Semana 5 Tamaulipas

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First inhabitants
The Chichimecas, the Huastecas, managed to domesticate animals. The nutritional base of each
group depended on their degree of development, but there were elements common to all, such as
corn , beans , chili and pumpkin, as well as hunting and fishing animals that constituted a
complement. Their fundamental system of preparing meals was to roast them or cook them in a
preheated stone oven . Meats were rarely boiled and the diet almost did not include other

 Little by little, miscegenation was

extended to eating habits. The
maguey now paid a non-religious
 In hot weather, the Spanish
introduced cold soup -gazpacho-
and in cold weather the good
chicken or beef broth.
Post independence and French intervention
• The French influence did not go unnoticed in the culinary field. You have to write down the cream
cheese, spinach, corn and carrot; beef with bechamel, tuna , crab or fish empanadas and meat pies ;
Frenchized drinks such as grapefruit, orange or fresh fruit punch , and the excellent wines and liquors that
were imported and freely trafficked in the area.
Tamaulipas has a mix of Mexican and not-so-Mexican cultures with regia influence such as machaca, cuts of
meat and goat, burritos from the US, moles from Veracruz, dishes with seafood from the Gulf and food with
pre-Hispanic influence from the Indians of the Huasteca.
The typical dishes
 Discada
 goat al pastor and baked goat  shrimp huatape
 Huilota or pigeon tamales in red chilli
 stuffed gorditas
 Tula enchiladas
 pork tamales  Torta de la barda
 roast pork
 the symbolic carne asada a la tampiqueña
 dried meat with egg.
 stuffed crabs
 crab salpicón
 Ceviches
 seafood soups and shrimp cooked in different ways
Desserts and drinks
 Pulque
 Pemole  Mezcal
 Camargo tile corn atole
 corn flour donuts
 Guapilla water
 gorditas sweetened with piloncillo
 sweet potato with pineapple
 cocada with pineapple and walnut
 delicious crystallized fruits,
 nopal jam.

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