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Using Intuitive

Thinking in
Once perceived as unscientific for
not being backed up by hard facts,
data, and careful planning, the body
of literature and documentation on
intuitive thinking can be applied in a
variety of activities and for different
1. Interpreting the meaning of one’s body
language or facial expression

At a high school prom that Annie was attending,

everybody was engrossed in merriment. The boys and girls
were dancing, laughing, eating, and making fun. Nobody,
except Annie, noticed that one girl was feeling so
uncomfortable that she was almost crying. She was actually
the subject of jokes because of her attire. Annie approached
here, held her, and invited her to the dining table. The girl
thanked Annie for saving her from further humiliation.
Saving lives in the battlefield
Two soldiers, Phil and Justin, were fighting the rebels. They
were buddies for a long time at the camp and had fought together in
the past. They did not leave each other no matter what. This time,
however, Phil felt that they were in extreme danger of losing their
lives as the fighting intensified in an unfamiliar terrain.
Reinforcement was one to two hours away and the situation was
getting worse. Phil, following his intuition, pushed Justin on a trench
and he himself ducked swiftly. Bullets passed above them as they
remained in their positions. Phil’s intuitive thinking saved them.
Coming up with a new or a more efficient way of
doing things to sort out the piles of music
Mercy is a music library assistant. She was asked
nc e sh e ha d on ly th e wh ol e da y do to th is tas k,
sheets that have been in storage. Si
op tim ize he r tim e. Fi rst , sh e m ad e fo ur gr ou pi ng s to wh ich
she thought of a way to
A- F, G- M , N- S, an d T- Z. Fo r th e fir st ro un d
she would alphabetize the music sheets.
sh ee ts sta rti ng wi th th e let ter s A, B, C, D, E , an d F
of sorting, she put all music
un de r th e A- F grou p, an d so on , no t m in di ng ye t th e co rre ct
alpha be tiz ed or de r. Th en sh e rec orde d th e tit les on th e
compu ter sp re ad sh ee t pr og ra m in clu di ng all de tai ls su ch
as composer, lyricist, and arranger. She used the
alphabetizing function of the spreadsheet to help her do
the second round of sorting the music sheets. Aft this,
she pu t th em in th e m usic sh ee t ca bi ne t an d lab ele d
each drawer accordingly. She accomplished the task
before the working day end.
Hiring the head of the human resource department
Jal was starting a small company, and he needed to hire a manager for
the human resource (HR) department. Jal shortlisted the applicants to two
and later interviewed each one. Cindy has a master’s degree in sociology
and Maxine has a master’s degree in psychology. Cindy had a two-year
experience as assistant head of a personnel department while Maxine was
the head of the HR department in his previous company. Both applicants
presented good scholastic records and high performance evaluation ratings.
But Jal could sense that Cindy was better suited for the job given her
pleasant disposition, humility, and positive outlook which stood out during
the interview. She also showed the capacity to look beyond the physical
appearance of a person and was not overly conscious of her position. When
Jal gave a hypothetical situation to both, only Cindy was willing to do the
cleaning chores when necessity arises, while Maxine answered in the
negative. Because of her good attitude and work ethics which supported
Jal’s hunch, Cindy got the job.
Choosing a song for

Nico was competition

one of the finalists in a provincial
singing competition. He chose “My Way” by Frank
Sinatra to be his final song. He practiced it daily and
did vocal exercises to improve his diction and deep
breathing. A week before the event, his aunt brought
her a recording of the song “This is the Moment” and
insisted that he sing this song as his final song in the
competition. Without hesitation and using his gut
feeling, Nico agreed. True enough, his rendition of the
song made him the new champion of the contest that
Key Components
Of Strategic
Committed Strategic
People alternatives

ti o n an d
Long-term choice of
strategic Monitoring of strategies
objectives strategy
Committed People

The initial step in strategic planning is getting the right people

at the right time. They are essential in effectively carrying out a
strategy. These people are comprise the management staff, and
stakeholders. They are also called engagers.
Long-term strategic objectives

The objectives are poised to enhance the organization’s

performance. There is a need to identify the beneficiaries (owners,
shareholders, members) who will receive the benefit from the
gains brought by improved efficiency in the operations and
delivery of services of the organization. The people involved in
setting the objectives are referred to as aimers.
Strategic alternatives
The planning time teams should be able to derive options from
brainstorming and SWOT Analysis. These alternatives may be of
higher quality than the current strategy or may enable the
organization to respond with eases, speed, and effectiveness when
changes occur in the environment.
Evaluation and choice of strategies
The process of formulating a strategy involves evaluating and
picking out which strategies could facilitate the attainment of long-
term improvements. It should include all those revealed by the
SWOT Analysis of the organization. From the evaluation of
alternative strategies, options which are superior to the current
approach may be found, and change for the organization’s
improvement can be undertaken. Those who participate in
searching for and selecting strategic alternatives are called option
Monitoring of strategy implementation
There should be a plan for formal and regular reporting and other
measures of plan implementation. These will enable the
organization to know whether or not the plan is carried out
properly and the objectives are met. The monitoring system should
provide ample room for correction when improper implementation
of the strategies is observed and when objectives are not being
met. Strategizers are those who implement and monitor the
strategy. An organization can produce semiannual and annual
reports to monitor any improvements.
Key Components
Of Intuitive
Immediacy Sensing

refers to the timing in intuitive thinking. The time involved in
intuitive thinking is quick. Decisions, actions, and solutions come
up fast without planning or deliberation. Baylor quotes George
Mandler, labeling immediacy as “mind popping” when thoughts
ideas and solutions “come to mind nondeliberately when one is
engaged in some other, usually irrelevant, train of thought.”
Sensing Relationship

refers to the establishment or formulation of connections

among ideas. This is basic to intuition. The stablishemnt of
connections is associated with a person’s knowledge that implies
his or her expertise.
Two mechanics are applied in establishing connections and making

1. Inductive reasoning- formulates connections and arrives at

conclusions from the parts to the whole or from particular to
general. It infers genelized conclusions from particular instances.
When you have seen teenagers sleeping at daytime in the underpass,
poorly dressed women building and gossiping at high noon, or
tattooed men playing cards in the market, you would conclude that
poor people are lazy. You start to associate laziness with poverty
based on these situations which you have observed separately.
2. Deductive Reasoning- formulates connections starting from
general to particular or from the whole to the parts. If you already
generalized that all mathematicians are killjoys, nerds, or
intellectuals who are poor in social interaction, then you look for the
specific proofs to back this up. Most probably you will look for a
mathematician who avoids going to parties, a mathematician who
prefers to read alone in the library, or a mathematician who rather
enjoys solving algebraic and trigonometric problems than playing
basketball with peers.
Intuition involves a certain type of reasoning. In analytical
reasoning, you start from a concept or idea, the move to things
associated with it. From the concept of a rose, you may think of a
bridal bouquet, a vase to hold it, a wreath, a hair ornament, or a
flower garden. In intuitive thinking, you constantly focus on the
concept of itself. So when you see a rose, you think of its color,
scent, petal, texture, thorny stem, and other characteristic. You
think of its possible uses such as being a perfume because of its
sweet scent. In intuitive thinking, judgment happens quickly and
Element Strategic Analysis Intuitive Thinking

Logic Logical mind needed Logical mind not needed

Reason Starts from an idea or concept and moves on to what

can be associated with it Focuses on the idea or concept
and its attributes
Center Brain-centered Heart-centered

Basis Hard facts, data, instructions Hunch, instinct, gut feeling

Time Needs time to finish in one or more Spontaneous, quick, finished at

sittings or sessions
one time
Tools SWOT Analysis, PEST Analysis, Experiences
other analytical tools
Planning Well-planned unplanned
Using Intuitive

Social Networks
Thinking in
Are composed of relations with
government officials, student
government, and community leaders,
among others.
You belong to cover the manufacturers,
agents, and sellers of the goods you consume
such as those in shores, groceries, markets,
and malls as well as money lenders.
Those belonging to your dance troupe, choir,
reading club, band, arts club, or theater
company. Kinship ties, neighborhood
associations, friendship clubs, and veterans
associations also belong to the social network
wherein people constantly engage in close
communication and interaction through visits,
•Appear as clusters and
support groups of people
who share similar
interests, backgrounds,
and real-life connections.
They are avenues for
meeting new friends,
reuniting with old and
lost friends, exchanging
gifts and favors, and
developing cooperation.
The value one can derive from
social connections which are
characterized by trust,
cooperation, doing things for each
other, and other beneficial
relations. One can have access to
or knowledge about certain
information, people, and services
due to social capital. It enables
people to work together, assist
each other, and care for one
another due to the trust and
confidence they have built
between and among themselves.
•Center of Influence
•This is the person to whom people
gravitate around. This person can give
favors, can command and make things

•Examples: mayor, judge, barangay

captain, school principal, university
president among others.

•In this, influence transcends the

boundaries of social networks and thus
reaches other kind of networks. A
center of influence has many people
and institutions attached to him or her,
thereby creating a substantial influence
in the community.
At the community level, social capital is
manifested when more and more residents
became involved in community projects
(such as bayanihan activities, gardening,
beautification, livelihood and feeding
program) due to the good leadership
exhibited by the community officials. The
community officials likewise provide
avenues such as monthly assemblies,
festivities, and gatherings for the residents
to know one another better and develop
trust, cooperation, and reciprocity. It is
easier for the residents to support each
other and the community officials by
engaging themselves in community
projects. A community that lacks social
capital is reflected by uncooperative and
indifferent residents, who are suspicious of
one another and unresponsive to the call
for community development.

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