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A Dynamic Humanism
Creating a world of peace and

 Introduction to SGI and Nichiren
 Experience in faith by members.
 Q&A

SGI-USA -An Introduction
 Soka Gakkai International-USA
 A lay association based on the teachings of the
Nichiren school of Mahayana Buddhism.
 A member of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI)
with more than 12 million members in 187 countries
and territories worldwide.

Who was Nichiren?
 Nichiren (1222-1282)
 Japanese Buddhist teacher and reformer.
 Founder of the Buddhist teaching upon which the SGI bases
its activities.
 Inscribed the object of devotion for observing one’s mind
(Gohonzon) and established the invocation of Nam-myoho-
renge-kyo as the universal practice for attaining

Everyone can be a Buddha!
 The Lotus Sutra declares:
 All living beings have the potential to attain enlightenment or
 Life is eternal, with neither beginning nor end.
 Nichiren further taught:
 The only difference between a Buddha and a common mortal
is that a common mortal is deluded.
 A Buddha is one who perceives the true nature of life and
leads others to attain the same enlightenment.
 Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo allows people to directly tap
their enlightened nature and is the primary practice of SGI

What does Nam-myoho-renge-
kyo mean?
 Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the fundamental law of the
universe expounded in Nichiren Buddhism.
 All life is an expression or manifestation of this law. When
we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we attune our lives to the
perfect rhythm of the universe. The result is increased life
force, wisdom, compassion and good fortune to face the
challenges in front of us.
 Nam (devotion), the action of practicing Buddhism.
 Myoho (Mystic Law), the essential law of the universe and
its phenomenal manifestations.
 Renge (lotus flower), which seeds and blooms at the same
time represents the simultaneity of cause and effect. We
create causes through thoughts, words and actions.
 Kyo (Buddha’s teaching), all phenomena.
Chanting for our own
happiness and for world peace!
 So what do SGI members chant for?
 Everything!
 Health

 Finances

 Relationships

 Grades

 Job

 Wisdom


Happiness through fulfillment
of desires?
 Nichiren taught that both “earthly desires” and
“enlightenment” are intrinsic to our lives, so any attempt to
deny either is itself a delusion.
 The spirit to use problems as fuel or “firewood” to empower
our prayer and thus to bring forth wisdom, is the key to
realizing the principle that “earthly desires are
 Nichiren teaches us how to create the greatest possible
value from our desires and suffering, while neither denying
them nor abandoning ourselves to them.

Human Revolution
 A practical method for not only helping individuals overcome
various sufferings, but changing society as a whole.
 Human revolution is the name Josei Toda, Second President of
Soka Gakkai, used to describe this process--the liberation of the
spirit from within.
 It is a continual process of renewal and invigoration, the
development of one person's boundless inner capacity to lead a
creative and contributive life through his or her own effort.

 "A great revolution of character in just a single individual will

help achieve a change in the destiny of a society, and further,
will enable a change in the destiny of humankind."

- SGI President, Daisaku Ikeda

SGI- Peace,Culture and
 As "engaged Buddhists," SGI members strive in their
everyday lives to live with confidence; to create value in
any circumstance; and to contribute to the well-being of
family, friends and community.
 The promotion of peace, culture and education is central to
SGI's activities.
 SGI often works in partnership with other groups including
United Nations agencies that share common values.


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