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• Confucianism originated in China,

but its influence spread to Korea &
Japan over the centuries.
• Confucius was born in 551 b.c.
• Wanted to become an advisor to a local
• Unable to find a permanent government
position he turned to teaching
• Attracted many students
• Never wrote down his ideas
• After his death his students collected many of
his sayings in the Analects
• Took little interest in religious matters
• Developed a philosophy (a system of ideas)
– Concerned with worldly goals 3
• Great importance on traditional values
(obedience, order, and family)
• He taught that harmony resulted when people
accepted their place in society
• 5 key relationships:
– Father to son
– Elder brother to younger brother
– Husband to wife
– Ruler to subject
– Friend to friend
Mandate of Heaven
• If the ruler benefits his people and provides
them with food and protection then the
people will obey their ruler.
• The ruler will then continue to hold the
Mandate of Heaven (the right to rule)
• Close to a third of the world’s population
came under the influence of these ideas.
Confucian Temple

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