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David Groh University of Nevada Las Vegas

Research Applications of Surface EMG

Indicator for muscle activation/deactivation Relationship of force/EMG signal Use of EMG signal as a fatigue index

Types of EMG
Electrode Categories

Fine-wire (Intra-muscular) Needle


Fine-wire Electrodes

Extremely sensitive Record single muscle activity Access to deep musculature Little cross-talk concern
Extremely sensitive Requires medical personnel, certification Repositioning nearly impossible Detection area may not be representative of entire muscle


Surface Electrodes

Quick, easy to apply No medical supervision, required certification Minimal discomfort

Generally used only for superficial muscles Cross-talk concerns No standard electrode placement May affect movement patterns of subject Limitations with recording dynamic muscle activity


Electrode Comparison Studies

Giroux & Lamontagne - Electromyogr. Clin.
Neurophysiol., 1990

Purpose: to compare EMG surface electrodes and intramuscular wire electrodes for isometric and dynamic contractions Results
No significant difference in either isometric or dynamic conditions dynamic

However: dynamic activity was not very

EMG Manufacturers
Noraxon Motion Lab Systems Delsys

General Concerns
Signal-to-noise ratio

Ratio of energy of EMG signal divided by energy of noise signal

EMG signal should be altered as minimally as possible for accurate representation

Distortion of the signal

Characteristics of EMG Signal

Amplitude range: 0 10 mV (+5 to -5) prior to amplification Useable energy: Range of 0 - 500 Hz Dominant energy: 50 150 Hz

Characteristics of Electrical Noise

Inherent noise in electronics equipment Ambient noise Motion artifact Inherent instability of signal

Inherent Noise in Electronics Equipment

Generated by all electronics equipment Frequency range: 0 several thousand Hz Cannot be eliminated Reduced by using high quality components

Ambient Noise
Electromagnetic radiation sources

Radio transmission Electrical wires Fluorescent lights

Essentially impossible to avoid Dominant frequency: 60 Hz Amplitude: 1 3x EMG signal

Motion Artifact
Two main sources

Electrode/skin interface Electrode cable

Reducible by proper circuitry and set-up Frequency range: 0 20 Hz

Inherent Instability of Signal

Amplitude is somewhat random in nature Frequency range of 0 20 Hz is especially unstable Therefore, removal of this range is recommended

Factors Affecting the EMG Signal

Carlo De Luca

Causative Factors direct affect on signal

Extrinsic electrode structure and placement Intrinsic physiological, anatomical, biochemical

Intermediate Factors physical & physiological phenomena influenced by one or more causative factors Deterministic Factors influenced by intermediate factors

Factors Affecting the EMG Signal

Maximizing Quality of EMG Signal

Signal-to-noise ratio

Highest amount of information from EMG signal as possible Minimum amount of noise contamination
No unnecessary filtering No distortion of signal peaks No notch filters recommended
Ex: 60 Hz

As minimal distortion of EMG signal as possible

Solutions for Signal Interruption Related to Electrode and Amplifier Design

Differential amplification

Reduces electromagnetic radiation noise Dual electrodes Time for chemical reaction to stabilize Important factors: electrode movement, perspiration, humidity changes Less need for skin abrasion, hair removal

Electrode stability

Improved quality of electrodes

Differential Amplification
Ambient (electromagnetic) noise is constant System subtracts two signals Resultant difference is amplified Double differential technique

Electrode Configuration
Length of electrodes

# of included fibers vs. increased noise*** Delsys 1 cm Noraxon - ? Increased amplitude vs. misaligning electrodes, Multiple motor unit action potentials (MUAP) Muscle fibers of motor units are distributed evenly, thus large muscle coverage is not necessary (De Luca). Delsys 1 cm Noraxon 2 cm?

Distance between electrodes

Electrode Placement
Away from motor point

MUAP traveling in opposite directions Simultaneous (+) & (-) APs

Resultant increased frequency components More jagged signal

Middle of muscle belly is generally accepted

Electrode Placement
Away from tendon

Fewer, thinner muscle fibers Closer to other muscle origins, insertions

More susceptible to cross-talk

Away from outer edge of muscle

Closer to other musculature

Orientation parallel to muscle fibers

More accurate conduction velocity Increased probability of detecting same signal

EMG Electrode Placement

Surface Electrode Placement

Reference Electrode Placement (Ground)

As far away as possible from recording electrodes Electrically neutral tissue

Bony prominence Larger size Good adhesive properties

Good electrical contact

Off to the Lab!

Basmajian JV, De Luca CJ. Muscles Alive: their functions revealed by electromyography (fifth ed.). Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Maryland, 1985 Cram JR, Kasman GS. Introduction to surface electromyography. Aspen Publishers, Inc. Gaithersburg, Maryland, 1998 De Luca CJ: Surface electromyography: detection and recording. DelSys, Inc., 2002 De Luca CJ: The use of surface electromyography in biomechanics. J App Biomech 13: 135-163, 1997 MyoResearch: software for the EMG professional. Scottsdale, Arizona, Noraxon USA, 1996-1999

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