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Firts class

Introduction to English
What to do to form my first sentences?
•Let's look at some
vocabulary first!

• Bread
• Sliced bread
• Brazilian cheese bread
• Toast
• Butter
• milk
• juice
• cheese
• Rice
• Beans
• Steak
• Salad
• Pasta
• French fries
• Mashed potatoes
• Carrot
• Corn
• Lettuce
• Soup
• Noodles
• Hamburger
• Pizza
• Tomato and lettuce salad
• Water
• Soda
• Orange juice
• Coke
Candy or Dessert
• Ice Cream
• Cake
• Lollipop
• Gummy bears
Okay now...

•What to do to form my
first sentences?

•Eat - COMER
•Drink - BEBER
•Let´s separate
We have the following people in English.
• You
• She
• He
• It
• We
• They
• I (eu)
• You (você)
• She (ela)
• He (ele)
• It (ela/ele para objetos e animais)
• We (nos)
• They (eles/elas)
• First person

• Second person

• Third person
• First person I (eu)

• Second person You (você), We (nos), They (eles/elas)

• Third person She (ela), He(ele), It (ele ou elapara objetos e animais)

Let's use the following verbs:

•Eat (COMER)

•Drink (BEBER)
Let's use the following verbs:

•I eat
•She eats

•You drink
•He drinks
Let's use the following verbs:

•I eat
•She eats

•You drink
•He drinks
Let's put it in a few sentences
• I drink soda.
• I drink orange juice and eat steak.
• She eats chocolate cake and you?
• He drinks hot coffee and she drinks cold water.
• I eat bread with butter and you?
We can use it for any verb and to say
• I like to use the computer for my work.
• You like to talk to your mother.
• She works as a salesperson.
•Let's see some rules
that we should
Verbos terminados em -o, -z, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x
• to teach (ensinar) - teaches
• to watch (assistir) - watches
• to push (empurrar) - pushes
• to kiss (beijar) - kisses
• to go (ir) - goes
• to fix (consertar) - fixes
Verbos terminados em -y precedido de
• Retira-se o -y e acrescenta-se -ies

• Exemplos:

• to fry (fritar) - fries

• to fly (voar) - flies
• to study (estudar) - studies
• to worry (preocupar-se) - worries
Verbos terminados em -y precedido de vogal
• Acrescenta-se somente o -s.

• Exemplos:

• to say (dizer) - says

• to play (brincar; jogar) - plays
How to ask questions?


How to ask questions?

•Do -I (eu), you (você), They(eles

e elas),we(nos)

•Does -She (ela), He (ele), It (ele

e ela para animais e objetos)
• Do you like computers?
• Does she like bread with butter or bread with cheese?
• Does he rides a bike?
• Do you drink soda or coffee at lunch?
•Do you like computers?
•Yes I do!
•Does she like bread with butter or
bread with cheese?
She likes bread with butter.
•Does he rides a bike?
•Yes he does
•Do you drink soda or coffee at lunch?
•I drink soda.

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