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McKenna Hostetter’s

What did we study during the Quarter?
- While this quarter flew by, in Humanities we learned and studied about oral history and stories of people’s family
heritage. Oral History, by definition, is a term for stories told by the word of mouth. We listened to a couple stories on
several different websites and wrote about what we saw, thought, and wondered. These activities also had you tap into
your creative side and draw a scene from the story that you found intriguing or brought back a memory of your own.

What are some of my Strengths?

- Over this quarter I found I’ve gotten a lot better at organizing and keeping track of things, specifically my Humanities
work. Last year it was a little all over the place, especially when there were multiple assignments at the same time, but
now that I’ve gotten better at labeling and organizing things like my documents or notes, it’s become a lot easier to keep
my workflow moving smoothly.

Some Challenges?
- I’m glad to say that over this quarter I didn’t struggle with much in Humanities, but I’d say throwing all of my stuff for
our big project together in time was a little tough. This was mainly caused by the mountains of editing I had to do on my
interview which took a very long time because my brother has the mouth of a sailor and Soundtrap is not reliable.
An artifact?
- I’m glad to say that over this quarter I didn’t struggle with much in Humanities, but I’d say throwing all of my stuff for our big project
together in time was a little tough. This was mainly caused by the mountains of editing I had to do on my interview which took a very long
time because my brother has the mouth of a sailor and Soundtrap is not reliable.

A Goal for next Quarter?

- In the next quarter, I’d like to work more on my ability to take notes during class. Although I have plenty of notes on my chromebook, I
find it really irritating to do it on paper since it’s a lot harder to organize. Although, it’d be really useful since humanities notes are some of
the most necessary notes since it can be hard to keep track of a 38 minute long video that I don’t really feel like rewatching six times.
What did we study during the Quarter?
- Over this past quarter in science, we have learned a lot about things like food chains, food webs, and spent many weeks working on our
posters, specifically designed to show an example of a food pyramid, related to an ecosystem of your choice.

Some Strengths?
- With all the readings and mini reports assigned to us in science, my abilities to finish work quickly and adapt smoothly came in very
handy for the quick work pace we were expected to hold up. (Very thankful for the patience Tadeo gave us, though.)

Some Challenges?
- Although I normally get readings done fairly quickly, some weeks it was hard to keep track of which reading I was still working on and
what I had completed. For example; I had completely forgotten about this one reading for about a month, and had only noticed it under a
nearpod in my missing work tab on empower. Luckily I completed it before intersession started, but it was still definitely a concern.
An Artifact?
- We’ve done a couple assignments in science over the past quarter, but the most memorable one is easily the poster Gianna and I made,
focusing on the energy pyramid in the Arctic Ocean.

A Goal for next Quarter?

- For science, I’d love to train myself to keep better track of all my assignments. Although I’m pretty good at it, there’s just some readings
or nearpods that can slip past me every once in a while.
What did we study during the Quarter?
- Throughout the past couple of months we’ve been focusing on learning math in fun ways, but still ways that’ll keep us on our toes. For
example; Mathigon. Mathigon is a program we use that has many fun math-related games like factris, a game where you use your
multiplication skills to gain as many points as possible. It’s like tetris, but with more steps. We have a daily goal on one of the other games,
multiplication by heart. It involves flashcards with fairly easy multiplication problems, and the goal is to get it done as quickly as possible
with the least amount of errors as you can get.

Some Strengths?
- In math, I was really good at getting things done quickly and have really improved my mental math skills since the end of last year. It’s
been very helpful, especially with all the competitions and events we’ve played in class. (Rewards including candy, obviously.)

Some Challenges?
- Math was pretty smooth for me this year so far, and I didn’t really see anything too tough. Of course it was challenging, but I am a pretty
quick learner. (Or, at least that’s what y'all say.) However, memorizing the rules for negative numbers did take some time.
An Artifact?
- There really aren’t many options for an artifact when it comes to math class, but Mathigon is a really big part of our learning, so I’d say
it’s a good fit.

A goal for next Quarter?

- Personally I think that I’m on a pretty good path in my learning when it comes to math, and I can’t picture anything I really need to work
on. I’m adapting quickly to all of the topics and challenges that are being handed to us, and my workflow is just to my liking, really.
What did we study during the Quarter?
- In Spanish, we have mainly studied memorizing and pronouncing new or not so new words through song and display. For example; we’ve
been watching music videos like ‘El Monstruo de la Laguna’ and movies like ‘The Book of Life’ in spanish, using context clues if we
didn’t understand a word they said to try and figure it out ourselves, and if you couldn’t you’d write it down to learn it after the videos had

Some Strengths?
- I was really good about keeping track of assignments and helping out my table mates when they needed it. Plus, keeping our space clean
and just helping organize me and my friend’s work was honestly pretty entertaining, and it still is.

Some Challenges?
- Remembering words on the spot can be sort of difficult. I can read a word from Spanish and be able to translate it into English no
problem, but not so much the other way around. Plus, reading Spanish out loud is a little hard although I can do it perfectly fine in my head.
I think I’m just not used to making the sounds aloud quickly since I can choke on my own words a lot when I read out loud.
An Artifact?
- As well as math, I don’t really have much to show, but duolingo has been my soldier since last year. It’s a really helpful program, and it’s
honestly pretty fun to do. Adding on to that, their mascot’s adorable, though he can send me some pretty sad emails.

A Goal for next Quarter?

- I’d just like to be able to read faster and speak smoother in Spanish. It’d be really helpful considering a lot of people in my life (not only
in AZ) speak the language. For example; at my family’s stores up in New Mexico, some customers or artists who come in don’t speak any
English, and I would really prefer to not embarrass myself.

Any Questions?
Thanks for listening!


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