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 Life is a powerful play that goes on – and each one of you gets to contribute a verse ….What will your verse be?

Every life has a purpose & everyone contributes in a way .

 Most people lead lives of quiet desperation

People live unfulfilled lives' due to social & peer pressures . Not being able to live to the fullest.

 Strive to find your own voice – the longer you wait to begin the less likely it is you’ll find it at all
Find your own ways of expressing yourself & doing things .

 Gather ye rosebuds, while ye may

Make the most of your opportunities as they come . Don’t wait .
 Gather ye rosebuds, while ye may
Make the most of your opportunities as they come . Don’t wait .

 Words and ideas can save the world

Your words and ideas have the power to make a significant difference in the world.

 Carpe diem
Make the best use of the opportunities.
 We must constantly look at the world in a different way
Keep an open mind to looking at things in different ways / perspectives

 Make your lives something extraordinary

Push out of your comfort zone . Dream big & pursue them

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