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Team 3
This presentation was made for
the purpose of learning Stage 2
Name Author Year

Write the name of the book Author's name XXXX

Write the name of the book Author's name XXXX

My book wishlist
Write the name of the book Author's name XXXX

Write the name of the book Author's name XXXX

Write the name of the book Author's name XXXX

Write the name of the book Author's name XXXX

Write the name of the book Author's name XXXX

Write the name of the book Author's name XXXX

Write the name of the book Author's


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The Stars of the Universe

The molt shine star reminds of you when i'm appreciating
the sky in the forest. Ayari everithing remines me you,
Ayari is a pretty gril but… She is with a bad man, and I
love her, I'm sad, I try to get her attention, she has a best
friend… Richy, he always listen to her, gives her his pinta
of view, mates her smile but what she doesn't Knowles is
that he is in love with her!!
Richy want's to say that to ayari, but he thinks of boys
what he feds it could and very badly becousr her boyfriend
is a very bad person and he can killed him, to anyways
Richy plucks up the courage to confess his love to her and
ides to go looking for her when he friends her boyfriend, he
asks her to talk.
Diego, friend of Richy arrived where his friend was and he
talk to him about his love for Ayari, and Richy realized he
didn’t like she, he was Just confused about his feding and
thank to diego, richy didn’t confess his “ love ”
Once upon a time there was a mysterious boy, there
were some rumors that he was dangerous and cruel
even to the point of killing, people thought he was crazy.
And that wasn't a complete lie, he did things without
thinking and regretted doing them after. Madness filled
his brain not letting the rational thoughts come out to the
surface. He kidnapped people in a house, tortured them
and hid the bodies in the garage, one day a friend of his
went to his house and saw all the bodies so he tried to
make the boy realize that what he was doing was wrong.
After a lot of talking, he finally convinced the boy and
tried to help him to fix his error by burying the bodies, but
just when they were doing that, they saw that the bodies
started moving but didn't think much of it considering that
it was late at night, they thought they were seeing things.
But after burning them with fire the bodies started
moving rapidly and towards them, they knew that this
time was for real and fought against them, that way they
managed to save the city from the zombie invasion that
almost occurred.
A broken men with
broken dreams
There was a time, living a lonley men, he lost his
family in an accident, so he has to go to another
city called “A city of broken dreams” He doesnt
know how this city is called city of a broken dreams
becouse the city is a really pacefully place and the
city didnt deserve this name. But he doesnt know,
in the inside of the people, is pure madness, and he
was looking for answers about the name of the
cityComing to town in the city around people drive
by madness id for her sister, MaricelaBut the real
problem is that the person who was trapped in the
city of broken dreams was maricela’s fatherThen a
súper hero or angelguy arrived unexpectedly who
brought us a soluction End.
“The gold in
the sand”
Once upon a time, There were some children who where
orphaned them are Matt and Patrick, and walking through a
small town for several days, they found a little house that
was disabled, then they entered although they found things
from a man from a long time ago who lived There, they
found things about the man who lived There who
apparently was a fisherman, they found an adress of a
house that was in front of the shore of the sea, There was
a boat in front of the house in which he said he wanted to
find gold in the sea.
They went to the adress of the boat and found a treasure,
but in this There was nothing inside, it was just a bad
move, they dug up to the x and the found a box from which
I had a little money, they didn’t agree so much that after so
much search they only found very little in the end, Patrick
kept half the money and the other part Matt.
The human
Devick is in love with music, especially Junior H,
and his mother doesn't understand and criticizes
him for it, making him feel weird. On the other
hand, his aunt is very understanding and gives
Devick advice on how to explain his love for
music to his mother.At one point, Devick's aunt
arrives to set things right and asks his mother to
understand and accept his love for music. In the
end, the mother understands Devick's love for
music and accepts his passion.
Thanks for
Team 3

Stage 2

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