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Part 2
Architecture is the art of designing buildings and
other structures which will serve a definite
function. Structures would range from the
simplest shelter to high rise structures that meet
demands of modern cities and its growing
Construction Principles:
• Post and Lintel. Most houses are built on this
principle. It is the oldest construction system
that makes use of two vertical support (post)
spanned by a horizontal beam (lintel). This
structure was invented by Greeks.

Wiltshire, England
• Arch. This is a Roman invention that consists of
separate pieces of wedge-shaped blocks called
voussoirs arranged in semi-circle. The most
important part of the arch is the keystone which
is the stone at the top center that locks the
pieces together into a single curved structure.
From the principle of the arch, the following
structures can be built:
1. Barrel Vault is a
succession of arches, one
placed directly behind
another to produce a
structure similar to a
tunnel. It has two opening,
one on each end.

Basilica of Maxentius
Rome, Italy
2. Groin Vault is a structure
that is formed by inters-
ecting arches resulting
in four openings. The area
at the center of a
groin vault is
called a bay.

Santa Maria dei Carmini Church

Venice, Italy
3. Dome is a structure with the shape of an
inverted cup. It is formed by a series of arches
rising from consecutive points on a base called
the drum.

Blue Mosque
Istanbul, Turkey
• Truss. This is a system of triangular forms
assembled to form a rigid framework. Trusses are
used in bridges, theaters, and roofs.

San Juanico Bridge

Samar-Leyte, Philippines
• Cantilever. This is s structure that makes of a
beam or slab that extends horizontally into
space beyond its supporting post. It is
constructed to be strong enough to support
floors and walls.

Bahnhofplatz Süd
Winterthur, Switzerland
• Buttress. This is a structure that is built as a
support for the wall. In most European churches
buttress built to support the dome are called
flying buttresses.

Notre Dame Cathedral

Paris, France
Media of Architecture
Since architecture is considered as the most
functional of the arts, materials to be used in
construction must have compressive and tensil
strength. Compressive strength refers to those
materials that can support heavy weights without
crumbling or breaking down while tensil strength
refers to those that can withstand being pulled or
stretched without breaking.
The following are materials that can be used for
creating buildings and infrastructures:
• Stones and Bricks. Stones are favored over other
materials for its durability, adaptability to
structural treatment and its use for building
simple structures in its natural state. Stone’s
weakness is tension limits its use for beams,
lintels, and floor supports.
Bricks compare favorably with stones as a
structural material. They are fire and water
resistant, easy to produce, transport, and use.
Special shapes can be produced by molding to
meet particular structural or expressive
• Lumber (wood). All parts of a building can be
constructed using wood except foundations; its
major disadvantages are susceptibility to fire,
mold, and termites. The strength of the wood in
which gives it an internal structure of longitudinal
and radial fibers that is not impaired by cutting or
long exposure. both tension and compression
arises from its organic nature
• Iron and Steel. The development of construction
methods using iron and steel was the most
important innovation in architecture since ancient
times. These methods provide far stronger and
taller structures with less use of materials when
compared to stone or wood.

• Concrete. This is a mixture of cement and water,

with aggregates of sand and gravel, which
hardens rapidly resulting in a fire resisting solid of
great compressive strength. Concrete can be
poured into forms while wet to produce into
great variety of structural elements.
C. Literature and the Combined Arts
• Literature
Literature is the art of combining spoken or
written words and their meanings into forms which
have artistic and emotional appeal. Language is the
medium of literature. The writer uses words to build
up his compositions. The words are used in
combination with other words and arranged in
certain patterns to suggest feelings and images.
In literature the words that are use have a
definite meaning but the writer can give words
alternate meanings based on the context of the
Any type of writing in any subject may be
considered a form of literature as long as it is
artistically done thus, making the work worth
remembering. Such writings are characterized by
beauty of expression and form, and excellence of
style that appeals to both the readers’ intellect and
emotions (‘Literature”, 2018)
Written works that share similar characteristics are
said to belong to the same genre. In literature there
are four main genres. In each genre are specific types
of literature:
• Poetry. All poems share similar characteristics
which makes it easy for the reader to recognize
them. For instance, poems are written in lines and
not in sentence or paragraph form.

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