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Thermal Properties :

Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Stress

 Heat is energy that transfers between two materials due to temperature differences.

 Heat flows from the object of higher temperature to the object of lower temperature until
thermal equilibrium is achieved.

Methods of heat transfer:

Conduction- heat is transfer via direct contact
Convection- heat is transfer
via motion

Radiation - Atoms and molecules

release electromagnetic radiation,
which is a form of energy that can
travel through the vacuum of
Thermal Conductivity
 Is a measure of how easily heat energy moves through a material or
how well that material can transfer heat.
 It depends on thermal properties of material.
 Watts/meter x Kelvin (W/mK).


 Objects with high thermal conductivity are good conductors.

 Object with low thermal conductivity are good insulator
Thermal Conductivity
How heat moves through a material:
 As heat diffuses through the material, a temperature gradient exists
across the material from the end closest to the heat source to the end
farthest from it.
 As heat moves through the material and before equilibrium is
achieved, the end closest to the heat source will be the warmest, and
the temperature will decrease linearly to its lowest level at the far end.
 How well heat can move though an object depends not only on that
object's conductivity, but on the size and shape of the object as well.
Thermal conductance:

Where ​A​is the cross-sectional area of the material, ​L​is the length and κ is
the thermal conductivity. The SI units of conductance are W/K (watts per
Kelvin). This allows for an interpretation of κ as the thermal conductance
of a unit area per unit thickness.
Thermal resistance:

This is simply the inverse of conductance. Resistance is a measure of how

much opposition there is to the heat energy passing through. Thermal
resistivity is likewise defined as 1/κ.
Heat Transfer Rate:
The rate at which heat energy (Q) moves through the length (L)of the
material when the temperature difference between the ends is (ΔT) is
given by the formula:
Thermal conductivity:

1.A 0.35-m long metal bar with a circular cross-section that has a radius of 0.025 meters is placed so that
it connects a block of ice at 273 K and a reservoir of room-temperature water at 295 K. If the rate of heat
transfer is initially found to be 10 Joules per second, what is the thermal conductivity of the metal?

2.An aluminum rod and a copper rod of equal length 2.0 m and cross-sectional area 2 cm2 are welded
together in parallel. One end is kept at a temperature of 10 °C and the other at 30 °C. Calculate the amount
of heat taken out per second from the hot end. (Thermal conductivity of aluminum is 200 W ⁄ m °C and of
copper is 390 W ⁄ m °C).
Thermal Stress
The stress produced by any change in the temperature of the material.
Induced in a body when the temperature of the body is raised or
lowered, and the body is not allowed to expand or contract freely.
Includes both heat and cold stress.
It is observed when an object expands or contracts due to a change in
Thermal stress formula:
 Consider a thermal conducting rod, on heating, the rod expands. The change in length
will be directly proportional to the amount of heat supplied and the coefficient of thermal
expansion. Thus, we can mathematically write thermal stress as:

 L is the length in metres
 Ti is the initial temperature in °C
 Tf is the final temperature in °C
 ΔT=Tf-Ti is the change in temperature in °C
 α is coefficient of thermal expansion
(Coefficient of thermal expansion defines the rate at which shape/physical
dimensions of object changes according to change in temperature. It varies from
one material to another)
For a homogeneous rod mounted between unyielding supports as shown, the thermal stress
is computed as:

deformation due to temperature changes;

deformation due to equivalent axial stress;

where σ is the thermal stress in MPa, E is the modulus of elasticity of the rod in MPa.

If the wall yields a distance of x as shown, the following calculations will be made:
where σ represents the thermal stress.

Take note that as the temperature rises above the normal, the rod will be in compression, and
if the temperature drops below the normal, the rod is in tension.
Effects of Thermal Stress
 Can have a significant effect on the structural strength and stability if we do not
consider it correctly.
 The potential to creak cracks and breaks in various regions of major weakness
often occurs due to negligence in understanding Thermal stress.

One of the most common examples of thermal stress is the fracturing of glass that
occurs when we heat the glass to a high temperature and immediately dip into cold
water. The crack and fracture in the glass are different than the one that occurs as a
result of the impact.
Causes of Thermal Stress
 According to the laws of Thermodynamics, Thermal Stress is a mechanical process that
occurs due to the change in the internal temperature of an object.
 Under normal conditions, any rise in temperature causes additional stress.
 However, sometimes in addition to stress, thermal shock can also occur which causes the
sudden fracture or cracking of an object.

Example problem:
 A steel rod with a cross-sectional area of 0.25 in2 is stretched between two fixed points. The tensile
load at 70°F is 1200 lb. What will be the stress at 0°F? At what temperature will the stress be zero?
Assume α = 6.5 × 10-6 in / (in·°F) and E = 29 × 106 psi.
 A steel rod with a cross-sectional area of 0.25 in2 is stretched between two fixed points. The
tensile load at 70°F is 1200 lb. What will be the stress at 0°F? At what temperature will the
Example problem: stress be zero? Assume α = 6.5 × 10-6 in / (in·°F) and E = 29 × 106 psi.

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