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Presented by
Afreen Nasir
PharmD Intern

• Streptomycin was the first member discovered in 1944 by Waksman and his col- leagues.
• It assumed great importance because it was active against tubercle bacilli.
Mechanism of action

Bactericidal action is achieved in 2 main steps.

Transport of AG through the bacterial cell wall & Binding to ribosomes resulting in inhibition of protein synthesis.
cytoplasmic membrane.

Penetrate outer coat of G-ve through porin channel.

Enters periplasmic space across cytoplasmic

membrane (O2 dependent).

• Penetrate in high pH alkaline > acidic.

• Antibiotics affecting bacterial cell wall (ß-
lactams, vancomycin) enhance entry of this
Concentration-Dependent Killing
Due to their bactericidal activity, they exhibit conc-
dependent killing, i.e. higher the conc. the drug, the higher
the bacterial killing achieved.



• Absorption: Highly ionized, neither absorbed nor destroyed in g.i.t. Absorption from injection site in muscles is rapid: peak plasma
levels are attained in 30-60 minutes.
• Distribution: Extracellularly, so that Vd (~0.3 L/kg) is equal to the extracellular fluid volume. They cross placenta and can be found
in foetal blood/ amniotic fluid. Their use during pregnancy can cause hearing loss in the offspring; should be avoided.
• Metabolism: not metabolized; excreted by the kidneys.
• Elimination: eliminated mostly unchanged by the kidneys, plasma t1/2 of 2-4 hours in adults with normal renal function.

Drugs PK
Absorption Distribution Elimination
GENTAMICIN Peak plasma time (PPT): IM (30- • Cross placenta • t1/2 : 2-3 hr
90min), IV (30 min after 30min • Normal CSF (minimal), • Excretion: urine (unchanged).
infusion) inflamed meninges (10-
• PB: <30%
STREPTOMYCIN • IM well absorbed, not from gut. • ECF • t1/2 : 2-4.7 hr prolong with renal
• PPT: 1 hr • PB: 34% impairment.
• Excretion: urine 90% unchanged.
TOBRAMYCIN • IM rapid • ECF • t1/2 : 2-3 hr
• PPT: IV 30 min, IM 30-60 min • PB: <30% • Excretion: 90-95% in urine in 24 hrs
AMIKACIN • IM • PB: 0-11% • t1/2 : 2-3 hr (NRF)
• PPT: IM 45-120 min • Excretion: urine 94-98%
NEOMYCIN • Oral: poor • t1/2 : 3 hr
• PPT: O 1-4 hr, IM 2 hr • Excretion: 97% unchanged in feces.
Dosing regimen
• Due to low safety margin, daily dose of systemically administered AGs must be calculated acc. to body weight and level of renal
• Adult with normal RF (CLcr >70) dose will be:
Gentamicin/Tobramycin/ Sisomicin/Netilmicin – 3-5 mg/kg/day
Streptomycin/ Kanamycin/Amikacin – 7.5-15 mg/kg/day
• Single daily dose is more effective than divided dose.
Drugs Formulations, dose Organisms Uses
GENTAMICIN Inj. sol ( 10, 40 mg/ml), • Aerobic G-ve bacilli (E. coli, Klebsiella • 1st line
IV sol.( 60, 70 mg/50 ml) pneumoniae. Enterobacter, H. injluenzae, • RTI, UTI, meningitis, septicemia,
0.3% eye/ ear drops, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa). endocarditis.
0.1% skin cream. • G +ve bacteria are susceptible (Staph. • Topical use on infected burns,
aureus, Strep.faecalis). conjunctivitis.
• Surgical prophylaxis.

STREPTOMYCIN 1g powder for inj. • Narrow spectrum: aerobic G-ve bacilli. M. TB, endocarditis, plaque, tularemia.
• Resistance: E. coli, H. influenzae, largely
KENAMYCIN Inj M. tuberculosis Resistant TB
TOBRAMYCIN Inj. sol (10,40 mg/ml). Proteus, Pseudomonas
0.3% eye drop.
AMIKACIN Inj. sol. 50, 250 mg/ml). Higher dose for Proteus, Pseudomonas. UTI, HAP
NEOMYCIN T 500mg. 0.3% oint, G-ve, +ve • Topical: ulcer, burn, ear infection,
0.5% skin cream, eye conjunctivitis, skin infection.
oint. • Oral:
Prepare bowel before surgery.
- Combined with METRONIDAZOLE
0.5 g 8 hourly on day before surgery)
may reduce postoperative infection.
Hepatic encephalopathy.
Dosing regimen
Drug Dosing
GENTAMICIN Administered IV/IM Infuse over 30-120 min when administering IV
STREPTOMYCIN Moderate-Severe Infections: 1-2 g/day IM divided q6-12hr; no more than 2 g/day.
TB: Daily therapy: 15 mg/kg IM qDay; no more than 1 g/day. Twice weekly therapy: 25-30 mg/kg IM 2 times/week;
no more than 1.5 g/day.
Streptococcal Endocarditis:1 g IM q12hr for 7 days, THEN 500 mg q12hr for 7 days, concomitant with
PENICILLIN. If >60 years old, 500 mg q12hr for entire 14 days.
Enterococcal Endocarditis:1 g IM q12hr for 2 weeks, THEN 500 mg q12hr for 4 weeks, concomitant with

TOBRAMYCIN 3-6 mg/kg/day IV/IM divided q8hr OR 4-7 mg/kg/dose IV/IM qDay
AMIKACIN 15 mg/kg/day divided IV/IM q8-12hr UTI: 250 mg IV/IM q12hr
HAP: 20 mg/kg/day IV; may administer with antipseudomonal beta-lactam or carbapenem.
• neomycin/polymyxin Topical oint: (3.5mg/10,000units/500units/40mg)/g. Pre-Op Intestinal Antisepsis:1 g PO at 19, 18, and 9 hours pre-
B/bacitracin/lidocaine op OR 1 g PO q1hr for 4 doses, THEN 1 g q4hr to complete 24
• Bacitracin hours of dosing OR 88 mg/kg/day divided PO q4hr for 2-3 days
ophthalmic/neomycin/poly Ophthalmic oint: 400units/0.35%/10,000units/1%. pre-op. Maximum: Up to 12 grams 24 to 48 hours prior to surgery
myxin B/hydrocortisone Hepatic Encephalopathy:Acute: 4-12 g/day PO divided q6hr for
5-6 days OR 3-6 g/day for 1-2 weeks Chronic: Up to 4 g/day PO.
Renal dose adjustment

Drug Adjustment
GENTAMICIN Conventional dosing
Recommendations are based on doses of 1.7 mg/kg/dose q8hr or 5-7 mg/kg/dose once daily.
CrCl>50 mL/min: No dosage adjustment necessary CrCl 10-50 mL/min: Administer q12-48
CrCl<10 mL/min: Administer q48-72 hr

STREPTOMYCIN Load: 1 g IM, THEN CrCl: 50-80 mL/min: 7.5 mg/kg IM q24hr. CrCl: 10-50 mL/min: 7.5 mg/kg IM q24-72hr
CrCl <10 mL/min: 7.5 mg/kg IM q72-96hr. Hemodialysis: 50-75% of initial loading dose at end of dialysis
TOBRAMYCIN Clcr >60 mL/min: q8hr. Clcr 40-60 mL/min: q12hr. Clcr 20-40 mL/min: q24hr. Clcr 10-20 mL/min: q48hr.
Clcr <10 mL/min: q72hr Following dialysis in ESRD
AMIKACIN CrCl >90 mL/min & aged <60 yr: q8hr. CrCl 60-90 mL/min OR aged ≥60 yr: q12hr. CrCl 25-60 mL/min: q24hr
CrCl 10-25 mL/min: q48hr. CrCl <10 mL/min: q72hr Administer after dialysis in ESRD
Mechanism of resistance
Acquisition of cell membrane bound inactivating enzymes which • The conjugated aminoglycosides do not bind to the target ribosomes
phosphorylate/ adenylate or acetylate the antibiotic. and are incapable of enhancing active transport like the unaltered
• This is the most important mechanism of development of resistance
to AG.
Mutation decreasing the affinity of ribosomal proteins that normally • This mechanism can confer high degree resistance.
bind AG.
Decreased efficiency of AG transporting mechanism. Either pores in the outer coat become less permeable or active transport
is interfered.

1)Ototoxicity: Cochlear damage (hearing loss), Vestibular damage (Headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, vertigo, ataxia).
2) Nephrotoxicity: AG interfere with the production of PGs in the kidney leading to reduced g.f.r.
3) Neuromuscular Blockade: AG reduce ACh release from the motor nerve endings. Streptomycin/Neomycin cause apnoea, fatalities.
Drug interactions
AG Drugs Mechanism
Gentamicin • Abacavir • ↓ excretion rate of Gentamicin which could result in nephrotoxicity.
• Acetylcholine • Therapeutic efficacy of Ach ↓ when used in combination with Gentamicin.

Nephrotoxic drugs (NSAIDs,

Amphotericin B, Vancomycin,
Cyclosporine, Cisplatin,
Ototoxic drugs (Vancomycin,
Minocycline, Furosemide).
• Medscape
• Drug bank
• Tripathi 8th ed Pharmacology text book
• Goodman & Gilman’s Manual o f Pharmacology and Therapeutics book

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