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Layes, Jane Rose

Ronolo, Kassandra Kaye
cyber citizen
•Is defined as individual’s responsibilities
when using the internet.
•These responsibilities includes:
Respecting other’s rights
Being aware with the risks associated with
using the internet
Why is Cyber citizenship
•We can help make the internet safer and
more inclusive.
•On a global level , we can realize how
cyber citizenship is also crucial for
maintaining a healthy and stable
internet ecosystem.
Tips for becoming a more active
cyber citizen:
•Educate yourself on the latest technologies
and best practices for staying safe online.
•Be ware of the impact that your actions have
on others online.
•Set an example for others by being
respectful , responsible , and ethical when
using the internet.
7 Benefits of being a Cybercitizen
• Increased access to information , resources , and opportunities .
• Connectivity with friends , family and others
• Enhanced productivity
• Greater self- expression and creativity
• Better protection against cyber threats
• Greater personal security
• Improved overall well-being as the internet offers a wealth of
resources for learning

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