The Rise of America

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The United States of America is the

most powerful Nation on Earth .
America entered World War II as just
one of the great military power but it
ended World War II as the dominant
force In the World
If you look at the size of
the U.S economy it is far ahead of
the rest of the world while Japan
stands at 4.4 trillion dollars China
stands at 19.4 trillion dollars but the
United States alone is so far ahead
that it’s bigger than both these
economies combined at 26.9 trillion
Military Spending
United States is
undoubtedly the most powerful nation in
the world and the military budget of the
United States is so freaking big that their
military spending is literally more than the
next nine countries military budget combined
and most importantly the American Army
is so powerful today that they protect more
than 65 countries and has 700 bases all across
the world the question is how on Earth did a
single country go on to become so powerful
what was their geopolitical strategy ?
Why is the US dollar in the reserve currency in the world?

Because in 1945 Franklin Roosevelt

met with the Saudi king and in this
meeting while the U.S guaranteed the
security of the Saudis the Saudis agreed
to sell oil in the US dollars so even
today everybody has U.S dollars because
it could buy you the most valuable
commodity of the century which Is Oil
United States did not participate in the war
until the fact end and acted as a war
Merchant rather than a war participant now
what does this mean while all the big
Empires were busy fighting and dedicating
all of their Manpower and resources to
Warfare the United States used all of its
capital and Manpower into becoming a
major supplier of cotton wheat brass rubber
automobiles machinery and thousands of
other Goods as a result the United States
experienced one of the greatest economic
booms in the world .
Elements that makes you a super powerful
US excelled at all these attributes first of all the US built the most formidable
military in the world with the most advanced technology ever seen by mankind
and using this military power they got the world extremely dependent on their
military protection and you would be shocked to know that today the United
States has 750 military facilities in 80 Nations and territories all across the world
and no other country in human history has had such a dominating presence across
the world and they established this powerful Network through five ways the first
type of basis they established were in countries like Germany Japan and Italy
because they lost the world war and the United States over here acted as a
protector who would prevent another Uprising so Japan acted as its foothold in
Asia Germany acted as a foothold in Europe and Italy did the same in
Mediterranean Sea on top of that the U. S

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