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How Cooperative Banking

Given their focus on rural

areas, cooperative banks and rural
banks are often have a strong
emphasis on agricultural financing,
providing loans and financial
services to farmers and

Membership and Ownership:

Individuals or entities become

members by purchasing shares in
the cooperative bank. This
membership entitles them to use
the bank’s services and participate
in its governance.
How Cooperative Banking Works?

Governance: Financial Ser vices:

Cooperative banks in These banks off er a

the Philippines operate on range of ser vices similar to
democratic principles, usually traditional banks, such as
adhering to the “one member, savings accounts, loans, and
one vote” policy, regardless of sometimes even insurance
the amount of a money a products and remittance
member has with the bank. ser vices. The focus is on
This ensures that all members providing these ser vices with the
have an equal say in key members' benefi ts in mind,
decisions, including electing off ering lower fees and better
the board of directors. interest rates on loans and
How Cooperative
Banking Works?

Profi t Distribution:

Profi ts earned by the

cooperative bank are either returned
to members as dividends
propor tional to their transactions
with the bank, reinvested into the
bank to improve ser vices, or used
for community development projects.
Top 10 Cooperative Banks in the Philippines as of March

Rank Cooperative Bank Total Assets

1 First Isabela Coop Bank (FicoBank) 4.7 Billion
2 One Cooperative Bank ***
3 Coop Bank of Cotabato 3.1 Billion
4 Ilocos Consolidated Cooperative Bank 2.5
5 Mindanao Consolidated Cooperative Bank 2.5 Billion
6 Consolidated Cooperative Bank 1.7
7 Coop Bank of Benguet (CBB) 1.1 Billion
8 Coop Bank of Quezon Province 1.0 Billion
9 Coop Bank of Palawan 905 Million

First Macro Bank, Rural Bank of

Mangaldan Kintampo Rural Bank
Inc. Tagum Cooperative

Ilocos Sur Cooperative Bank of Makati Metro South Cooperative

Bank Bank

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