Coklat Dan Putih Biru Kreatif Estetik Slide Presentasi

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Group 4
1 . A h m a d Yu s u f M u h a m m a d ( B G 9 2 3 0 3 4 )
2. M. NafingulUmam (BG923028)
3 . A n i K h a i r u l B a r i r o h (BG923013)
table of contents
1. definition of Email
2. Benefits of E-mail
3. types of E-mail
4. How to create an E-
5. Deleting E-Mail
1. Definition
E-mail is a digital message sending system that is
carried out from one computer to another via the
internet network. E-mail simplifies and speeds up
the process of sending messages for various
purposes, both personal and business.
2. Benefits of E-

E-mail can connect us with anyone connected to the
internet throughout the world for a local credit fee.
With e-mail, data is sent electronically so that it
reaches its destination very quickly.
Can send to more than one person at the same
Can make it easier to communicate with people all
over the world.
Used to subscribe to certain information
3. types of E-mail
1. POP

Forward Mail is a service that

POP Mail is an abbreviation of 2. WEBMAIL allows you to forward emails to
Post Office Protocol. This type of other users. Other users here
email comes from ISPs or email
addresses provided by don't have to be other people,
companies to their employees.
Webmail is a web- they can also be other email
When you become part of the based email service addresses that you have. That
company, you will also get this that can be accessed w ay, even if you change your
type of email to be able to via a browser without email address, you won't lose
communicate with fellow the need to install an
colleagues your old email which is
important. email application or very
email client for the important.
4. how to cr ea te an
Email go to
Select Sign Up to register a new account.
Enter your first name and last name.
Create the desired email address. Email addresses can
include letters, numbers and periods.
Create and confirm a password. The password must be
at least eight characters, consisting of letters, numbers
and symbols. Click "Next".
Fill in the phone number (optional).
Fill in the recovery email address (optional).
Fill in your date of birth and gender. Click "Next".
On the privacy and terms page, click “ I agree” to
complete account registration.
5. Deleting E-Mail
1. Open your email
2. Create a new folder by clicking "Add
new" in the mail folder section on the left
of your email page, then enter the folder
3. Create a filter for incoming email by
pressing the Option > Create filter link
4. Determin e the name of the filter, then
in the form entitled "From" fill in the email
address being filtered, for example
" Facebook"
E-mail is a letter via electronic media. Actually email is
an abbreviation of "Electronic mail". Via email we can
send electronic mail in the form of text or a

combination of images, which are sent from one email

address to anot her address on t he internet ne twor k.
mail can connect us with anyone connected to

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