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By Dr. Kalpesh Nikawat

Summon Case
A s per section 2 (W)
1. A case relating to an offence, not being a
warrant case.
2. A case relating to an offence which is not
punishable with death, imprisonment for life or
imprisonment for a term exceeding two years.
3. The trial procedure for summon cases is
contained in section 251 to 259 Cr.P.C.
Section 251.
Substance of accusation to be stated

• When in a summons-case the accused appears

or is brought before the Magistrate, the
particulars of the offence of which he is
accused shall be stated to him, and he shall be
asked whether he pleads guilty or has any
defence to make, but it shall not be necessary
to frame a formal charge.
• The object of the section is to apprise the accused of the
charge against him. He is Explained about the facts
constituting the offence for the commission of which he is
going to put on trial.
• It is not necessary to frame a formal charge in a trial of a
summon case as per the provision of section 211-213 of
• The magistrate must record the plea of guilty at the
commencement of the trial, if the accused pleads so.
However, the magistrate is bound to convict the accused who
pleads guilty, if he thinks it necessary in the interest of justice
to have evidence of his guilty.
Section 252
Conviction on plea of guilty
• If the accused pleads guilty, the Magistrate
shall record the plea as nearly as possible in
the words used by the accused and may, in his
discretion, convict him thereon.
• If the accused pleads guilty, it is imperative for
the magistrate to record the plea in the exact
words used by the accused as nearly as
possible and in the accused own language in
order to avoid any misapprehension.
Section 253
Conviction on plea of guilty in absence of
accused in petty cases.
• (1) Where a summons has been issued under section 206 and the
accused desires to plead guilty to the charge without appearing
before the Magistrate, he shall transmit to the Magistrate, by post or
by messenger, a letter containing his plea and also the amount of fine
specified in the summons.
• (2) The Magistrate may, in his discretion, convict the accused in his
absence, on his plea of guilty and sentence him to pay the fine
specified in the summons, and the amount transmitted by the
accused shall be adjusted towards that fine, or where a pleader
authorized by the accused in this behalf pleads guilty on behalf of
the accused, the Magistrate shall record the plea as nearly as possible
in the words used by the pleader and may, in his discretion, convict
the accused on such plea and sentence him as aforesaid.
• This section contains an enabling provision which
is introduced in the code with a view to disposing
of petty cases without requiring the presence of the
• The section also allows a pleader appearing on
behalf of the accused person to plead guilty on his
• The power conferred under this section should be
used by the Magistrate with great caution and care
and not arbitrarily.
Section 254
Procedure when not convicted
• (1) If the Magistrate does not convict the accused under section
252 or section 253, the Magistrate shall proceed to hear the
prosecution and take all such evidence as may be produced in
support of the prosecution, and also to hear the accused and take all
such evidence as he produces in his defence.
• (2) The Magistrate may, if he thinks fit, on the application of the
prosecution or the accused, issue a summons to any witness
directing him to attend or to produce any document or other thing.
• (3) The Magistrate may, before summoning any witness on such
application require that the reasonable expenses of the witness
incurred in attending for the purposes of the trial be deposited in
• If the accused does not plead guilty under sec
252, the Magistrate shall hear the complaint
and his witnesses; and he cannot acquit the
accused without such examination.
Section 255
Acquittal or conviction
• (1) If the Magistrate, upon taking the evidence referred to in
section 254 and such further evidence, if any, as he may, of his own
motion, cause to be produced, finds the accused not guilty, he shall
record an order of acquittal.
• (2) Where the Magistrate does not proceed in accordance with the
provisions of section 325 or section 360, he shall, if he finds the
accused guilty, pass sentence upon him according to law.
• (3) A Magistrate may, under section 252 or section 255, convict the
accused of any offence triable under this Chapter, which from the
facts admitted or proved he appears to have committed, whatever
may be the nature of the complaint or summons, if the Magistrate
is satisfied that the accused would not be prejudiced thereby.
• An order of acquittal can be passed by the
magistrate only after hearing the witnesses and
taking evidence referred to in sec 254.
• If the magistrate convicts the accused, he will
pass sentence on him according to law.
Section 256
Non-appearance or death of complainant
• (1) If the summons has been issued on complaint, and on the day
appointed for the appearance of the accused, or any day subsequent
thereto to which the hearing may be adjourned, the complainant does
not appear, the Magistrate shall, notwithstanding anything hereinbefore
contained, acquit the accused, unless for some reason he thinks it
proper to adjourn the hearing of the case to some other day: Provided
that where the complainant is represented by a pleader or by the officer
conducting the prosecution or where the Magistrate is of opinion that
the personal attendance of the complainant is not necessary, the
Magistrate may dispense with his attendance and proceed with the case.
• (2) The provisions of sub- section (1) shall, so far as may be, apply also
to cases where the non- appearance of the complainant is due to his
• This section applies to cases where summons has been issued to the
accused on the complaint and the complainant does not appear before
the court on the day appointed for the appearance of the accused.
• Similar provisions exits in section 249 to be applicable in a warrant
• In case of absence of death of the complainant, the Magistrate may
use his judicial discretion. He may-
• (1) order the acquittal of the accused if he deems it proper; or
• (2) postpone the hearing for some future date; or
• (3) proceed with the case further keeping aside the absence of the
accused due to his non-appearance or death, as the case may, where
he finds it necessary to do so in the interest of justice.
Section 257
Withdrawal of complaint

• If a complainant, at any time before a final order

is passed in any case under this Chapter, satisfies
the Magistrate that there are sufficient grounds
for permitting him to withdraw his complaint
against the accused, or if there be more than one
accused, against all or any of them, the
Magistrate may permit him to withdraw the
same, and shall thereupon acquit the accused
against whom the complaint is so withdrawn.
• The section provides for the withdrawal of the
complaint with the consent of the court any time
before the final order is passed. The section refers to
withdrawal of complaint only in summons cases. The
section requires that the complainant should make a
request for the withdrawal of the complaint
satisfying the court that there are valid grounds for
the withdrawal of the complaint. The Magistrate at
his discretion may allow withdrawal of the complaint
and thereafter order acquittal of the accused.
Section 258
Power to stop proceedings in certain cases .
• In any summons- case instituted otherwise than upon
complaint, a Magistrate of the first class or, with the
previous sanction of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, any
other Judicial Magistrate, may, for reasons to be
recorded by him, stop the proceedings at any stage
without pronouncing any judgment and where such
stoppage of proceedings is made after the evidence of
the principal witnesses has been recorded, pronounce a
judgment of acquittal, and in any other case, release the
accused, and such release shall have the effect of
• This section applies only to a summons case
instituted otherwise than upon a complaint and
does not apply on complaint case.
• The Magistrate may stop the proceedings at
any stage before the pronouncement of
judgment but he has to record the reasons as
required by this section.
Section 259
Power of Court to convert summons- cases into
warrant- cases
• When in the course of the trial of a summons-
case relating to an offence punishable with
imprisonment for a term exceeding six months it
appears to the Magistrate that in the interests of
justice, the offence should be tried in accordance
with the procedure for the trial of warrant- cases,
such Magistrate may proceed to re- hear the case
in the manner provided by this Code for the trial
of warrant- cases and may recall an witness who
may have been examined.
• This section empowers the Magistrate to convert a
summons case into a warrant case if the offence is
punishable with imprisonment for more than six months
and he is of the opinion that justice demands the case to
be tried as a warrant case. Where a summons case is so
converted into a warrant case, the proceedings should be
started de novo. The Magistrate may also recall any
witnesses who may have already been examined when
the case was proceeded as a summons case.
• * De novo : starting from the beginning

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