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Social Network

CC 4157
Lakshminarayana Sadineni
Assistant Professor
Department of IoT & IS

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1. Introduction to Social Web[1]: Nodes, Edges and Network measures, Describing Nodes and Edges, Describing
Networks, Layouts
2. Visualizing Network Features [1]: The role of Tie Strength, Measuring Tie Strength, Tie Strength and Network
Structure, Tie Strength and Network Propagation, Link Prediction, Entity Resolution
3. Link Prediction[1]: Case Study Friend Recommendation, Introduction to Community Discovery, Communities
in Context, Quality Functions;
4. Algorithms[2]: The Kernighan-Lin algorithm, Agglomerative Algorithms, Spectral Algorithms, Multi-level
Graph Partitioning, Markov Clustering, Other Approaches;
5. Introduction to Social Influence[2]: Influence Related Statistics, Social Similarity and Influence, Homophile,
Existential Test for Social Influence, Influence and Actions, Influence and Interaction, Influence Maximization in
Viral Marketing.
Reference Textbooks
6. J. Goldbeck, Analyzing the Social Web, Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.
7. C. C. Aggarwal, Social Network Data Analytics, Springer, 2011.

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Community Detection

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Social Networks: Community Detection
• Social Networks
• Evolve over time
• Embeds important patterns causing the growth
• Patters exhibit strong modular nature or community

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Social Networks: Community Detection
• Social Communities
• People with similar interests tend to gravitate towards
each other
• People that share similar traits become associated in
communities, clusters or groups
• Within Community – frequent interactions
• Outside community – less frequent interactions
• Communities should be identified and studied

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Social Networks: Community Detection
• Network Science: Study of complex relationship networks provides
insights on Structures, Properties, emergent behaviors
• Community Detection
• uncovers and explains important network or sub-network
(community) structures
• Motifs (depicts) at multiple topological and temporal (time lined)
• Is useful for predicting the emergent, critical, and causal nature of
networks in a dynamic setting
• discovers groups in a network where individuals’ group
memberships are not explicitly given
• Edges between nodes can help determine communities
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Community Detection

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Social Networks: Community Detection
• Communities in Social Networks
• Community structures are common in real networks
• Social networks include community groups based on
common location, interests, occupation, etc.
• Ex: Student networks form communities by study groups,
sports activities or extra-curricular activities.
Citation networks form communities by research topic.
• Identifying the community sub structures within a
network can provide insight into how network function
and topology affect each other.

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Social Networks: Community Detection
• Communities in Social Networks
• Various studies are conducted on human social networks
like, political, sports and activity clubs, government
• Along side study of human social networks, zoologists and
biologists also begun to study the social behavior of
animals and sea creatures.
• Ex: Lion Prides

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Social Networks: Community Detection
• Communities in Social Networks
• An interdisciplinary team comprising zoologists and
computer scientists have studied the social behavior of
• Insights revealed
• the identification of influential herd leaders within
• the evolutionary behavior of the resulting social network
of zebras
• significantly increased understanding of how these
animals communicate and socialize to survive
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Social Networks: Community Detection
• Communities in Social Networks
• There is most likely a path from one vertex to another
vertex within a community through the vertices that are
also part of the same community.
• For the Sample network (to the
right) the internal densities of
the two communities are 0.26 and
0.24; the external densities are
0.035; the overall network density
is 0.14.

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Social Networks: Community Detection
• Internal and External Community Densities

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Next Lecture
• Community Discovery Algorithms (Various chapters from Textbook 2)
• After midterm examination.

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Thank You  …..

Any Questions?

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