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Nowadays, the English language is often use in formal communication. The English language in doing business with different countries.

Because the English language is an inter- national language.

According to Wil (2014). English becomes the international communication since it was successfully dominated in the world of

globalization. Since English is foreign language in our country most student especially senior high school student are not familiar with it here in the

Philippines (Hetrakul,2008).

Therefore, it is a challenge for student learn it thoroughly because there are still many students who still have difficulty speaking the English


English language is very important bridge to connect learning to the learners but until today the language faces a lot of problems when it

comes to student. Most students find English as one of the difficult languages to learners that why English most of G-10, G-11, G-12 students of Datu

Sailila National High School cannot easily express themselves in speaking English they learn how it speak but they hide to perform speaking. In this

study the researchers observe that many students of Datu Sailila National High School are facing a lot of negative circumstances when it comes to

English language. In the classroom setting the teachers commonly used combined English with Tagalog because mostly students find it hard to

understand and to speak the language so the instructor itself must adjust in order for his/her students to learn. The observation of the researchers agrees

to the fact that English Language although it is known as the 2nd Language and widely understood inside the school ground only few students can

really understand and can speak the English Language fluently.

This study aimed to determine the various factors that contribute to the difficulties
encountered by students when speaking English. The study will delve into aspects such as the
learning environment, teaching methods, student motivation, cultural influences, and individual
linguistic backgrounds. The objective is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges
faced by students and to propose effective strategies for overcoming these obstacles. By
examining these factors, we hope to improve English language teaching and learning processes,
ultimately enhancing students' English-speaking skills.
Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the Factors that Affecting student difficulty in speaking English at
Datu Sailila National High School
This study sought to answer the following questions:
1.Socio demographic profile of student
a. Age
b. Gender
c. Grade level
2. To what extent is the level of difficulties in term of:
a. Linguistic factor
b. Psychological factor
c. Environmental factor
Hypothesis of the Study

There is no significant difference on the factors affecting students difficulty in

speaking English
Significance of the Study

This study would be beneficial to the following:

Student. The student will learn how to deal with factors they affecting and why have difficulty speaking the
English language and they will have the knowledge to be good at using the English language
Teacher. They Will have an idea or knowledge about the reasons why there are student who still have
difficulty speaking, and they will have an idea of how to teach the student so that the student becomes good
at speaking English.
School Admin. The school admin can have an idea of what to focus attention on to help the students become
more proficient in speaking English.
And the last is the Student who will one day becomes researcher they will got an idea for their research that
related to our topic.
Scope and Delimitation

This study focused only to determine the factors affecting students difficulty in speaking
English. The respondents of this study will be the Grade 10,11,12 students of Datu Sailila National High
School for S.Y 2023-2024.
Theoretical Framework

Speaking is the most important elements for students when their learning english language. Jeremy
Harmer (2007:343) says that of students want to be able to pronounce phonems correctly use appropriate
stress and intonation patterns and speak in connected speech.
Tuan and Mai (2015) point out that speaking performance condition (time, pressure, planning,
standard of performance and amount of support) affecting factors (such as motivation, confidence and
anxiety) listening ability, topical knowledge and feedback during speaking activities.
Afebri and Muhsin (2019) pointed out that three difficulties in learning to speak are affective,
linguistic, and performance conditon, but it is actually the most difficult factors are pronunciation, grammar,
listening, and even confidence. Similarly, Riadil (2020) claimed that factors that can adversely affect a
students speach are linguistic problems such as low grammar knowledge, limited vocabulary and for
pronunciation. While, students psychological problems are seen as a loss of self confidence, insecurity, and
Conceptual framework

Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing significant relationship between factors affecting students

difficulty in speaking English.

Research Design

The researcher used descriptive survey questionnaire to describe the factors

affecting students difficulty in speaking English.

Respondents of the Study

The respondent of this study were the thirty (30) selected student of Grade 10, Grade 11, and Grade 12 at

Datu Sailila National High School. The total of random sampling was used in this study.
Locale of the Study

This study was conducted to the student of DSNHS at Banaba Datu Abdullah Sangki
Maguindanao Del Sur. There were thirty (30) respondents, ten (10) respondents came from the Grade 10,
ten (10) came from the Grade 11, and the remaining ten (10) respondents came from Grade 12.

The Research Instrument

To determine the factors affecting students difficulty in speaking English, the researcher used survey
questionnaire. The research questionnaire is adopted from the studied by Mai Hung Dong (2022), the title is
"A study on factors affecting of English majored students difficulties in their speaking performance.
Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher asked a permission from the Principals office to conduct this study. After his approval the
researcher likewise seek the permission of the advisers.

A written permission approved by the school head was secured by the researcher prior to the administration
of the research instrument to the identified respondents.

After doing so, the researcher distributed the questionnaires to the respondents personally to allow her to
gather the needed data. Right after the respondents filled-up the questionnaire, the same was automatically retrieved.

After the instruments was retrieved, the data was collected, tallied, analyzed using the quantitative
approaches. The data was presented in table and text after it was analyzed and interpreted.
Statistical Treatment

In this study, the statistical tools used in the data analysis were frequency count and percentage in
interpreting the profiles of the respondents. Mean was used in interpreting the factors affecting students difficulty in
speaking English of Grade 10, Grade 11, and Grade 12 students of DSNHS S.Y 2023-2024 using the four (4) points
scale below.

Scales Mean Description

1 3.50-4.00 Always

2 2.50-3.49 Often

3 1.50-2.49 Sometimes

4 1.00-1.49 Never

• Table 1. Showed the socio-demographic profile

of students in terms of age and gender.

• Age: Out of (30) respondents 8 (27%)

of the respondents are 16 years old followed by 6
(20%) of the respondents are 17 years old. 12
(40%) of the respondents are 18 years old 3
(10%) of the respondents are 19 years old 1 (3%)
of the respondents is 20 years old .

• Gender: In terms of gender 14 (46.7%) of the

respondents are Male and 16 (53%) are Female.
Most of our respondents are Female.
Table 2 In terms of difficulties related to the
linguistic factor. Item 1. My vocabulary knowledge is
not sufficient enough to orally produce ideas and
arguments about any topic, and 4. I find it difficult to
build sentences, I know the grammar but i cant put it
into a sentence. Has the highest mean of 2.17, and
2.17, respectively and interpreted as sometimes. While
the item 10. The main cause of my difficulty in
speaking English is fluency. Has the lowest mean of
1.84 and interpreted as sometimes.

The table 2 has an overall mean of 1.97 and

interpreted as sometimes which means not all the time
the student vocabulary knowledge is not sufficient
enough to orally produce ideas, arguments about any
topic and difficult to build sentences.
Table 3 In terms of difficulties related to the
psychological factor, Item 7. I am afraid that my
classmates and instructors will not understand what I
try to convey, and 5. I am lack of motivation to
speaking English, and 6. I feel embarrassed when
speaking English, has the highest mean of 2.1,2.2
respectively and interpreted as sometimes. While the
item 1. I cannot speak well in the classroom because
my self-confidence is low, has the lowest mean of
1.87 and interpreted as sometimes.

Table 3 has an overall mean of 1.74 and

interpreted as sometimes it means that not all the time
students cannot speak well because of low
confidence, afraid, pressure and fear of receiving
Table 4 In terms of difficulties
related to the environmental factor, Item 5. The
classes is so noisy, so I find it difficult to
concentrate, and Item 8. I feel that my cultural
background affects my English speaking
abilities, has the highest mean of 2.22 and
interpreted as sometimes. While the item 6.
Our classes are overcrowded has the lowest
mean of 1.26 and interpreted as never.

The table 4 has an overall mean of

1.85 and interpreted as sometimes which
means not all the time of student class is so
noisy, and the cultural background, that
happened why some student find it difficult to
concentrate in speaking English.

Summary of the Study

This study aimed to find out the factors affecting students difficulty in speaking English. Specially, it
sought to answer the following question, a.) Difficulties related to the linguistic factor, b.) Difficulties related to the
psychological factor, c.) Difficulties related to the environmental factors.
The researcher used descriptive survey utilizing correlational method of research. The descriptive survey is
a fact finding study with adequate and accurate interpretation, it is used to collect demographic data about the
peoples behavior, practices, intentions, beliefs, attitudes, opinions, judgement,, interest, perceptions and the like and
them such data are analyzed, organize and interpreted. (Calderon and Gonzales 2019) The data bejng gathered
extensively all about the factors affecting students difficulty in speaking English. This data was taken from survey
questionnaire which were made for further analysis.
The respondents of the study was the Grade 10, Grade 11 and Grade 12 students. The study was conducted
in Datu Sailila National High School.
Summary of Findings

Based from the statement of the problems posted in the first portion on the study, the summary of
findings was enumerated as follows:
1. On difficulties related to the linguistic factor has the overall mean of 1.97 which is interpreted as sometimes.
This means that the difficulties related to the linguistic factor is sometimes the cause of their difficulty in
speaking English
2. On difficulties related to the psychological factor has the overall mean of 1.74 which is interpreted as
sometimes. This means that the difficulties related to the psychological factor is sometimes the cause of their
difficulty in speaking English
3. On difficulties related to the environmental factors has the overall mean of 1.85 which is interpreted as
sometimes. This means that the difficulties related to the environmental factors is sometimes the cause of their
difficulty in speaking English

The study's major findings suggest that students’ difficulties in speaking English are
closely tied to their academic performance. These challenges are influence by linguistic,
psychological, and environmental factors. Addressing these factors through tailored
interventions and support programs can help students improved their English-speaking skills
On the basis of the summary of finding and conclusions of this study, the following
recommendations are formulated:

 Teacher should pay attention to shy student, encourage them to have strong confidence in speaking
specially in English, and train student in speaking English.
 Student should train himself in speaking English and study well how to be good in speaking English.
 Parents should encourage your children how they can be good at speaking English and help to how
they can be good at speaking English.
 Students who are good at speaking English, you should encourage and help your classmates how they
can also improve at speaking English.
 Students should have English conversation club.

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