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 Constellations are groups of stars that form
recognizable patterns in the night sky. There are
88 officially recognized constellations, each
WHAT ARE with its own unique shape and story. The
CONSTELLATI constellations have been studied and named by
many cultures throughout history, each giving
ONS? their own unique interpretation and mythology
to the star patterns.
 Andromeda constellation:
In ancient Greek mythology, Andromeda was a beautiful
daughter of the king Cepheus and queen Cassiopeia. When
her mother bragged that Andromeda was better-looking
than the famously beautiful Nereid sea nymphs, the sea god
THE MYTH Poseidon sent his pet sea monster Cetus to destroy
THAT Cepheus’ kingdom. It was said, however, that sacrificing

INTRIGUES Andromeda could save the country and its people. So, the
loving parents had their daughter chained to a rock by the
ME THE MOST sea, so that the sea monster could get her easily.
Fortunately, the charming prince Perseus flew past on his
winged horse Pegasus and fell in love with Andromeda’s
beauty. He killed Cetus and married Andromeda. The two
lived happily ever after.
 I find it kind of weird and a bit amusing to be honest. It
doesn’t make much sense that Poseidon would send his
pet sea monster to destroy a entire kingdom over
someone bragging about beauty. The only things that
makes a bit sense is the “loving” parents chaining their
OPINION daughter to a rock by the sea to save the kingdom and
Perseus saving Andromeda. But still, I find it weird how
Greeks came up with this story and how they assigned it
to this constellation because how the shape, which makes
no sense to me and I can’t see the image.
 I chose this because I have always been
interested in space. I also find it fascinating
how humans in the past looked up to the night
WHY THIS sky, made figures with the stars and then used
them as a guide. I find it interesting that those
TOPIC? stars are really far away and we still can see
them although they might be dead. And I liked
the activity with the marshmallows.

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