Pronounced as D-App
• Stands for decentralized application.
• These are applications that are not centralised and work on top of the
• One of the most common algorithms in cryptocurrency.

• It requires miners to mine blocks to validate transactions.(An

example is Bitcoin)


• Another highly common algorithm that requires users to stake some
of their cryptocurrency to validate transactions.
• Some believe that this algorithm is much more efficient than Proof
of Work.

• This is a word that is often used to describe the distributed ledger. It
means that it cannot be changed. Once information or a transaction
is added, you cannot remove it.
• This refers to the ability for something to be
interchanged with another. In cryptocurrency, if a coin is
fungible it should have the same value everywhere.

• This cryptocurrency term is short for Alternative coin,
this is any cryptocurrency that is not Bitcoin.


• A wallet that usually takes the form of a small physical
device. Hardware wallets are perhaps the safest way to
store your cryptocurrency.
• 21)ICO
• Stands for Initial Coin Offering’, which is where a new
cryptocurrency will give away some coins at a discounted rate in
return for another cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin, BNB etc
• This is usually done to finance the project.(just like a fundraising)

• 22)IEO
• Stands for Initial Exchange Offering. It is a fundraising event for a
cryptocurrency exchange, where users purchase coins that can
be used on an exchange.

• 23)DAO
• Stands for Decentralised Autonomous Organisation’. This is an
organisation, usually made up of developers and shareholders
who vote on how the blockchain should develop.
• A marketing campaign that distributes a specific cryptocurrency or token to an

• The lowest point (in price, in market capitalization) that a cryptocurrency has
been in history.
• (It simply means lowest price ever

• It simply means highest price ever that a coin has reached.

• 29)BAG
• Crypto slang for a large quantity of a specific crypto coin.

• 30)BOTS
• Automated software that can carry out tasks such as cryptocurrency trades.
• 31) BURN
• Cryptocurrency tokens or coins are
considered “burned” when they have been
purposely and permanently removed from
• (Burning a coin leads to scarcity of that coin
and this could increase the price of that coin).
• 32) DUMP Or DIP
• Dump/Dip simply mean the fall in price of a coin.
• Different circumstances could cause the price of any
cryptocurrency to dip.
• Dump means a sudden sell-off of digital assets.

• Dumping means collective market sell-off that occurs when large

quantities of a particular cryptocurrency are sold in a short
period of time.

• However it is advisable to buy the dip(meaning that you should

buy a coin at low price)

• Some novices think dip is a coin🤣🤣🤣🤣

• Because they have been hearing people say "buy the dip" 🤣🤣
• An enthusiastic exclamation by supporters of a cryptocurrency to
buy while prices are at a low point. For example when the price of
BTC went as low as $16,000, I told some of my students to buy the

• A document released by a crypto project that gives investors
technical information about its concept, and a roadmap for how it
plans to grow and succeed.

• 35)FOMO (fear of Missing out)

• FOMO describes the “Fear of Missing Out.” ... As in most walks of
life, in cryptocurrency trading specifically, neither FUD nor FOMO is
your friend. Since this is a cryptocurrency site, let's discuss how
FUD and FOMO relate to crypto.
• 36)FUD is Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (often
spread on social media or mass media).
• An example is what Elon Musk caused.
• If you have been following my post on this
group, you will know what I'm talking about😊

• Some influencial people deliberately cause

FUD among other non influencial
holders...when it results in a red market, they
will now buy more.... (crypto manipulation)
• The term bull market is used to describe a longer period of price
growth. Price growth in the value of a stock, or in our case of the
cryptocurrency market. A bear market is the exact opposite. The
meaning of a bear market is when the value of a stock or Bitcoin is
decreasing for a longer period of time.

• A bull market is the condition of a financial market in which prices

are rising or are expected to rise. The term "bull market" is most
often used to refer to the stock market but can be applied to
anything that is traded, such as bonds, real estate, currencies, and

• When we have bought the dip, we always pray for the market to
turn bullish so that we can take profit
• Hope you understand😊😊😊
• 38)DYOR (do your own research)
• DYOR? Do Your Own Research (DYOR) is regarded as
one of the most important aspects of being a
cryptocurrency investor. ... It is also often used as a
kind of disclaimer by some cryptocurrency figures
when they post about projects or analysis on social
media platforms.

• If you tell someone to invest in a particular

cryptocurrency, it is important you tell them to do
their own research, which means you won't be
responsible for their loss
• Very important!!!!
• 39)REKT
• REKT (or rekt) is an internet slang for “wrecked,” meaning
severely damaged or utterly destroyed and ruined. However,
depending on the context, it may mean something else. In
the crypto community, rekt often refers to someone who
has experienced a heavy financial loss due to a wrong trade
or investment.

• 40)FA(fundamental analysis)
• Crypto fundamental analysis involves taking a deep dive into
the available information about a financial asset. For
instance, you might look at its use cases, the amount of
people using it, or the team behind the project. Your goal is
to reach a conclusion on whether the asset is overvalued or
• 41)TA(Technical Analysis)
• Technical analysis involves using real-world data
to try to predict the future of the market. It
involves looking at past statistics of the
cryptocurrencies in question, including factors like
volume and movement. Another common
method, the fundamental analysis would be
evaluating the cryptocurrency's inherent value.

• This is advance stuff and it is for those that want

to go into trading, reading charts, understanding
candlestick, making predictions, etc😊😊😊
• A cryptocurrency that is no longer in existence.


• A peer-to-peer exchange allowing users to trade
cryptocurrency without the need for an intermediary.

• A coin with no obvious potential value or usage.

• 45)GEMS
• Gem is a term for relatively unknown low-cap coins that
have immense potential or are grossly undervalued.
• A financial instrument where assets or cash are
held by a third party while a buyer and a seller
complete a deal.

• Yield farming involves earning interest by investing
crypto in decentralized finance markets.

• The act of exchanging cryptocurrencies on a
• 49)WHALE
• A term used to describe investors who have
uncommonly large amounts of crypto,
especially those with enough funds to
manipulate the market.


• A form of fraud involving the artificial inflation
of the price of a cryptocurrency with false and
misleading positive statements.
• 51)NFA
• NFA means "Not a Financial Advice".

• When you recommend a coin for someone to buy, it is

advisable to tell them that it isn't a financial advise, so that
you don't get the blame if anything goes wrong

• 52) Crypto Exchange

• A cryptocurrency exchange works similarly like stock
exchanges which helps the investors to buy, sell and trade
digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum or Tether.

• Examples of crypto exchanges include Binance, Bybit,

Kucoin, etc.
• Key 2
• Know the basics of investment: Buy low, sell
high with proper risk management, so you
don’t lose everything. Basic things internet
gurus won’t teach you.
• Key 3

• Have financial discipline: Have financial discipline!

Invest in coins only when you know it is the correct
time and have potentials (this is what the
understanding of the market I will explain in the next
chapter would help you know. Don't invest because
you have some money or someone recommends it.

• Don’t be like a tree; the wind blows to any direction

it wishes, be disciplined! This is the hard truth, but I
must say it, I want you to understand these things.
• Now many of you will be asking yourselves
why learn about cryptocurrency…

• What will be the potential benefit to me.

• I will be highlighting 4 reasons why it is

important and compulsory to learn about
• Now many of you will be asking yourselves
why learn about cryptocurrency…

• What will be the potential benefit to me.

• I will be highlighting 4 reasons why it is

important and compulsory to learn about
• 1. There’s money to be made - No need to spend so much time
explaining this as we are all aware of the potentials to make
some serious money of the crypto market, so I will move on to
the other reasons

• 2. Cryptocurrency eliminates the hassle of international

transactions - Cryptocurrency makes sending money across
borders easier. It's faster, cheaper, and doesn't rely on
traditional banks. You can send or receive money anytime, and
it's not limited by country borders. Plus, it helps people without
access to regular banks. Transactions are secure, transparent,
and avoid the usual hassles of international transfers.

• For example, i have been able to transact with people from

different part of the world and not worry about how to receive
money from them because of cryptocurrency.
3. Protect you from future investment scam - YOur
knowledge on cryptocurrency can be a shield protecting
you from bad players in the crypto space that tends to prey
onthe ignorance of people to scam them of their money.

4. Lastly, cryptocurrency is the future of finance and it is

speedingly becoming a world movement as some countries
are even adopting them as their legal tender, so you need
the knowledge so you do not get left behind as the world

Study the cryptocurrency market: Know this; To become an

expert in crypto in a short time, you have to understand
how to study the crypto market… this simply means,
understanding what moves the price of crypto.

This singular knowledge has made me an expert in the

crypto space and made me a lot of money.

With the knowledge of the market, you almost never lose

money. And the funny thing is… It’s very easy to
understand, but people don’t know it.

Crypto price is determined by how much interest there is on

the market in buying them – that’s called demand – and
how much is available to buy – that’s supply. The
relationship between the two determines the price.

Do you understand? Read that again

• Number 2: THE PLAN

• Create a plan: Start by assigning a budget for trading

and sticking to it.
• This is the first exercise I do with every one of my

• It’s compulsory for every one of my students to

have a Trading Plan and so together we create a
Watertight Trading Plan according to each person’s
• Number 2: THE PLAN

• Anybody that claims to be an expert and doesn’t know how to

create a plan… as a matter of fact, only a few people know how
important this is.

• That is why you should be very careful when choosing a mentor

• The cryptocurrency market is always fluctuating, that’s why it is

important to stick to your plan.

• ⧫Cryptocurrency is a high-in-demand digital currency that works

as an asset (your own property) with the potential of greater
gains. And it’s not going anywhere. However, if you understand
the basic know-how, work according to a plan and follow the
above steps, you can become a Cryptocurrency expert in a short

• Join a Result Driven Crypto Community

• As a newbie, it is also important you join a crypto
community, where everything they talk about is

• But you need the guidance of your mentor to direct

you into the right community, so you don’t saturate
your mind with the wrong information from a
community of fake experts.

• That’s how I climbed.

• NUMBER 4: The Mentorship

• Invest in a mentor who trades and invests.: The worst thing that can happen to a
newbie is trying to gather information about crypto online.

• You would.
• There is plenty of information on the internet that you would get so confused that
your brain would cry for help. Different people with different tactics and formulas.

• You need a mentor who doesn’t just teach, but trades and invests to hold your

• For example; I have been on this path for a long time, I have made lots of mistakes
and I have learned a lot of market hacks and strategies along the way, things you
can learn only by actually trading and investing

• My students don’t have to make those mistakes I made again, they don’t have to
trade for 3 years to learn those hacks and strategies, because I would pass it on to

• This would push them up the expert ladder in a very short time. They won’t have to
rely on guesswork or trial and error.
• NUMBER 4: The Mentorship

• Having a real mentor is just like going to a strange

city for the first time with a map. You wouldn’t
waste your time stopping at every junction asking
for directions… you wouldn’t miss your way because
of the wrong direction. With a map, you can get to
your destination in a very short time without
unnecessary difficulty.

• You can now agree with me that getting a correct

mentor is the most important thing you must do as
a newbie to the crypto space.

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