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Physical impurities

Physical impurities of water refer to the presence of
solid particles, gases, or other substances that
interfere with the clarity and purity of water. These
impurities can come from various natural and human-
made sources.
Types of physical impurities:
a. Suspended solids: These are tiny particles that
remain suspended in the water and do not settle at
the bottom.
b. Dissolved solids: These are substances that are
completely dissolved in the water and cannot be
separated by ordinary methods.
c. Colloidal particles: These are particles that are smaller
than suspended solids but larger than dissolved solids,
remaining in suspension without settling.
d. Gas bubbles: Air or other gases dissolved in water can
cause it to appear cloudy or fizzy.
Sources of physical impurities:
a. Natural sources: Soil erosion, vegetation runoff, and
geological formations can introduce physical impurities
into water bodies.
b. Human activities: Industrial processes, agricultural
runoff, waste disposal, and urban development can
contribute to physical impurities in wate
Effects on human health:
a. Suspended solids can clog filters and increase
turbidity, making it difficult for organisms to breathe
or absorb nutrients.
b. Dissolved solids can have adverse effects on
aquatic life by altering the pH level or reducing
oxygen levels.
Colloidal particles can interfere with light penetration,
affecting photosynthesis in plants and algae.
d. Gas bubbles may cause discomfort if ingested by
aquatic organisms.
Treatment methods:
a. Filtration: Removes suspended solids by passing
water through a filter medium such as sand or
activated carbon.
b. Sedimentation: Allows heavier particles to settle
at the bottom while keeping dissolved and colloidal
particles in suspension.
c. Disinfection: Kills bacteria, viruses, and other
microorganisms using methods such as chlorination
or ultraviolet (UV) irradiation.
6. Importance of removing physical impurities:
Removing physical impurities from water is essential
for maintaining public health and ensuring the safety
of aquatic ecosystems.
Regulatory standards:
Various government agencies set standards for
maximum allowable levels of physical impurities in
drinking water supplies to protect public health.

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