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Made By :-
Arnav Jain Prateek
Dhruv Nagpal Sneha
Kritika Sharma Vanshika Sharma
Kushagra Sinha Jahnavi Yadav
Neer Dalal
Two of the most significant conflicts that have shaped human history are World War I and the Russia-Ukraine War.
The causes of World War I were complex and intertwined, including imperialism, nationalism, alliances, and
militarism. These issues created a tense political climate, with nations vying for power and control over resources.

The Russia-Ukraine war, on the other hand, was characterized by political and territorial disputes between two
neighbouring countries. Ethnic tensions between Russian-speaking Ukrainians and the Ukrainian government
further fuelled the conflict. The annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014 escalated the situation, resulting in a
prolonged war with devastating human and economic costs.

The aftermath of World War I and the Russia-Ukraine War had

significant impacts on the world. One of the most notable
consequences was the shift in global power dynamics. Prior to the
wars, Europe was the dominant force, but afterwards, the United
States emerged as a superpower.

Both wars also had devastating effects on the economies of the

countries involved. World War I caused massive destruction and
loss of life, leaving many nations in ruin. The Russia-Ukraine War
resulted in a similar outcome, with both countries struggling to
rebuild their economies and infrastructure.

Additionally, both wars led to significant political upheaval. The

collapse of empires, such as the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the
Ottoman Empire, created power vacuums that led to instability
and conflict. In the aftermath of the Russia-Ukraine War, tensions
between Russia and other countries in the region remained high.

Overall, the aftereffects of these wars were far-reaching and long-

lasting, shaping the course of history in many ways.
Throughout history, global organizations have played a crucial role
in controlling wars and promoting peace. The League of Nations,
for example, was established after World War I to prevent future
wars through collective security and disarmament. Though it
ultimately failed to prevent World War II, the League paved the way
to create the United Nations.

The United Nations, founded in 1945, has been instrumental in

controlling wars and promoting peace worldwide. It has played a
significant role in resolving conflicts, providing humanitarian aid,
and promoting international cooperation.

In addition to the UN, other global organizations ,such as the

International Committee of the Red Cross and Amnesty
International, have worked tirelessly to protect human rights during
war and conflict.

Overall, global organizations have played a crucial role in

controlling wars and promoting peace throughout history. While
conflicts may still arise, organization's efforts helped to mitigate
their impact and work towards a more peaceful world.
The future of wars is a complex issue, but with
advancements in technology like drones and cyber
attacks, wars will likely become more frequent and
destructive. There is increasing concern about the
potential use of artificial intelligence in future wars,
which could lead to devastating consequences.

However, some experts believe that wars could become

less common in the future due to the growing
interconnectedness of countries and the emphasis on
diplomacy and peaceful resolutions to conflicts.
Ultimately, the future of wars will depend on political,
economic, and technological developments, as well as
individual and collective decisions made by countries and
leaders around the world.

Nonetheless, individuals and nations must prioritize

peaceful resolutions to conflicts and work together
towards a more peaceful global community.

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