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Facilities Improvement Plan Pamela Tyson FRIT 7132 November 30, 2011

About the WCES Media Center

Constructed in 1999

Title I School
10 Consecutive Years Meeting A.Y.P. 90 Staff Members

850 Students
Pre-K through Fifth Grade PACE and Jump Start Programs

One Full Time Media Specialist

One Full Time Media Clerk

Original Media Center Floor Plan

The WCES MC is considered the heart of WCES. It is centrally located at the front of the school. Information literacy is taught on a daily basis through the use of student specials. Faculty and students have access to its technological and literary resources.

Pros and Cons

Positive Attributes
Large area with areas

Negative Attributes
Front entrance access is

dedicated to specific functions Allows for 2-3 classes to utilize MC simultaneously All areas are easily supervised due to high visibility Media Clerk also has M. Ed. and is a retired MS

blocked to students and faculty due to doors being locked Minimal traffic flow options Flexible Schedule is actually fixed due to specials rotations Some shelf and floor spaces are not being used at all

Environmental Elements
Color themes are non-existent
Teacher Resource room is under utilized due to

location Laminator room is dedicated to a sole laminating machine, limiting the multi-purpose potential of valuable square footage Check In and Check Out stations are self serve Lighting is strictly florescent, non conducive to high population density of autistic and special needs students

Monochromatic wood and gray color schemes on all

furnishings No soft seating No work or study space available for student use or teacher collaboration Computers are centrally located and may be occupied by a specials class Markers are hard to locate and read Character silhouettes hanging from ceiling and tree silhouettes can be viewed as scary by younger students

Teacher work room is equipped with two copiers, often

malfunctioning A/V Room is located in another area of the building Ample laptops are available for student use in the MC Each teacher is provided with an iPad for class Three projection screens or Smart Boards are available for lessons in the MC

Students are prohibited from using the two doors at

the front entrance of the MC. The back double doors are the only unlocked entrance and exit points accessible to students and faculty. The teacher work room is often inaccessible because the MC is locked after student hours Laminator is only available two days per week Students have to walk around computers and media carts to enter the MC

Main Entrance Views

Facing the front of the MC Facing the back of the MC

Self Serve
Check Out Check In

Scary Ceiling and Walls Monochromatic Furniture

Soft Seating
Table Options The Alternative

Book Sections
Reference Biography

Book Sections
Fiction Non Fiction

Student Stations
Computer Station Catalog Station

Revised Media Center Floor Plan

The new WCES MC offers a more inviting environment. Furnishings provide a variety of purposes such as individual support groups, small groups, and collaboration areas. Side rooms have been restructured to support a study hall, machine room, teacher resource room and a class/faculty meeting room.

Modifications and Changes

Student Influences
A quiet place to think when I

Staff Influences
What, we have a Title I Resource Room. Wheres that? ~Relocation and new design for Title I and teacher resource room It just feels crowded. You cant even just walk in the door and take your class where you want. You have to go around everything else first! ~ Traffic flows cleared at front and rear entrances Id love to take my whole class in there. But, they just cant stay focused with all of the distractions. ~ Addition of Quiet Class/Meeting Room I mean just because she goes home at 4:30, doesnt mean I get to. ~ Longer access hours for faculty needs

read. ~ Study Hall I just want to get comfy. ~ Soft, portable seating It looks boring and kind of scary in there. ~ Colorful plants, furniture, seating, shelving, and rugs You know, we arent always playing when we talk. Sometimes we are actually working on our stuff.~ Group collaboration areas

Improved Environmental Elements

Modern, colorful book shelves and seating Soft and welcoming collaboration areas Machine room with extended access hours Addition of study hall, quiet class rooms, and collaborations areas Reference, biography, and computer work stations relocated to the quieter nonfiction side Literacy activities area with dedicated Smart Screen Walls repainted and decorated with student artwork. Each wall is dedicated to a certain grade level that is commissioned for the month.

Improved Furnishings
Brightly colored book shelves in the fiction area
Soft seating that may be relocated by students Addition of conference style tables and office desks

Computers are still centrally located for class work,

however additional computers can now be accessed for individual work in other areas of the media center Graphics added to Dewey decimal system for easier understanding

Teacher work room is cleared of machines to make

room for collaboration and resource materials A/V Room remains located in another area of the building Additional laptops are purchased for student use How To classes are held on Web 2.0 technologies on a quarterly basis Vending machines are added to the machine room

Students and teachers may now enter from front or

rear with no obstacles in the traffic flow Access hours for teacher resource and work rooms are extended Laminator is accessible on a daily basis in the machine room

Perfecting Media Center Policies

Current Policies in Need of Updating or Revisions and Possible Solutions

The classroom teacher will maintain responsibility for the

entire class during visits to the media center and will participate in delivery of instruction to meet the purpose of the visit as needed (p. 15) Administration needs to enforce this district policy so that the MS will be able to operate on a truly flexible schedule.
Due to the complicated nature of technology hardware and

software, it is strongly suggested that the media specialist contact the Technology Department prior to placing any such purchases (p. 44). Media Specialist should be allowed to purchase certain types of technology hardware and software with prior approval from administration. However, it is still advisable to contact the Technology Department so as not to duplicate or interfere with efforts in place.

Additions to Policies
Several additions that are specific to the Media Center may

be necessary to accomplish a more complete P & P Manual. Mission and Vision Statement Goals and Objectives Help and Other Resources Suggested Hours of Operation for Students and Faculty Suggested Compensation of Overtime for School Functions Personnel required are at least one full time MS and one full time Media Clerk

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