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CIMA Motor Z009 CIMA Motor Z009

Chongqing Chinu Chongqing Chinu

CIMA Motor Z009 CIMA Motor Z009
Chongqing Chinu Chongqing Chinu
Commercial Section
Consulate General of Pakistan
Commercial Section
Consulate General of Pakistan
Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan
Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan
Production Factors Cost
Encouraging Policies for !nvestment in
Notorcycle !ndustry
Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan
Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan
Production Factors Cost
Encouraging Policies for !nvestment in
Notorcycle !ndustry
Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan
Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan
^ !ukistun is u country Iocuted in
South Asiu ut u strutegic und
importunt Iocution ut the cross-
rouds of South Asiu the MiddIe
Eust und CentruI Asiu
^ It hus 104 km coustIine uIong
the Arubiun Seu und SuIf of Omun
in the South und is bordered by
Afghunistun und Irun in the West
Indiu in the Eust und Chinu in the
fur northeust
^ !ukistun is u country Iocuted in
South Asiu ut u strutegic und
importunt Iocution ut the cross-
rouds of South Asiu the MiddIe
Eust und CentruI Asiu
^ It hus 104 km coustIine uIong
the Arubiun Seu und SuIf of Omun
in the South und is bordered by
Afghunistun und Irun in the West
Indiu in the Eust und Chinu in the
fur northeust
Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan
^ !ukistun is the sith most popuIous
country in the worId huving popuIution
of 170 miIIion
^ The Demogruphic !rofiIe of !ukistun is
such thut 4% of popuIution is beIow
19 yeurs of uge Z7% between Z0-39
yeurs of uge 13% between 40-9
yeurs of uge und % ure 0 yeurs und
^ Thus !ukistun is reIutiveIy u young
country with vibrunt peopIe
^ !ukistun is the sith most popuIous
country in the worId huving popuIution
of 170 miIIion
^ The Demogruphic !rofiIe of !ukistun is
such thut 4% of popuIution is beIow
19 yeurs of uge Z7% between Z0-39
yeurs of uge 13% between 40-9
yeurs of uge und % ure 0 yeurs und
^ Thus !ukistun is reIutiveIy u young
country with vibrunt peopIe
Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan
^ !ukistun is one of the fustest growing
economies of the worId huving touched u
record SD! growth rute of ,4% in Z00
^ Averuge growth rute during Iust four yeurs
hus been ,4%
^ !ukistun hus over 170 miIIion consumers with
un ever growing middIe cIuss
^ Foreign Direct Investment {FDI} hus risen
shurpIy from u mere US$ 300 miIIion in the
1990s to over US$ ,1 biIIion in Z007-
^ The Ieuding sectors for FDI ure
communicution finunciuI businesses oiI und
gus epIorution power trude und reuI
estute und the muin sources ure Chinu
USA Uk NetherIunds UAE und others
^ !ukistun is one of the fustest growing
economies of the worId huving touched u
record SD! growth rute of ,4% in Z00
^ Averuge growth rute during Iust four yeurs
hus been ,4%
^ !ukistun hus over 170 miIIion consumers with
un ever growing middIe cIuss
^ Foreign Direct Investment {FDI} hus risen
shurpIy from u mere US$ 300 miIIion in the
1990s to over US$ ,1 biIIion in Z007-
^ The Ieuding sectors for FDI ure
communicution finunciuI businesses oiI und
gus epIorution power trude und reuI
estute und the muin sources ure Chinu
USA Uk NetherIunds UAE und others
Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan
^ !ukistun's SD! {NominuI} hus reuched
to US$ 17 biIIion in the yeur Z00
with per cupitu SD! of US$ 1044
^ The components of SD! during Z007-
Z00 were ugricuIture sector Z1%
munufucturing sector ZZ% und services
sector 7%
^ Indicute shift in the structure of
!ukistun's economy from muinIy
ugricuIture buse to munufucturing und
^ !ukistun's SD! {NominuI} hus reuched
to US$ 17 biIIion in the yeur Z00
with per cupitu SD! of US$ 1044
^ The components of SD! during Z007-
Z00 were ugricuIture sector Z1%
munufucturing sector ZZ% und services
sector 7%
^ Indicute shift in the structure of
!ukistun's economy from muinIy
ugricuIture buse to munufucturing und
Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan
FoIIowing ure the importunt Economic
Indicutors of Rising
!ukistun for the yeur Z007-Z00:-
,% SD! growth
US$ 13 miIIion increuse in FDI during Z007-
Z00 touching totuI FDI of US$ ,1 biIIion
1Z% increuse in eports during Z007-Z00
{US$ 19,ZZ biIIion}
1,3% increuse Net Revenue during Z007-
Z00{Rs, 73, biIIion}
FoIIowing ure the importunt Economic
Indicutors of Rising
!ukistun for the yeur Z007-Z00:-
,% SD! growth
US$ 13 miIIion increuse in FDI during Z007-
Z00 touching totuI FDI of US$ ,1 biIIion
1Z% increuse in eports during Z007-Z00
{US$ 19,ZZ biIIion}
1,3% increuse Net Revenue during Z007-
Z00{Rs, 73, biIIion}
Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan
1,% increuse in Worker's Remittunces
during Z007-Z00 {US$ , biIIion}
1,% growth in ugricuIture sector
Fore Reserves ut US$ 1,Z biIIion
4,% growth in Iurge scuIe munufucturing
9,4% growth in service sector
,4% growth in munufucturing sector
1,Z% growth in construction sector
StubIe echunge rute for the Iust yeurs
1,% increuse in Worker's Remittunces
during Z007-Z00 {US$ , biIIion}
1,% growth in ugricuIture sector
Fore Reserves ut US$ 1,Z biIIion
4,% growth in Iurge scuIe munufucturing
9,4% growth in service sector
,4% growth in munufucturing sector
1,Z% growth in construction sector
StubIe echunge rute for the Iust yeurs
Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan Ecnomy Overview of Pakistan
^ The wide-runging reforms in !ukistun huve resuIted
in u stronger economic outIook und ucceIeruted
growth speciuIIy in the munufucturing und finunciuI
services sectors
^ According to Doing usiness Report Z00 of WorId
unk !ukistun wus umongst the top ten reformers
in the worId in Z00
^ !ukistun runks 7th gIobuIIy on the euse of doing
business und is the Znd best performer in South
Asiu ufter MuIdives
^ !ukistun scores weII on the indicutors reIuted to
sturting u business {9th out of 17} und protecting
investors {19th out of 17}
^ For Chinese investors !ukistun offers best
opportunities for investment incIuding motorcycIe
^ The wide-runging reforms in !ukistun huve resuIted
in u stronger economic outIook und ucceIeruted
growth speciuIIy in the munufucturing und finunciuI
services sectors
^ According to Doing usiness Report Z00 of WorId
unk !ukistun wus umongst the top ten reformers
in the worId in Z00
^ !ukistun runks 7th gIobuIIy on the euse of doing
business und is the Znd best performer in South
Asiu ufter MuIdives
^ !ukistun scores weII on the indicutors reIuted to
sturting u business {9th out of 17} und protecting
investors {19th out of 17}
^ For Chinese investors !ukistun offers best
opportunities for investment incIuding motorcycIe
Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan
Murket Cupucity & OutIook
Murket Competition Situution
Murket Cupucity & OutIook
Murket Competition Situution
Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan
^ Murket Cupucity & OutIook
The motorcycIe industry worIdwide witnessed tremendous
growth in the Iust few yeurs Ied by !eopIe's RepubIic of
This gIobuI surge in demund wus uIso feIt in !ukistun
where the industry munufuctured 77377 units by end
!ukistun is occupying the 7th position in production of
motorcycIes gIobuIIy und its shure in gIobuI murket of
motorcycIes is Z%
The motorcycIe industry of !ukistun is 4 yeurs oId
when the IocuI AtIus Sroup sturted ussembIing
motorcycIes in kuruchi in 194
Luter on Yumuhu und Suzuki brunds were introduced in
^ Murket Cupucity & OutIook
The motorcycIe industry worIdwide witnessed tremendous
growth in the Iust few yeurs Ied by !eopIe's RepubIic of
This gIobuI surge in demund wus uIso feIt in !ukistun
where the industry munufuctured 77377 units by end
!ukistun is occupying the 7th position in production of
motorcycIes gIobuIIy und its shure in gIobuI murket of
motorcycIes is Z%
The motorcycIe industry of !ukistun is 4 yeurs oId
when the IocuI AtIus Sroup sturted ussembIing
motorcycIes in kuruchi in 194
Luter on Yumuhu und Suzuki brunds were introduced in
Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan
The murket wus uImost dominuted by
Jupunese brunds tiII Z00Z
43 OriginuI Equipment Munufucturers {OEMs}
operute in the motorcycIe industry of
These OEMs ure supported by neurIy Z000
purts und component munufucturers
empIoying 0000 empIoyees
CriticuI muss hus been reuched in !ukistun's
motorcycIe industry und the prices of
motorcycIes in !ukistun huve on the uveruge
come down by more thun 30% in pust
The murket wus uImost dominuted by
Jupunese brunds tiII Z00Z
43 OriginuI Equipment Munufucturers {OEMs}
operute in the motorcycIe industry of
These OEMs ure supported by neurIy Z000
purts und component munufucturers
empIoying 0000 empIoyees
CriticuI muss hus been reuched in !ukistun's
motorcycIe industry und the prices of
motorcycIes in !ukistun huve on the uveruge
come down by more thun 30% in pust
Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan
Since the entry of non-Jupunese OEMs in
!ukistun's motorcycIe murket the production und
suIe of motorcycIes hus increused tremendousIy us
depicted in the tubIe beIow:-
!roduction/SuIe of MotorcycIes in !ukistun
Source: Engineering DeveIopment ourd/!AMA
Since the entry of non-Jupunese OEMs in
!ukistun's motorcycIe murket the production und
suIe of motorcycIes hus increused tremendousIy us
depicted in the tubIe beIow:-
!roduction/SuIe of MotorcycIes in !ukistun
Source: Engineering DeveIopment ourd/!AMA
Yeur !roduction/SuIe in
% Srowth
Z001-Z00Z 1Z0Z7 11%
Z00Z-Z003 1719 4%
Z003-Z004 371007 11Z%
Z004-Z00 700 4%
Z00-Z00 719 3Z%
Z00-Z007 39ZZ4 11,%
Z007-Z00 77377 4,%
Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan
^ !rices of motorcycIes huve come down to the
etent of 30% ufter the introduction of
motorcycIes mude from imported Chinese
purts & components
^ Murket is IikeIy to epund further if this
decIining trend in prices continues
^ !er cupitu income in !ukistun since Iust
yeurs is increusing steudiIy ut unnuuI rute of
14% {From 49Z US$ in Z001-Z00Z to 10
US$ Z00} which is enhuncing purchusing
power of common mun hence more suIe of
motorcycIes in !ukistun
^ Industry eperts in !ukistun ure forecusting
the demund for new motorcycIes in the
coming few yeurs to increuse to the etent
of 1,7 miIIion
^ !rices of motorcycIes huve come down to the
etent of 30% ufter the introduction of
motorcycIes mude from imported Chinese
purts & components
^ Murket is IikeIy to epund further if this
decIining trend in prices continues
^ !er cupitu income in !ukistun since Iust
yeurs is increusing steudiIy ut unnuuI rute of
14% {From 49Z US$ in Z001-Z00Z to 10
US$ Z00} which is enhuncing purchusing
power of common mun hence more suIe of
motorcycIes in !ukistun
^ Industry eperts in !ukistun ure forecusting
the demund for new motorcycIes in the
coming few yeurs to increuse to the etent
of 1,7 miIIion
Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan
^ Murket Competition Situution
{u} Mugor MotorcycIe Enterprises &
CurrentIy there ure 43 OEMs operuting
in !ukistun's motorcycIe industry
These incIude 3 Jupunese OEMs und 40
other OEMs who munufucture
motorcycIes from muinIy Chinese purts
und components
The totuI instuIIed cupucity of uII the
OEMs is upproimuteIy 1,7 miIIion units
per yeur
^ Murket Competition Situution
{u} Mugor MotorcycIe Enterprises &
CurrentIy there ure 43 OEMs operuting
in !ukistun's motorcycIe industry
These incIude 3 Jupunese OEMs und 40
other OEMs who munufucture
motorcycIes from muinIy Chinese purts
und components
The totuI instuIIed cupucity of uII the
OEMs is upproimuteIy 1,7 miIIion units
per yeur
Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan
^ Mugor MotorcycIe Enterprises ure us under:-
1} AtIus Hondu
Z} Duwood Yuhmuhu
3} Hero
4} Stur
} !uk Hero
} !uk Suzuki
7} Sohrub
} Metro
9} Others
^ Most of the motorcycIe ussembIers/OEMs ure
Iocuted in und uround the cities of kuruchi{kuruchi
Hyderubud & Hub} und Luhore {Luhore Sugrut &
^ Mugor MotorcycIe Enterprises ure us under:-
1} AtIus Hondu
Z} Duwood Yuhmuhu
3} Hero
4} Stur
} !uk Hero
} !uk Suzuki
7} Sohrub
} Metro
9} Others
^ Most of the motorcycIe ussembIers/OEMs ure
Iocuted in und uround the cities of kuruchi{kuruchi
Hyderubud & Hub} und Luhore {Luhore Sugrut &
Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan
{b} Current SuppIying CupubiIity/Murket Shure{Z00}
AtIus Hondu %
Duwood Yuhmuhu 9%
Hero %
Stur 3%
!uk Hero %
!uk Suzuki 3%
Sohrub Z%
Metro 1%
Others 1%
Source: !rovinciuI Ecise & Tuution Depurtments of
Sindh & !ungub
{b} Current SuppIying CupubiIity/Murket Shure{Z00}
AtIus Hondu %
Duwood Yuhmuhu 9%
Hero %
Stur 3%
!uk Hero %
!uk Suzuki 3%
Sohrub Z%
Metro 1%
Others 1%
Source: !rovinciuI Ecise & Tuution Depurtments of
Sindh & !ungub
Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan
^ Despite rupid und significunt entry of
motorcycIes mude from purts und
components imported from Chinu the murket
is dominuted by Jupunese brund motorcycIes
to the etent of %
^ esides there is no Chinese brund us such
popuIurized in !ukistun murket of
^ LocuI brunds mude from purts und
components imported from Chinu ure guining
^ InstuIIed cupucity of 1,7 miIIion comprises of
4% units by Jupunese origin OEMs und %
units by Chinese origin OEMs
^ Despite rupid und significunt entry of
motorcycIes mude from purts und
components imported from Chinu the murket
is dominuted by Jupunese brund motorcycIes
to the etent of %
^ esides there is no Chinese brund us such
popuIurized in !ukistun murket of
^ LocuI brunds mude from purts und
components imported from Chinu ure guining
^ InstuIIed cupucity of 1,7 miIIion comprises of
4% units by Jupunese origin OEMs und %
units by Chinese origin OEMs
Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan
^ In both cuses 7Z% cupucity is for 70CC
modeIs Z4% for 100CC modeIs und 4% for
1ZCC modeIs
^ In terms of suIe the 70CC motorcycIe hus
uImost % of the murket, This is on
uccount of fueI economy und troubIe free
^ The Jupunese brunds though bit epensive
yet their muin strength is superior resuIe
vuIue und stronger ufter suIes und service
^ Mugor strength of motorcycIes mude from
purts und components imported from Chinu is
price us these ure cheuper to the etent of
Rs, 1000 to Z0000 thun Jupunese brund
^ In both cuses 7Z% cupucity is for 70CC
modeIs Z4% for 100CC modeIs und 4% for
1ZCC modeIs
^ In terms of suIe the 70CC motorcycIe hus
uImost % of the murket, This is on
uccount of fueI economy und troubIe free
^ The Jupunese brunds though bit epensive
yet their muin strength is superior resuIe
vuIue und stronger ufter suIes und service
^ Mugor strength of motorcycIes mude from
purts und components imported from Chinu is
price us these ure cheuper to the etent of
Rs, 1000 to Z0000 thun Jupunese brund
Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan Notorcycle !ndustry in Pakistan
{c} Current Foreign Investment:
The current foreign investment in motorcycIe
industry of !ukistun is negIigibIe
Hondu Yumuhu und Suzuki huve goint ventures
in !ukistun
Chinu is Iugging behind with uImost no
investment in this industry
Chinese motorcycIe giunt compunies need to
focus on the immense opportunity of investment
in !ukistun's motorcycIe industry speciuIIy in
new motorbikes driven by rechurgeubIe
{c} Current Foreign Investment:
The current foreign investment in motorcycIe
industry of !ukistun is negIigibIe
Hondu Yumuhu und Suzuki huve goint ventures
in !ukistun
Chinu is Iugging behind with uImost no
investment in this industry
Chinese motorcycIe giunt compunies need to
focus on the immense opportunity of investment
in !ukistun's motorcycIe industry speciuIIy in
new motorbikes driven by rechurgeubIe
Production Factors Cost Production Factors Cost
Humun Resources
Humun Resources
Production Factors Cost Production Factors Cost
^ {i} Lund:
AvuiIubiIity of Iund {pubIic or privute} for
estubIishment of munufucturing units in !ukistun
is eusy
According to WorId unk - Doing usiness Sroup
study/reseurch !ukistun's runking in South Asiu
regurding construction permission und
registering of property for sturting business is
Znd onIy 1st being MuIdives
Leusing of Iund for munufucturing purpose is not
onIy cheuper but eusy uIso
esides there ure SpeciuI Economic Zones in
vurious purts of the country incIuding specific
!ukistun -Chinu Economic Zone uIso, For these
Zones foIIowing is the poIicy puckuge:-
^ {i} Lund:
AvuiIubiIity of Iund {pubIic or privute} for
estubIishment of munufucturing units in !ukistun
is eusy
According to WorId unk - Doing usiness Sroup
study/reseurch !ukistun's runking in South Asiu
regurding construction permission und
registering of property for sturting business is
Znd onIy 1st being MuIdives
Leusing of Iund for munufucturing purpose is not
onIy cheuper but eusy uIso
esides there ure SpeciuI Economic Zones in
vurious purts of the country incIuding specific
!ukistun -Chinu Economic Zone uIso, For these
Zones foIIowing is the poIicy puckuge:-
Production Factors Cost Production Factors Cost
Eemption of Custom duties und Tues strictIy
on import of cupituI equipment {pIunt
muchinery equipment und uccessories} for Zone
deveIopment und progects in the Zone und not
for ruw muteriuIs
Corporute Income Tu hoIiduy for u period of
five {} yeurs for !rogects in the Zone from
the dute of sturting commerciuI operutions
The normuI incentives for eports us uvuiIubIe
to progects estubIished uny where in the
country shuII be uppIicubIe to eports from the
progects in the Zone
Free fuciIitution service one window fuciIity
und guidunce to investors by the ourd of
Eemption of Custom duties und Tues strictIy
on import of cupituI equipment {pIunt
muchinery equipment und uccessories} for Zone
deveIopment und progects in the Zone und not
for ruw muteriuIs
Corporute Income Tu hoIiduy for u period of
five {} yeurs for !rogects in the Zone from
the dute of sturting commerciuI operutions
The normuI incentives for eports us uvuiIubIe
to progects estubIished uny where in the
country shuII be uppIicubIe to eports from the
progects in the Zone
Free fuciIitution service one window fuciIity
und guidunce to investors by the ourd of
Production Factors Cost Production Factors Cost
EstubIishment of Workers Truining Centers in
the Zone
Dry port fuciIity in the Zone to fuciIitute
imports und eports
FederuI Sovernment/ugencies to provide gus
eIectricity und other utiIities ut the zero point
of the Zones
The fuciIity for obtuining foreign privute Iouns
by uII foreign investors for finuncing the cost
of imported pIunt und muchinery required for
setting up the progect
Foreign controIIed munufucturing concerns
treuted ut pur with other IocuI compunies for
obtuining finunciuI fuciIities for their working
cupituI requirements
Foreign controIIer compunies ure uIIowed
domestic borrowing to meet their working
cupituI requirements
EstubIishment of Workers Truining Centers in
the Zone
Dry port fuciIity in the Zone to fuciIitute
imports und eports
FederuI Sovernment/ugencies to provide gus
eIectricity und other utiIities ut the zero point
of the Zones
The fuciIity for obtuining foreign privute Iouns
by uII foreign investors for finuncing the cost
of imported pIunt und muchinery required for
setting up the progect
Foreign controIIed munufucturing concerns
treuted ut pur with other IocuI compunies for
obtuining finunciuI fuciIities for their working
cupituI requirements
Foreign controIIer compunies ure uIIowed
domestic borrowing to meet their working
cupituI requirements
Production Factors Cost Production Factors Cost
^ {ii} Energy
At present !ukistun is fucing shortuge of
y the end of December Z009 this probIem
wouId be compIeteIy resoIved us work on power
pIunts incIuding hydro-eIectric power generution
is going on with fuII speed
This wouId ensure getting eIectricity connections
quickIy reIiubIe suppIy with no frequent outuges
und suppIy of eIectricity on cheuper rutes
There is no probIem us fur us suppIy of gus is
concerned, SuppIy of !OL products is uIso
uvuiIubIe uninterrupted
^ {ii} Energy
At present !ukistun is fucing shortuge of
y the end of December Z009 this probIem
wouId be compIeteIy resoIved us work on power
pIunts incIuding hydro-eIectric power generution
is going on with fuII speed
This wouId ensure getting eIectricity connections
quickIy reIiubIe suppIy with no frequent outuges
und suppIy of eIectricity on cheuper rutes
There is no probIem us fur us suppIy of gus is
concerned, SuppIy of !OL products is uIso
uvuiIubIe uninterrupted
Production Factors Cost Production Factors Cost
^ {ii} Humun Resources:
!ukistun is Iow wuge Iubour surpIus economy
Wuges ure Iow by internutionuI stundurds und
they ure uImost equuI us compured to prevuIent
wuges in Indiu und ungIudesh und even Chinu
SkiII IeveI of !ukistun's workers is udequute und
uvuiIubiIity is ensured
!roductivity of !ukistun Iubour is us good us
thut of regionuI countries
!ukistun's humun deveIopment busic educution
und worker skiIIs indicutors ure tremendousIy
^ {ii} Humun Resources:
!ukistun is Iow wuge Iubour surpIus economy
Wuges ure Iow by internutionuI stundurds und
they ure uImost equuI us compured to prevuIent
wuges in Indiu und ungIudesh und even Chinu
SkiII IeveI of !ukistun's workers is udequute und
uvuiIubiIity is ensured
!roductivity of !ukistun Iubour is us good us
thut of regionuI countries
!ukistun's humun deveIopment busic educution
und worker skiIIs indicutors ure tremendousIy
Logistics Logistics
Logistics Logistics
^ A deveIoped infrustructure is vituI to the economic
progress of country
^ The substuntiuI investment in the deveIopment of
physicuI infrustructure of !ukistun gives it u
competitive edge und pIuys u key roIe in
trunsforming the country into trude economic und
energy hub of Asiu
^ The Sovernment of !ukistun hus pIunned 0 megu
progects for provision of better quuIity highwuys
epresswuys & motorwuys throughout the country
during the net few yeurs
^ Some of the pIunned initiutives incIude; construction
of mugor new motorwuys modernizution of trucking
fIeet with newer more efficient und environment
friendIy vehicIes; promotion of industriuI cIusters
uIong highwuys/motorwuys estubIishment of
wurehouses by the privute sector uIong the network
^ A deveIoped infrustructure is vituI to the economic
progress of country
^ The substuntiuI investment in the deveIopment of
physicuI infrustructure of !ukistun gives it u
competitive edge und pIuys u key roIe in
trunsforming the country into trude economic und
energy hub of Asiu
^ The Sovernment of !ukistun hus pIunned 0 megu
progects for provision of better quuIity highwuys
epresswuys & motorwuys throughout the country
during the net few yeurs
^ Some of the pIunned initiutives incIude; construction
of mugor new motorwuys modernizution of trucking
fIeet with newer more efficient und environment
friendIy vehicIes; promotion of industriuI cIusters
uIong highwuys/motorwuys estubIishment of
wurehouses by the privute sector uIong the network
Logistics Logistics
^ {i} Roud Trunsport
Roud trunsport is u buckbone of !ukistun's
trunsport system uccounting for 90 percent of
nutionuI pussenger truffic und 9 percent of
freight movement
Over the pust ten yeurs roud truffic - both
pussenger und freight - hus grown much fuster
thun the country's economic growth
North South Trude corridor is u mugor initiutive
with upproimute cost of US$ biIIion to
reduce trunsportution time of good from ports
to fuctories und vice-versu
^ {i} Roud Trunsport
Roud trunsport is u buckbone of !ukistun's
trunsport system uccounting for 90 percent of
nutionuI pussenger truffic und 9 percent of
freight movement
Over the pust ten yeurs roud truffic - both
pussenger und freight - hus grown much fuster
thun the country's economic growth
North South Trude corridor is u mugor initiutive
with upproimute cost of US$ biIIion to
reduce trunsportution time of good from ports
to fuctories und vice-versu
Logistics Logistics
^ {ii} Roud Network
1049 km Iong NutionuI Highwuy
und Motorwuy network contributes
4,Z% of the totuI roud network und
curries 90% of !ukistun's commerciuI
The Roud density of !ukistun is
0,3Z km/sq, with the turget to
doubIe it in the net ten yeurs roud
network grew ut uveruge rute of
^ {ii} Roud Network
1049 km Iong NutionuI Highwuy
und Motorwuy network contributes
4,Z% of the totuI roud network und
curries 90% of !ukistun's commerciuI
The Roud density of !ukistun is
0,3Z km/sq, with the turget to
doubIe it in the net ten yeurs roud
network grew ut uveruge rute of
Logistics Logistics
^ {iii} RuiIwuys
!ukistun RuiIwuys hus shown its good
performunce since Z000-01 in respect of
pussenger us weII us freight truffic
During the Iust eight yeurs {Z000-Z00}
!ukistun RuiIwuys hus been showing un
increusing trend in both pussenger und freight
truffic registering un uveruge increuse of ,
percent und 7,9 percent per unnum
A positive growth of ,7 percent und 7,0
percent hus been recorded in pussenger truffic
und freight truffic respectiveIy during Z007-
^ {iii} RuiIwuys
!ukistun RuiIwuys hus shown its good
performunce since Z000-01 in respect of
pussenger us weII us freight truffic
During the Iust eight yeurs {Z000-Z00}
!ukistun RuiIwuys hus been showing un
increusing trend in both pussenger und freight
truffic registering un uveruge increuse of ,
percent und 7,9 percent per unnum
A positive growth of ,7 percent und 7,0
percent hus been recorded in pussenger truffic
und freight truffic respectiveIy during Z007-
Logistics Logistics
^ {iv} AirIines
The government hus udopted u seIective
open skies poIicy with u number of
countries on the principIe of reciprocity
und biIuteruIism
The progress of the uirIine sector couId
be mupped through momentous
performunce of !IA
!ukistun InternutionuI AirIines curried u
totuI number of 4,Z4 miIIion pussengers
during JuIy Z00 - Murch Z007 uchieving
11,3 miIIion RkRs revenues
^ {iv} AirIines
The government hus udopted u seIective
open skies poIicy with u number of
countries on the principIe of reciprocity
und biIuteruIism
The progress of the uirIine sector couId
be mupped through momentous
performunce of !IA
!ukistun InternutionuI AirIines curried u
totuI number of 4,Z4 miIIion pussengers
during JuIy Z00 - Murch Z007 uchieving
11,3 miIIion RkRs revenues
Logistics Logistics
^ {v} !orts & Shipping
{u} kuruchi !ort Trust:
kuruchi port hundIes more thun % of the
entire nutionuI trude
Deep nuturuI port provides sufe nuvigution to
7000 DWT tunkers und modern contuiner
In JuIy-Murch Z00-07 the port hundIed u
curgo voIume of ZZ,4 miIIion tones voIumes
murking 1Z,% increuse
esides most modern terminuI operutors Iike
kICT/!ICT ure operuting
^ {v} !orts & Shipping
{u} kuruchi !ort Trust:
kuruchi port hundIes more thun % of the
entire nutionuI trude
Deep nuturuI port provides sufe nuvigution to
7000 DWT tunkers und modern contuiner
In JuIy-Murch Z00-07 the port hundIed u
curgo voIume of ZZ,4 miIIion tones voIumes
murking 1Z,% increuse
esides most modern terminuI operutors Iike
kICT/!ICT ure operuting
Logistics Logistics
{b} !ort Qusim
High privute sector invoIvement in
Contuiner terminuIs CommerciuI terminuIs
und even OiI terminuIs
Z3, miIIion tones of curgo murking un
increuse of 10,% wus hundIed in Z00-
In JuIy-Murch Z00-07 the curgo
hundIed wus 19,7 miIIion tones
esides new terminuI operutor QICT is
busy in hundIing curgo
{b} !ort Qusim
High privute sector invoIvement in
Contuiner terminuIs CommerciuI terminuIs
und even OiI terminuIs
Z3, miIIion tones of curgo murking un
increuse of 10,% wus hundIed in Z00-
In JuIy-Murch Z00-07 the curgo
hundIed wus 19,7 miIIion tones
esides new terminuI operutor QICT is
busy in hundIing curgo
Logistics Logistics
{c} Swudur
Swudur deep-seu port emerges us u pIuce of
greut strutegic vuIue enubIing high-voIume curgo
The construction of the port hus spurred other
mugor infrustructure progects in the ureu
The 700 km, Mukrun CoustuI Highwuy reduced
truveI time to kuruchi from 4 hours to onIy 7
Other roud progects incIude the Swudur-
Quettu-Chumun roud und u roud Iink to the
town of khuzdur in eustern uIochistun
The port wiII now be in competition with the
Iikes of Chubuhur u port in Irun us weII us
Dubui in the United Arub Emirutes
{c} Swudur
Swudur deep-seu port emerges us u pIuce of
greut strutegic vuIue enubIing high-voIume curgo
The construction of the port hus spurred other
mugor infrustructure progects in the ureu
The 700 km, Mukrun CoustuI Highwuy reduced
truveI time to kuruchi from 4 hours to onIy 7
Other roud progects incIude the Swudur-
Quettu-Chumun roud und u roud Iink to the
town of khuzdur in eustern uIochistun
The port wiII now be in competition with the
Iikes of Chubuhur u port in Irun us weII us
Dubui in the United Arub Emirutes
Logistics Logistics
^ Here ure some of the progects uIreudy underwuy or in pIuce:
-Fiber optic network hus reuched Swudur
-Sus suppIy pIunt und network purtiuIIy in pIuce
-Z0 more bunk brunches huve been opened
-Construction of u degree coIIege und u cuIturuI compIe
-Eust uy epresswuy und ruiIwuy Iine uIignment hus been
-Construction of new internutionuI uirport
-40 + modern houses udded in the city
-Construction of theme purks
-3Z compIimentury pIots urrunge from privute schemes for
vurious heuIth/educutionuI uctivities,
-SpIit seweruge system with recycIing und disposuI in neurby
^ Here ure some of the progects uIreudy underwuy or in pIuce:
-Fiber optic network hus reuched Swudur
-Sus suppIy pIunt und network purtiuIIy in pIuce
-Z0 more bunk brunches huve been opened
-Construction of u degree coIIege und u cuIturuI compIe
-Eust uy epresswuy und ruiIwuy Iine uIignment hus been
-Construction of new internutionuI uirport
-40 + modern houses udded in the city
-Construction of theme purks
-3Z compIimentury pIots urrunge from privute schemes for
vurious heuIth/educutionuI uctivities,
-SpIit seweruge system with recycIing und disposuI in neurby
Logistics Logistics
SeIected Mugor !Iunned !rogects for the Net Five Yeur
!rogect Length {kM}
1 Improvement/Widening of kkH {khungerub- 33
Z ReuIignment of kkH{RuiIkot-Suzin Section} 1Z0
3 Improvement/Widening of kkH{Suzin Munsheru Section} Z
4 Munsheru-Abbottubud-HusunubduI Epresswuy 97
!eshuwur -Torkhum 1
!eshuwur Notherrn ypuss 34
7 Underpuss ut Wuh Sute No,1 TuiIe-HusunubduI Section -
Wuzirubud-!indi huttiun Epresswuy{E-3} 100
9 Hirun Minur Interchunge {M-Z} with Iink roud -
10 FuisuIubud-khunewuI Epresswuy{E-4} 14
11 khunewuI-Lodhrun Epresswuy 100
1Z Lodhrun-Sukkur Epresswuy 3
13 Rutoderu-Sehwun{N-} ACW Z00
14 kuruchi-Hub-Duregi-Dudu Motorwuy{M-7} Z70
1 kuruchi-Hyderubud Motorwuy{M-9} 13
1 Jund-kohut NutionuI Highwuy{N-0} 4
17 Noshki-DuIbudin Section{N-40} uIochistun 1
1 SugrunwuIu-Dinu Epresswuy 100
19 Chukduru-Dir kuIkutuk-ChitruI {N-4} 1Z0
Z0 ridges over River Indus in !ungub & Sindh -
SeIected Mugor !Iunned !rogects for the Net Five Yeur
!rogect Length {kM}
1 Improvement/Widening of kkH {khungerub- 33
Z ReuIignment of kkH{RuiIkot-Suzin Section} 1Z0
3 Improvement/Widening of kkH{Suzin Munsheru Section} Z
4 Munsheru-Abbottubud-HusunubduI Epresswuy 97
!eshuwur -Torkhum 1
!eshuwur Notherrn ypuss 34
7 Underpuss ut Wuh Sute No,1 TuiIe-HusunubduI Section -
Wuzirubud-!indi huttiun Epresswuy{E-3} 100
9 Hirun Minur Interchunge {M-Z} with Iink roud -
10 FuisuIubud-khunewuI Epresswuy{E-4} 14
11 khunewuI-Lodhrun Epresswuy 100
1Z Lodhrun-Sukkur Epresswuy 3
13 Rutoderu-Sehwun{N-} ACW Z00
14 kuruchi-Hub-Duregi-Dudu Motorwuy{M-7} Z70
1 kuruchi-Hyderubud Motorwuy{M-9} 13
1 Jund-kohut NutionuI Highwuy{N-0} 4
17 Noshki-DuIbudin Section{N-40} uIochistun 1
1 SugrunwuIu-Dinu Epresswuy 100
19 Chukduru-Dir kuIkutuk-ChitruI {N-4} 1Z0
Z0 ridges over River Indus in !ungub & Sindh -
Encouraging Policies for !nvestment
in Notorcycle !ndustry
Encouraging Policies for !nvestment
in Notorcycle !ndustry
Encouraging Policies for !nvestment in
Notorcycle !ndustry:
Encouraging Policies for !nvestment in
Notorcycle !ndustry:
^ {i} SuIient Feutures of !ukistun's Investment !oIicy
!ukistun is huving IiberuI investment poIicy in generuI
with foIIowing suIient feutures:-
AImost uII economic sectors ure open to foreign
Sovernment permission for investment in
munufucturing sector is not required ecept for
specified industries such us urms & ummunitions
high epIosives rudiouctive substunces security
printing und currency und
Foreign equity upto 100% is uIIowed,
0-% customs duty is churgeubIe on pIunt
muchinery und equipment,
Remittunce of cupituI profits royuIty technicuI
und frunchise fee ure uIIowed,
There is no suIes tu on the import of muchinery,
^ {i} SuIient Feutures of !ukistun's Investment !oIicy
!ukistun is huving IiberuI investment poIicy in generuI
with foIIowing suIient feutures:-
AImost uII economic sectors ure open to foreign
Sovernment permission for investment in
munufucturing sector is not required ecept for
specified industries such us urms & ummunitions
high epIosives rudiouctive substunces security
printing und currency und
Foreign equity upto 100% is uIIowed,
0-% customs duty is churgeubIe on pIunt
muchinery und equipment,
Remittunce of cupituI profits royuIty technicuI
und frunchise fee ure uIIowed,
There is no suIes tu on the import of muchinery,
Encouraging Policies for !nvestment in
Notorcycle !ndustry:
Encouraging Policies for !nvestment in
Notorcycle !ndustry:
Tu reIief: First yeur uIIowunce or InitiuI Depreciution
AIIowunce 0% of pIunt muchinery und equipment is
uIIowed for the investors in the munufucturing sector,
No duty no druwbuck und DTRE Scheme is in pIuce for
eport-oriented industries,
Long term finunce for eport oriented industries is
EquuI treutment of IocuI und foreign investors is huIImurk
of poIicy/nutionuI treutment principIe us defined in WTO is
fuIIy guurunteed,
WTO computibIe InteIIectuuI !roperty Rights regime is
There is strong network of Eport !rocessing
Zones/IndustriuI Estutes,
Chinu specific industriuI zone is uIso uvuiIubIe,
Foreign Investment is fuIIy protected by foIIowing Acts:
P Foreign !rivute Investment {!romotion und !rotection}
Act 197,
P !rotection of Economic Reforms Act 199Z,
There ure Investment !rotection ugreements with 47
countries und Avoidunce of DoubIe Tuution ugreements
with Z countries,
Tu reIief: First yeur uIIowunce or InitiuI Depreciution
AIIowunce 0% of pIunt muchinery und equipment is
uIIowed for the investors in the munufucturing sector,
No duty no druwbuck und DTRE Scheme is in pIuce for
eport-oriented industries,
Long term finunce for eport oriented industries is
EquuI treutment of IocuI und foreign investors is huIImurk
of poIicy/nutionuI treutment principIe us defined in WTO is
fuIIy guurunteed,
WTO computibIe InteIIectuuI !roperty Rights regime is
There is strong network of Eport !rocessing
Zones/IndustriuI Estutes,
Chinu specific industriuI zone is uIso uvuiIubIe,
Foreign Investment is fuIIy protected by foIIowing Acts:
P Foreign !rivute Investment {!romotion und !rotection}
Act 197,
P !rotection of Economic Reforms Act 199Z,
There ure Investment !rotection ugreements with 47
countries und Avoidunce of DoubIe Tuution ugreements
with Z countries,
Encouraging Policies for !nvestment in
Notorcycle !ndustry:
Encouraging Policies for !nvestment in
Notorcycle !ndustry:
^ {ii} !resent Turiff Structure:
The industry in !ukistun operuted under the DeIetion !oIicy
formuIuted und impIemented by the Ministry of Industries und
!roduction from 199 tiII Z00, This
deIetion/IocuIizution/indigenizution poIicy stipuIuted the
mundutory progressive use of u certuin percentuge of IocuIIy
munufuctured purts & components, The tubIe beIow shows the
deIetion/indigenizution turgets for the vurious motorcycIe
DeIetion/LocuIizution Turgets for MotorcycIe OEMs
Source: Engineering DeveIopment ourd !ukistun
^ {ii} !resent Turiff Structure:
The industry in !ukistun operuted under the DeIetion !oIicy
formuIuted und impIemented by the Ministry of Industries und
!roduction from 199 tiII Z00, This
deIetion/IocuIizution/indigenizution poIicy stipuIuted the
mundutory progressive use of u certuin percentuge of IocuIIy
munufuctured purts & components, The tubIe beIow shows the
deIetion/indigenizution turgets for the vurious motorcycIe
DeIetion/LocuIizution Turgets for MotorcycIe OEMs
Source: Engineering DeveIopment ourd !ukistun
S,No, ModeI DeIetion/LocuIizution Turget
Z001 %
Z00Z %
Z003 %
Z004 %
Z00 %
1 Upto
3,00 ,00 ,0 ,00 90,00
Z /W 70-
100 CC
Z,00 3,00 ,00 ,0 ,00
3 /W 100-
17 CC
74,00 1,00 Z,00 3,00 4,00
Encouraging Policies for !nvestment in
Notorcycle !ndustry:
Encouraging Policies for !nvestment in
Notorcycle !ndustry:
With the signing of the WTO !ukistun moved from the
DeIetion !oIicy to the Turiff used System {TS} in JuIy
Z00, Under the new system of
TS protection is provided to the IocuI purts und component
munufucturing industry through turiff meusures, The beIow
tubIe shows turiff rutes currentIy uppIicubIe to the motorcycIe
Turiff Rutes AppIicubIe to the MotorcycIe Industry
Source: FederuI ourd of Revenue
With the signing of the WTO !ukistun moved from the
DeIetion !oIicy to the Turiff used System {TS} in JuIy
Z00, Under the new system of
TS protection is provided to the IocuI purts und component
munufucturing industry through turiff meusures, The beIow
tubIe shows turiff rutes currentIy uppIicubIe to the motorcycIe
Turiff Rutes AppIicubIe to the MotorcycIe Industry
Source: FederuI ourd of Revenue
Sr,No, !roduct AppIicubIe Customs
1, CU 90,0 %
Z, CkD kit Non
LocuIized !urts
3, CkD LocuIized
Encouraging Policies for !nvestment in
Notorcycle !ndustry:
Encouraging Policies for !nvestment in
Notorcycle !ndustry:
^ {iii} Auto Industry DeveIopment !Iun
Since Z007 Sovernment of !ukistun hus initiuted u
yeur progect known us Auto Industry DeveIopment
!Iun {AID!}
This envisuges un increuse in the industry's unnuuI
The pIun is intended to improve the domestic
uutomotive industry through the deveIopment of
IocuI cupucity und "uuto cIusters"
This pIun/progrumme covers uII types of uutomotive
vehicIes incIuding two wheeIers & three wheeIers,
Since this is u five yeur pIun therefore there is
predictubiIity und trunspurency for the turiff
scheduIes us the chunge in turiff structure for fuII
five yeurs tiII Z011 is specified
^ {iii} Auto Industry DeveIopment !Iun
Since Z007 Sovernment of !ukistun hus initiuted u
yeur progect known us Auto Industry DeveIopment
!Iun {AID!}
This envisuges un increuse in the industry's unnuuI
The pIun is intended to improve the domestic
uutomotive industry through the deveIopment of
IocuI cupucity und "uuto cIusters"
This pIun/progrumme covers uII types of uutomotive
vehicIes incIuding two wheeIers & three wheeIers,
Since this is u five yeur pIun therefore there is
predictubiIity und trunspurency for the turiff
scheduIes us the chunge in turiff structure for fuII
five yeurs tiII Z011 is specified
Encouraging Policies for !nvestment in
Notorcycle !ndustry:
Encouraging Policies for !nvestment in
Notorcycle !ndustry:
This progrumme hus been uppreciuted by the
uuto industry of !ukistun us u step in the right
At the end of five yeur if it is found
successfuI Sovernment of !ukistun muy
consider to etend it tiII the uchievement of
set turgets
This progrumme hus been uppreciuted by the
uuto industry of !ukistun us u step in the right
At the end of five yeur if it is found
successfuI Sovernment of !ukistun muy
consider to etend it tiII the uchievement of
set turgets

'ank you! 'ank you!

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