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P H A S E 3 P R O J E C T P R E SE N T A T I O N

ECOSYSTEM Design, implementation & testcases

Presented by, Under the Guidance of,

Mohammed Sabeel Gautham.M,
Shreya Ponnamma N.N Asst.Professor,
Sinchan Muthappa Dept. of CSE,
Syed Tarooq Afnan NIEIT, Mysuru.




Test cases

USER 1 Upload View Manage

Register Login
(owner) dataset Request Request

USER 2 View
Request Download
Register Login
dataset Dataset Datase

Admin M Manage
anage Datasets Logout

1.Quantum Key 2.Quantum 3.Quantum Key Generation:

Distribution (QKD) Entanglem
Protocols: ent: exchange of quantum states, both parties
entangled particles ensure that any perform measurements using agreed-
QKD protocols like BB84, E91,
attempt to intercept or measure them by upon bases.
a third party would disrupt their

6.Physical Security
4.Error Detection and 5.Classical
Measures &
Privacy Amplification: Cryptography
Authentication and
used to reconcile differences generated secure key from the QKD
process is typically used in combination help prevent tampering &authenticity of
with classical cryptographic methods the communicated data, authentication
methods, and digital signatures might be
Quantum cryptography employs the principles of quantum mechanics to ensure secure communication. Quantum Key Distribution
(QKD) is a cornerstone, and the BB84 protocol is a fundamental algorithm within it.

QKD Setup: Two parties, Party A and Party B, share a quantum channel (fiber optic or free-space) and a classical communication

Key Generation: Party A randomly generates a string of quantum bits (qubits) encoded in a quantum state basis (usually either the
rectilinear basis, 0° and 90°, or the diagonal basis, 45° and 135°) and sends them to Party B.

Quantum Transmission: Party B randomly measures the received qubits in one of the two bases. Due to the principles of quantum
mechanics, any attempt to eavesdrop on the transmission will disturb the qubits, alerting Party A and Party B to the presence of an
Key Reconciliation: Party A and Party B publicly announce their chosen bases for each qubit. They
discard the qubits measured in different bases and retain the matching ones to form a raw key.

Privacy Amplification: The raw key undergoes error correction and privacy amplification processes
to generate a shorter but secure final key.

Key Verification: Both parties perform tests to verify the quality and correctness of the final key.

This methodology ensures that any attempt to intercept or tamper with the communication will be
detectable, providing a high level of security for transmitting cryptographic keys.
Test Case Description Input Expected Outcome

User provides valid username, password,

1 Registration with valid details contact details, and address User account is successfully created
User receives an error message
User provides a username that already indicating the need to choose a different
2 Registration with existing username exists username
User enters a valid username and User is successfully authenticated and
3 Login with correct credentials password logged into the application
User enters a valid username but an User receives an error message
4 Login with incorrect password incorrect password indicating incorrect credentials
File is successfully uploaded to the
cloud server, and quantum key pair is
5 File upload with text file User uploads a valid text file generated
Pdf file is successfully uploaded to the
cloud server, and quantum key pair is
6 File upload with pdf file User uploads a valid pdf file generated
File is successfully forwarded, and
User forwards a file to a valid email recipient can decrypt using the provided
7 File forwarding with correct email and key address with the correct secret key quantum key
User forwards a file to an invalid email User receives an error message
8 File forwarding with incorrect email address indicating an invalid email address
User downloads a file and uses the File is successfully downloaded and
9 Download file with correct key correct secret key decrypted

User downloads a file but uses an User receives an error message

10 Download file with incorrect key incorrect secret key indicating incorrect key

User downloads multiple files and Files are successfully downloaded and
11 Download multiple files with aggregate key applies an aggregate key decrypted using the aggregate key

Admin approves a user who has

12 Admin approves a registered user registered User status is updated to approved

User account is rejected, and access is

13 Admin rejects a registered user Admin rejects a user who has registered denied

Admin attempts to approve a user who Admin receives an error message

14 Attempting to approve a non-registered user has not registered indicating an invalid user

Quantum key exchange is successfully Secure authentication is achieved using

15 Quantum key exchange during login performed during user login quantum keys

Quantum key pair is used to encrypt the File is securely encrypted using quantum
16 Quantum key encryption during file upload file during upload keys

Quantum key exchange ensures secure Recipient can decrypt the forwarded file
17 Quantum-secure file forwarding forwarding of files using quantum keys
01 02

Processor : Intel i5 2.4GHz Operating system : Windows 10 and above

Hard Disk : 40GB Front End : . NET ( HTML, CSS, J S,Bootstrap)
RAM : 8 GB or above Coding Language : C#
IDE : MS Visual Studio 2019
Database :MySQL
Tha nk

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