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Lesson 3: How do digital

devices help us?

Year 3 – Computing systems and networks – Connecting computers


Lesson 3: How do digital devices help us?

To recognise how digital devices can change the way that we work
● I can explain how I use digital devices for different activities
● I can recognise similarities between using digital devices and using non-digital tools
● I can suggest differences between using digital devices and using non-digital tools

Can you think of a digital version of these two things?

Activity 1

What can you use a digital device for?

Activity 1

Do devices have one purpose?

Digital camera Laptop computer Games console Smartphone

Take pictures

Write a story

Play a game

Make a phone call

Send a message
Activity 2

Painting or digital painting?

Activity 3

● How did you feel about doing the activities?
● Which method did you prefer?
● Which bits did you find easier or harder in each activity?
● How did you fix mistakes in each activity?
● What input devices did you use?
● Do you think all artists would use a computer if they had access to one?
● Do you need to be good at using a computer in order to produce good art?

“I used a paint program on my digital device to create a picture that I can display in the

This is different to using paints and paintbrushes because I can edit my picture by
changing colours or using the ‘undo’ function.”

How is writing similar and different on a digital device?

I use a ________ to ___________ so that
I can ________________.

This is different to __________ because I

can ___________.

Are there times when it’s better to use a non-

digital tool rather than a digital device?

How confident are you? (1–3)

● I can explain how I use digital
3 – Very confident
devices for different activities
● I can recognise similarities between
using digital devices and using non-
2 – Unsure
digital tools
● I can suggest differences between
using digital devices and using non-
1 – Not confident
digital tools

Next lesson
In this lesson, you… Next lesson, you will…

Compared digital and non-digital tools for Explore how digital devices can be
tasks that you do regularly connected and use your own connections
to send messages around the room

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