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Classification: KINGDOM

Phylum chordata- notochord: rod of flexible tissue running from the head to the tail
Part of vertebral column

5 classes:
Pisces (fish)
Amphibia (frog)
Reptilia (reptiles- snake crocodile)
Aves (birds)
Mammalia (human)

• All fish, seahorse and ray fish

• General characteristics:
• Bony skeleton (pomfret), cartilaginous skeleton (shark)
• Streamlined body, fins- adaptation for swimming
• Tailfin- change direction and maintain balance
• Body covered with scales
• Gills- respiration
• Most- lay eggs; some: give birth to young ones (seahorses, ratfish etc)
• Cold blooded (body temperature changes with environmental temperature)
CLASS AMPHIBIA: (both- land and water)
• Early life in water, rest on land
• Frogs, toads and salamanders

• General characteristics:
• Lay egg in water
• Webbed feet-help in swimming
• Tadpoles- tail and breathe through gills*
• Adult frogs and toads- tail and gill❌
• Skin and lungs-breathe
• Salamanders- tail
• Naked slimy skin-cold blooded
CLASS REPTILIA: to crawl and creep
• Lizards tortoise turtles crocodiles snakes alIgators

• General characteristics:
• body covered with scales
• Aquatic or terrestrial- breathe through lungs
• Have limbs- walk or swim
• Snakes crawl: large scale under the body-flexible backbone and powerful muscles
• Lay eggs, some-birth
• Young reptiles resemble parents at birth
• Cold blooded
AVES: birds

• General characteristics:
• Warm blooded- maintain body temperature irrespective of surroundings
• Body covered with feathers
• Forelimbs- wings- fly
• Cavities in bone- skeleton light- fly
• Flightless birds: Ostriches, emus, penguins
• Lay eggs- parental care
CLASS MAMMALIA: mammary glands

• General characteristics:
• Warm blooded
• Give birth to babies (exception- Platypus, some species of echidnas)*
• Young mammals initially survival mothers milk
• Hair on body-external ears
• Breathe through lungs (even whales dolphins seals etc)

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